7 Daily Habits Of People Who Achieve Everything They Want, According To Psychology

In this modern world, humans need all the help they can get to achieve their goals.

Daily habits of a man who is achieving greatness. Diva Plavalaguna | Pexels

This is an elite list for a reason, and you don’t need to follow it to the tee. I am grateful for my wins, my successes, and my highs. But I am far more appreciative of my deepest lows, my bruises, and my cutting wounds.

The pain has been the greatest teacher I could ask for. There are many lessons I could pass on here, but there is only so much I can share.

Here are the 7 daily habits of people who achieve everything they want, according to psychology:

1. They get up early

man standing outdoors during sunrise Min An | Pexels

Beyond the joys of witnessing the slow stirring of life in the early morning, sunrises, and gaining back more time, a powerful sense of ownership comes from getting up early. Doing things that elite people do instantly makes you elite. 

You embody the figure of a leader. Wake when it’s dark. Your life will change.

Research suggests that waking up early can have many benefits, including mental health, productivity, and happiness. Studies referenced by Harvard Health Publishing suggest that waking up one hour earlier than usual can reduce the risk of major depression by 23%. 

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2. They don't consume alcohol or drugs

elderly couple drinking green juice T Leish | Pexels

Beer might seem manly, and there’s a sentimentality to the idea of men drinking alcohol. Cool, but it will also cloud your mind and often make you depressed.

Same with drugs, and don’t tell me about how it ‘eases your anxiety’ — it’s all an excuse and makes it worse. 

Elite people know that the real reward isn’t in these substances after a long day — it’s the thrill of having a clear head and natural warrior energy. Be elite, or don’t. It’s up to you.

Research shows that men who abstain from alcohol and drugs experience a range of significant health benefits, including improved liver function, better mental health, reduced risk of certain cancers, enhanced cognitive abilities, improved sleep quality, increased fertility, and a lower risk of accidents and injuries, all contributing to a longer lifespan and overall better quality of life. 

However, it's crucial to consider individual health situations and consult a healthcare professional before making significant lifestyle changes. 

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3. They sweat daily

man lifting weights in the gym picsfive | Shutterstock

Sweaty exercise expels toxins and makes you feel freaking incredible. In this modern world, working out daily gives you a significant advantage and extends your life. So do more of it than most, and ride that beautiful endorphin high daily. You’ll separate yourself from the collective.


4. They take their showers ice cold

hand testing the water temperature Dmitrivia Irina | Shutterstock

I know, I know, you’ve seen this one a million times in self-help articles. But this is here to remind us all of the power of stepping into momentary acute discomfort and staying with the shock.

There’s also the added benefit of a husky voice from all the screaming in freezing agony. You don’t need an article in a science magazine to know that cold exposure feels good and makes you stronger.

This transfers to fearlessness in all areas of life. Why ignore this tool when it’s in your bathroom or backyard?

Research published in 2023 by UCLA Health suggests that cold showers can have several health benefits, including reduced muscle soreness, improved circulation, increased metabolism, reduced stress, and improved mood. 2022 research found that you can try taking a cold shower that's 15 seconds long and 50–59°F. Still, you should avoid taking a cold shower right after a resistance training workout, as this can disrupt the inflammation process that helps muscles grow and get stronger.

5. They're intolerant to worry

man smiling wide sitting in a cafe PeopleImages.com – Yuri A | Shutterstock

Many of us go our entire lives believing the lie that worry is somehow helpful. It seems like we have more control if we over-analyze and ruminate.

But there’s only one thing we need to know that confirms the futility of worry: it makes us feel terrible. If we feel bad, our performance and effectiveness diminish.

That’s not an elite state. Ruthlessly turn away from worry and either rest, play, or work. Insights and solutions come in those latter states.

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6. They're obsessive about productivity

professional man working hard insta_photos | Shutterstock

Prioritize success, make an impact with your talents, and make good money above all else.

Don’t wait for obsession. Create it.

From this position of security, you are in a far better position to help and support those that need you. Stop chasing and build something remarkable. Others will perk their little ears up when they see your influence and the mountain of resources you’ve built for yourself.

A 40-year research study published by Vanderbilt University in 2014 shows that men, in particular, are often expected to prioritize career success. Still, many factors can influence a person's priorities, and gender is just one of them. Time allocation, values, pressure, domestic engagement, and sacrifices influence prioritization.

7. They take calculated risks

happy man talking to woman at a cafe fizkes | Shutterstock

It’s scientifically proven that taking risks and being bold raises testosterone. Incorporate one thing that gets your pulse moving every day.

You don’t need to base jump off the Chrysler building — take it in your stride. Write the article that you’re scared to write. Talk to that girl. Ask for that job.

Do one little thing that is a bit of a stretch, and you will expand exponentially in the long run. Now, bro, become elite and build something insane. We’re waiting.

"Do one thing every day that scares you" is attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt. Research from The University of Central Florida's Business Incubation Program explains that it encourages people to step outside their comfort zone and face their fears by doing something uncomfortable each day. The idea is not to actively seek out dangerous situations but to push yourself to try new things or engage in activities that might initially feel frightening, which can lead to personal growth and overcoming anxieties. 

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Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.
