5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest The Week Of October 21 - 27, 2024

They have the cosmic forces on their side!

Chinese Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest The Week Of October 21 - 27, 2024 Irina Maister, Jesse Zheng from Pexels, DAPA Images, Seita | Canva Pro

Five Chinese zodiac signs are incredibly lucky the week of October 21 to 27 when they align themselves with their inner power.

The lucky I Ching hexagram of luck for the week is Thunder over Thunder (#51), changing Mountain over Mountain (#52). It has an eccentric message for us, and change can sometimes feel dramatic and bad, especially when it takes us out of our comfort zone or reveals biases, but it may not be so in the end.


What does this have to do with luck? It's a message about the power of adaptation and growth. The one who can shed bad habits or wrong learnings from earlier in their life will win. That's pure luck, even though embracing such luck can feel arduous sometimes. 

Pay attention to the random messages that come to you when you are out and about — anything that stands out to you will have this luck's essence. You will only have to dig deeper, maybe through journaling or introspection, to hit the gold at the center of it. 

Five Chinese zodiac signs luckiest this week of October 21 - 27, 2024:

1. Goat

goat chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 21-27, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Goat, your luck is highly eccentric! It will stem from your natural hair and your care for it. Those with long hair will benefit the most from this luck. But even if you are bald, you are encouraged to prioritize your physical well-being as that is your source of secondary luck.

This also means this week is not the right time for a haircut. This will apply to your luck this week if you belong to a culture where natural hair has special significance. So chat with your elders to learn more, or do a deep dive online. The colors golden and silver will also be lucky for you, including hair combs or accessories in those colors!

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2. Ox

ox chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 21-27, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Ox, your family, and your siblings will bring you luck, even if they don't realize it directly. This includes cousins and extended family, who you consider your siblings. For some, they will drop a piece of wisdom that will be exactly what you need to hear. For others, your sibling's success will indirectly bring success to you, too.

You are also encouraged to spend more time with your siblings this week. Let your bonds grow stronger and more vital. You will also boost your luck when you work with sunflowers. The color yellow will be lucky for you.

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3. Horse

horse chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 21-27, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Horse, you will be lucky when you collaborate with others and allow your creativity to benefit from external inputs and ideas. You never know what this melting pot will create. But whatever it does will be extraordinary and fascinating at the same time.

If you feel called to, be a better listener. Luck will bless you by bringing you word of opportunities you may have missed otherwise. 

This applies to news programs and radio shows, too, so pay attention even when you are in a cab, and the radio happens to be playing in the background. The color red will be lucky for you.

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4. Monkey

monkey chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 21-27, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Monkey, your luck this week won't come to you easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Nope. It will test your mettle first. You will be graced with gold beyond your wildest imagination if you prove yourself. So take a chance on yourself, and don't hold back! 

This is especially true for those who wish to study further or have entered a contest but are getting cold feet or stage fright. Go for it! Luck will favor you when you are courageous, bold, and willing to grow. 

The colors blue and purple will be lucky for you. Poinsettias will also be lucky to have a choice of a few of you who are already excited about starting a new year.

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5. Dog

dog chinese zodiac signs luckiest week october 21-27, 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Dog, your luck this week is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and seizing every moment that counts. When you do this, luck will grace your footsteps and make your path easier. Some of you may also meet mentor figures on this path, although they will not stick around forever, only for the moment.

This is a clear sign for those wishing to go on an adventure or backpacking vacation. Luck is on your side! Those who travel the world extensively because of your profession will also feel this luck very strongly. The color green will be lucky for you.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
