What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect Throughout October 2024

Powerful messages are in store.

woman next to chinese zodiac wheel for october 2024 horoscopes Photos: Jacob Gonzales, cloverlittleworld | Design: YourTango

Chinese zodiac monthly horoscopes for October 2024 are influenced by the I Ching hexagram Earth over Mountain (#15) changing to Thunder over Thunder (#51). It reminds us that humility is the true nature of the master — wise people always know there's more to learn and more ways to grow.

Yet, humility does not mean a lack of self-esteem or self-respect. It's the difference between holding your head high about what you know well while being open to learning more, and constantly needing positive reinforcement from the outside world because you have been told that self-confidence is a red flag by those who secretly wish to keep you small and easy to control. 


Once you know the true nature of humility, nothing can stop you from living the most beautiful and fulfilling life. Being humble will also help you leave a true mark on the world in your unique manner. 

Now let's focus on each Chinese zodiac sign's monthly horoscope for October 2024:


rat monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Lucky Day for Love: October 29

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 13

Lucky Day for Career: October 27

Rat, the energy this month for you is fun, lively, and a tad mischievous. Spend more quality time with your loved ones and family to bring laughs and joy to all of you, along with a touch of unexpected blessings. 

You are also encouraged to let your inner creativity out and not censor what pours forth. You can always polish the unpolished. If you feel called to, work with clear quartz this month to help you find clarity and bring more positive experiences.

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ox monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Lucky Day for Love: October 15 & 16

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 17

Lucky Day for Career: October 23

Ox, the energy this month for you is deeply tied to your personal finances and career. Do you believe in yourself and your ability to make your dreams come true? Do you have confidence in your leadership abilities? Double down on yourself and be your own cheerleader to bring pure gold (both metaphorical and literal) into your life. 

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tiger monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Lucky Day for Love: October 27

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 12

Lucky Day for Career: October 15

Tiger, October's energy caters to your introverted side even if you are more extroverted in general. Trust this flow and cocoon if you need to. Extraordinary ideas and immersive creativity await on this path. 

For some, this may bring out the deep need for solitude so you can heal in peace. Set healthy boundaries when you experience this call because peer pressure and societal guilt-tripping can block you from this transformative path. 

Tools like incense, aromatherapy, meditation, and even a calming tea ritual can make this period more profound for you. So trust yourself and find your peace.


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rabbit monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Lucky Day for Love: October 23

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 28

Lucky Day for Career: October 15

Rabbit, the energy this month for you is all about love and being loving. But not just in a romantic sense, although there's a lot of that here, too! This is also about being kinder to people, extending a helping hand when you can, and being an emotionally intelligent community leader. If you lean into this, you will become the light in the dark for many... even if they don't tell you about it. 


This is the beginning of an important phase in your life that will unfold over the next few months. Just make sure you are listening to your own body and soul too. Take a step back and set boundaries when you need to. It's the balance point that matters the most.

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dragon monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Lucky Day for Love: October 19

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 2

Lucky Day for Career: October 15

Dragon, the energy this month for you is extremely lively and playful. Lean into it and allow your inner child to emerge. You may rediscover old passions forgotten over the years which will anchor you through emotional storms, especially if you deal with anxiety disorders or have a high-stress job. Engage fully to find unexpected nuggets of wisdom and a new spark for life.

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snake monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Lucky Day for Love: October 19

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 15

Lucky Day for Career: October 27

Dragon, the energy in October for you is all about equal give and take in relationships of all kinds to create harmony and a sense of community. Giving is more emphasized here — why not be the light in the dark for someone? Whether this is about volunteering your time, donating money, or helping out a new transfer in your school or college, do what sparks joy in your heart and adds more meaning to your life. 

You will also benefit from keeping a gratitude journal this month (although you can extend this practice beyond October too). It will help you see all the wonderful things, both big and small, that add beauty, love, heartfulness, and positivity to your life.


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horse monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Lucky Day for Love: October 23

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 25

Lucky Day for Career: October 29

Horse, the energy this month for you is all about love and choices. If the prospect of taking something to the next level scares you, acknowledge and meditate on that fear. Perhaps your fears are not about the unknown and the new, but more about hidden wounds from the past or self-doubts. Silent contemplation and journaling will help you gain clarity. 


Let October be the month when you discover your true self and understand your true motivations in life. It will allow you to embrace the new (including in love) and experience the adventures exactly as they are meant to be experienced.

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goat monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva


Lucky Day for Love: October 23

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 15

Lucky Day for Career: October 18

Goat, your inner strength and power are in focus in October 2024. If you lean into this space, no one can defeat you when you set your sights on a goal. You will succeed when you ground or anchor yourself in what you know you do best. Just be prepared for some envy directed your way when you shine. 

If you feel called to, October is the perfect time to double down on what you consider your unique persona in the world, whether that's through your outfit choices, diet, sporting regime, or creative endeavor. It's time to be unapologetically you and know that you are a mighty force to be reckoned with.


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monkey monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Lucky Day for Love: October 19

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 20 & 21

Lucky Day for Career: October 19

Monkey, the energy this month for you is all about knowing where you want to go, growing through education, and embracing new knowledge. Whether you do this by reading more books, listening to intriguing podcasts, having conversations with knowledgeable people, or simply traveling more and learning from the cultures you encounter along the way, everything will add something special to your internal makeup. 


It's impossible to tell what the end result will be, but transformation and new perspectives are in your future for sure.

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rooster monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Lucky Day for Love: October 15

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 17


Lucky Day for Career: October 23 & 24

Rooster, the energy in October 2024 for you is all about standing your ground, knowing what's in your heart, engaging with people who bring love and joy into your life, and trying your hand at creative activities you may not have tried before. Halloween will definitely feature in a big way here, but that's not all there's to October, so watch out for some intriguing adventures along the way. 

This also means you should steer away from people who don't understand that communities thrive when every individual within it thrives too. Oppressing people, creating petty drama, and undermining someone's free will are a serious no-go. The cosmic forces are here to back you up, so hold strong and steadfast!

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dog monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Lucky Day for Love: October 15 & 16

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 19

Lucky Day for Career: October 23

Dog, your life in October 2024 is strongly entwined with others.If you have collaborative projects going on, there will be a definite impact in this area. So do your best to be a positive force in others' lives. You will receive the harvest of your hard work — there's no doubt on that count. Just make sure not to ignore red flags along the way!


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pig monthly horoscopes chinese zodiac sign october 2024 Giuseppe Ramos D | Canva

Lucky Day for Love: October 8

Lucky Day for Friendship: October 19

Lucky Day for Career: October 23

Pig, the energy of October 2024 for you has a tinge of melancholia attached to it. Whether this month has some personal significance in terms of grief or not, you will find yourself remembering the old times when things were not so golden or good. The cosmic currents will also bring up hidden or repressed feelings from within, highlighting dreams that may have been forgotten along the way. 


All this may trigger you or cause emotional pain, but deep healing is the ultimate outcome of embracing this window of opportunity. Most of you will benefit from working with a therapist too as they can give you the best tools in this endeavor. As long as you honor your heart, you will find the rainbow.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
