4 Zodiac Signs Enter A More Fortunate Era While Mercury Is In Scorpio From Now Through November 2

With Mercury in Scorpio we are typically searching, digging for truth, and a little more suspicious in nature.

woman entering fortunate era during mercury in scorpio Photo: Andriyko Podilnyk | Design: YourTango

Mercury enters Scorpio on October 14, where it will remain until November 2, 2024. Mercury in this sign will leave no stone unturned if we are looking for answers, and will usher in a more fortunate era for four zodiac signs.

With Mercury in Scorpio, we are typically searching, digging for truth, and a little more suspicious in nature. Our thinking and communication will be deep, and Scorpio is known as being relentless. In other words, we don’t give up until we know the facts. Communication is more direct, forceful, probing, inquisitive, and prone to reading between the lines, which may or may not be a wise thing to do.


During this time, you can use Scorpio’s perceptive and calculating approach to concentrate and focus on what you want to direct your energy toward, as Scorpio can be laser-focused. Mercury in Scorpio is frank to the point of being blunt — at times too blunt under the cloak of honesty. During this period, we tend to churn ideas around quite a bit before reaching a final conclusion, but since Scorpio is a fixed sign, decisions made at this time are typically irreversible. 

Mercury in Scorpio is passionate in speech and communication, but we must be careful about lecturing others while failing to focus on our own self-improvement. Others will be equally passionate, and quite a few secrets will be exchanged at this time. Our judgment is at its best when it is not personal. If this happens, the emotional side of Scorpio may take over and we could lose all objectivity.


Some signs will do well and be in a fortunate time with Mercury in Scorpio.

Four zodiac signs enter a more fortunate era while Mercury is in Scorpio from now until November 2, 2024

1. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac sign more fortunate era mercury in scorpio Design: YourTango

Mercury is in your own sign so you should feel quite in tune with its energy. You are naturally curious and like to get to the bottom of things, so Mercury in your sign will suit you well and you will feel quite comfortable and more like yourself. 


Don’t be surprised if you don’t feel more confident about your ideas as well as inquisitive. Your mind may seem to be flowing with all types of ideas. This is a great time for learning and writing and you can expect to have some very interesting conversations with friends and colleagues. It’s a great time for focusing on any personal habits you would like to change. You might also focus a little more on your health and things you can change for improvement.

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2. Cancer

cancer zodiac sign more fortunate era mercury in scorpio Design: YourTango


Scorpio is a fellow water sign like you, Cancer. The difference is that you are a cardinal sign, meaning you are prepared to take action. Scorpio is a fixed sign and tends to mull things over more than others before deciding on a course of action. Once they have made up their mind, they seldom change it. Some people may call this stubborn, but nevertheless, Cancer, this sign will align comfortably with you and you should feel things more deeply at this time which is also in your nature.

Scorpio places Mercury in your fifth house which rules children, friends, entertainment, and love. You may enter into challenging but positive mental pursuits, creativity, and friendships. This is an excellent time for writing or pursuing any other mental activity or pastime. You may tap into your 'inner child' at this time.

Since the fifth house rules love, you may focus on meeting someone new or current relationships. Your interest may be piqued by someone, although this is no guarantee it will turn into a relationship.

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3. Pisces

pisces zodiac sign more fortunate era mercury in scorpio Design: YourTango

Pisces, you are another water sign compatible with Scorpio, so communication should flow quite easily for you during this time. The difference is that Pisces is a mutable sign which means you are constantly changing and shifting. Being a fixed sign, Scorpio is not changing so much, just the opposite — fixed signs are slow to move and make decisions but once they do, they generally stay there. Communication should occur on a deeper and more substantive level which will appeal to you. 

Scorpio places Mercury in your ninth house which rules travel, education, and your worldview. The ninth house is excellent for writing, publishing, and the internet. It is possible you could plan or go on a trip during this time or decide to increase your education or knowledge in some way. This could be formal informal, such as reading, taking a class, talking to others, or any other way you may absorb new information. 


This placement will encourage you to cast a wider net in terms of new ideas and can lead to a new awareness and understanding of life, philosophy, spirituality, politics, and sometimes religion.

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4. Aries

aries zodiac sign more fortunate era mercury in scorpio Design: YourTango


Aries, you are a fire sign as opposed to a water sign. The reason you will be comfortable with Mercury in Scorpio is because like Scorpio, you are ruled by planet Mars. Like Scorpio, you are direct and try and approach things from a standpoint of truth and honesty. While you are different, you have these things in common, so this transit of Mercury should suit you. 

The biggest difference is that Aries is a cardinal sign, meaning you are always ready to take action. Scorpio being a fixed sign doesn’t take action as quickly but likes to mull things over before making a final decision and then typically stays put once a decision is made, whether it is a move of some type or an idea.

Scorpio places Mercury in your eighth house which rules change and transformation, taxes, death, loans, inheritance, and debt. It is a complex house, perhaps the most complex. The eighth house is associated with taboo matters as well as the afterlife which could attract your attention at this time.


During this time you could ask for a loan, do your taxes, get a mortgage or some type of insurance policy. Your interest may be focused on money and debt or even getting a raise. It is possible you could get a sum of money in some way during this time — alternatively, you could spend more than normal.

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.Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.
