3 Zodiac Signs Experience Luck & Success All Week From Now To October 20

Life really is about the journey — and not the destination.

Zodiac Signs Experience More Luck & Success All Week From Now To October 20, 2024 creativehavenbydine, raheel9360 | Canva Pro

Three zodiac signs will experience more luck and success this week, starting October 14 through October 20, 2024. Let's explore why Leo, Aries, and Scorpio benefit most from Venus and the Full Moon as predicted by their weekly horoscopes.

Venus in Sagittarius on October 17

The week ahead brings a sense of adventure and meaning as Venus shifts into Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17. Venus in Sagittarius craves depth, meaning, and the ability to embrace the nature of the wander. 


Sagittarius is not a sign of randomness, so this desire from the soul to wander, wonder, and even explore is all about experiencing all you can in this life journey. By surrendering to this process, you will find that luck finds you when you’re willing to go off course, try something new, and listen to that voice that says you are meant to experience something.

Full Moon in Aries on October 17

Also occurring on October 17, is the Full Warrior Moon in Aries, which calls you to attention and helps you see how to empower yourself in life. While luck is often thought to be something you stumble into, feeling empowered allows you also to see lucky opportunities where you might not otherwise.


This is your chance to declare what you dream of, sew your intentions with courage and purpose, and know that this moment is as unequivocally a part of your destiny — as the destination you dream of. 

Three zodiac signs experience more luck and success from October 14 - 20, 2024:

1. Leo

leo zodiac signs will experience luck week october 14- 20, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

Let your divine light shine, dear Leo, and trust that you are being given the full support of the universe in whatever you do. The Aries Full Warrior Moon on Thursday, October 17, reminds you of your inner power and helps you to release any people-pleasing qualities or fears of the unknown.


This energy release will help you attract more luck and success in the form of new opportunities. You may even find yourself traveling soon. While the sign of Aries wants to help connect you with your destiny, it is also meant to infuse you with the courage to live your most authentic life.

Reflect on the Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries that occurred on April 8 of this year, as the seeds for what you are now reaping were planted around that time. This New Moon was magnified, which means your life may have already taken a dramatically different path in the past six months. 

But now, the Full Moon in Aries arrives to help you understand just how much your authenticity matters, and to confirm that as long as you are following the call of your soul, then you will never be led astray. The next lunation in Aries is a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in March of 2025, so you may not quite have reached your destination yet, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take time to enjoy all you have already created.

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2. Aries

aries zodiac signs will experience luck week october 14- 20, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

You deserve to live a life that you love, Aries, but that also means you deserve to love what that means. A great transformation process has occurred in your life during the past year. While there have been plenty of challenges, you haven’t yet been able to sit back and enjoy the rewards. 

Part of this journey has involved not just romantic changes or even dramatic shifts in your life but also accepting more of who you are and what that means for the life you create. 


If you only do what you think you must do or make decisions to appease others, you’ll never actually fall in love with your life because you haven’t yet fallen in love with all you are. Yet, when you do, attracting a life that feels good in its abundance will suddenly feel like second nature.

Venus will shift into Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17, highlighting your house of luck and helping you to fall in love with your life. While Venus is known for representing romance, it also reigns over finances and real estate matters. All these themes will intensify for you. Venus in Sagittarius may represent a move or even redecorating a home to make it feel more your own, though it also holds positive signs for any real estate dealings. 

Not only will it feel like you’re lucky at home or in love, but you can also receive a substantial financial boost during this time and feel more satisfied and happier with your life. New beginnings will be around every corner, and it seems you’ve finally stopped trying to talk yourself into living a life that was never meant for you. Now, you can revel in loving your life and yourself.

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3. Scorpio

scorpio zodiac signs will experience luck week october 14- 20, 2024 rand311766527, Tais Bernabe, Sylwia Design, Getty Images | Canva Pro

When you genuinely know what you deserve, you will finally begin to manifest your destiny, sweet Scorpio. Financial matters may have felt tighter or more challenging than normal. Although this has been difficult at times to move through, it also has allowed you to realize that what you have can never affect who you are. 

Often, you may benefit from moments of more financial strictness to understand your internal value, as well as various aspects or even relationships that hold value to you. When you learn that abundance and wealth aren’t only found in financial matters, you can also truly start living a life that aligns with your self-worth.


On Thursday, October 17, Venus in Sagittarius will begin cultivating new opportunities and awareness about all you’ve learned involving value. In contrast, this is a lucky time for increasing your finances, as Venus tends to bring in greater wealth. 

This is also a phase when you can see this energy benefiting you and the relationships in your life. Quality time, whether by yourself or with a partner, will become more critical and ensure you are treated how you feel you deserve. 

Venus itself is a lucky planet; having it in Sagittarius means you will see a positive turnaround in your financial life. Still, you will also be able to attract and cultivate relationships of more value to you. 


Use this time to reflect on what you’ve learned about who or even what has value to your life and how your sense of self-worth has grown in recent months. Now that you finally have that turnaround you’ve hoped for invest wisely in your future happiness.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.
