What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of October 14 - 20, 2024 — According To A Tarot Reader

A sweet week is about to unfold.

hand holding tarot card for weekly tarot horoscopes zodiac signs Photo: Yulia Naumovich | Design: YourTango

The weekly one-card tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign during the week of October 14 - 20, 2024, is lighthearted and ebullient.

The three-card tarot spread gives the collective the Three of Pentacles, Four of Pentacles, and The Sun. The Three of Pentacles urges us to be more team-forward this week. Whether you are decorating your backyard with your entire family, working on a group project at work, or collaborating with someone on social media, allow your interactions to make space for your needs and ideas and those of your fellow teammates.


We also have the Four of Pentacles and The Sun coming out together in a major way. They remind us that shining bright and being successful does not mean you have to perpetually keep up a pace that makes others envious of you. Instead, make time for rest, engage with your family, do things that bring you peace and inspiration, and eat good food. This will stoke your inner fire and you will realize greater joy and success in living authentically, making room for ebbs and flows, and shining bright with long-term goals. 

What each zodiac sign needs to know about the week of October 14 - 20, 2024, according to a tarot reader

Aries: Three of Pentacles

aquarius weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Aries, the tarot card for you this week is the Three of Pentacles. It's a call to look for support and help wherever you can if you are on a big mission or have a significant undertaking. The sum shall always be greater than the parts when pioneers come together. So choose your partner wisely and let the collective help you conquer your goals together. 

This is the sign you were waiting to receive in terms of starting a business with co-partners or maybe building a car with your buddies in the garage. If you feel called to, working with Labradorite is indicated for you to help you strike the right balance between individualism and team spirit!

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Taurus: Nine of Wands

taurus weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Taurus, be patient this week. That's the message for you per your tarot card the Nine of Wands. You will discover why they say “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” This is especially indicated for those of you planning a wedding in 2025 or any other project with a long timeline. 

Get your ducks in a row, but know that each day and week will help you streamline everything better. It's important to trust the process and let things unfold. If you feel called to, work with Smokey Quartz to help you with this.

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Gemini: Ace of Swords

gemini weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Gemini, the tarot card for you this week is the Ace of Swords. It's a brilliant card to receive for a Mercury-ruled zodiac sign like yourself. Don't be surprised if you find ideas everywhere you go or are inspired at the drop of a hat! 

You will benefit from noting down these flashes of brilliance before they fade. It will allow you to incubate the best ideas and put the puzzle pieces together in case there's a common thread between a few ideas. If you feel called to, work with Fulgurites as they are aligned with the force of lightning.

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Cancer: Three of Pentacles

aries weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Cancer, your tarot card for the week is the Three of Pentacles. It's a surprising pull because you received this card last week as well, so the meaning is emphasized all the more. 

Find people within your social circle or community who wish to accomplish something significant together with you. Whether it's something to do with climate change, planting more trees in your neighborhood, founding a start-up that addresses a long-dismissed need within the community, or something else, now's the time to take charge of your lives together and let your inner fire and that of your team create something substantial. Working with Hematite is indicated here for the same reason.

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Leo: The Sun

leo weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Leo, the tarot card for you this week is a major arcana: The Sun. As it's your planetary ruler in symbolic form, this is a major good omen for you. So look forward to an extraordinary week of powerful manifestations, sudden removal of obstructions, good times, and great fun. Your love life will benefit too. Plus, those who associate with you will indirectly receive some good luck. If you feel called to, work with Sunstone this week to help you stay aligned with this force.

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Virgo: Four of Wands

virgo weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Virgo, the tarot card for you this week is the Four of Wands. It's here to congratulate you on your hard work over the last many weeks because that's beginning to pay off now. Your foundation will only become more solid and stable as your harvest continues pouring in. Don't be surprised if this also brings fresh ideas to you. 

The Four of Wands is a good omen for family celebrations, festivities, and even marriage. So if you have anything along those lines planned for this week, you are in for some real good luck! Working with Sandstone is also indicated for you to help with creativity.

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Libra: Ace of Pentacles

libra weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Libra, the tarot card for you this week is the Ace of Pentacles. It speaks of new beginnings and good omens, especially if you want to set the foundation for a significant venture. This is an excellent energy for making major commitments, whether that be marriage, business contracts, or becoming a parent. All things that take time to grow are under the domain of the Ace of Pentacles. If you feel called to, work with Aquamarine to help you walk this path with patience and good instincts.

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Scorpio: Strength

scorpio weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Scorpio, you got a Major Arcana tarot card this week — Strength. The lion symbolism is standing out for you, so perhaps you have a Leo friend or romantic partner who is being referenced here. They will be your backbone and source of strength.

If you feel called to, now's also a good time to go all-in in a particular aspect of life. Working with Peacock Ore is also indicated for you here as a way to align with this energy and your inner self.

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Sagittarius: The Chariot

sagittarius weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Sagittarius, you have The Chariot as your tarot card for the week. It has a simple message for you, even though it's a major arcana card: when you know what you want, go for it. Don't hold back. Don't second-guess. Let the doubts fall away because you have the firepower inside you to cruise you through. 

Major arcana cards always reveal a hand of fate mysteriously working for you behind the scenes. If you feel called to, work with Amethyst or Ametrine this week to align the chakras in your body with the crown.

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Capricorn: Ace of Wands

capricorn weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango


Capricorn, the tarot card for you this week is the Ace of Wands. It's a powerful card for new beginnings, especially if you are an athlete or work in industries that deal with fire or firepower. The message is simple: you don't need to always lay low and creep your way to the top so no one can strike you down. Sometimes, you need to acknowledge the strength within you and stand in the light so others can stand with you too. 

This is a call to fight for your rights outright and in the open. Working with Obsidian or Black Tourmaline is also indicated here to protect your aura from energy vampires.

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Aquarius: Ten of Pentacles

aquarius weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango

Aquarius, the tarot card of this week of the Ten of Pentacles, a card of wealth, prosperity, and family wellness. It's a great card to receive if you have a family event coming up, such as a gender reveal or birth, or are expecting good returns on a project. 

What you do with your blessings is up to you. But do make sure to channel it into spaces that resonate with you and your life path. Working with Aquamarine is indicated here to bring clarity, divine wisdom, and inner strength.


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Pisces: Two of Wands

pisces weekly tarot horoscope october 14-20, 2024 Design: YourTango

Pisces, the tarot card of this week — the Two of Wands — urges you to pause and think about what you want the next year or the one after that to look like for you. While most people wait until the end of the year to introspect, you have a unique window now to see clearly into the heart of the collective and your own self, thus enabling you to chart the right course for you. 


Journaling or creating a vision board can help in this process too. You can also work with the crystal Citrine as a way to embrace clarity and optimism.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
