12 Small Habits Of Incredibly Calm People, According To Psychology
These calming habits actually work when practiced.

One of the big lessons I learned after years and years of anxiety and personal insecurities was the power of habits. Habits aren’t just for physical health and business growth. Mental strength and the resulting experience of more calm result from healthy psychological ‘super habits.’
Maintaining calm is one of the most powerful life skills. It helps us connect with people, keeps us creative and resourceful, and lifts our performance. I’ve analyzed the habits of calm people I’ve known for years.
Here are 12 small habits of incredibly calm people:
1. They know how to laugh at themselves
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Those who have something to protect can’t help but make it a very serious business, which drains the energy out of the room.
Self-deprecation confers some positive advantages, as noted in a 2018 study published in The Journal of Psychology and Individual Differences, where people who regularly poke fun at themselves exhibit more significant levels of emotional well-being. "In particular, we have observed that a greater tendency to employ self-defeating humor is indicative of high scores in psychological well-being dimensions such as happiness and, to a lesser extent, sociability," the researchers wrote.
2. They enjoy uplifting activities
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A 2020 study suggests that people experience higher levels of positive affect and meaning when in the company of loved ones—children, friends, and romantic partners than when in the company of other types of relationship partners or alone. Moreover, investing increasingly large amounts of time in romantic partners is associated with higher reports of global well-being.
Their findings underscore the importance of studying the predictors and correlates of global and experiential well-being separately and demonstrate that there may be substantial individual differences in the factors that predict both momentary, lived well-being and the overall sense that one’s life is progressing well.
3. They move their body daily
Alexy Almond | Pexels
A 2013 study from Frontiers in Psychology found that meditative movement has been shown to alleviate depressive symptoms. In this type of movement, you pay close attention to your bodily sensations, position in space, and gut feelings as you move. Qigong, tai chi, and some forms of yoga are all helpful.
For example, frequent yoga practice can reduce the severity of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder to the point that some people no longer meet the criteria for this diagnosis, as stated by a 2016 Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine study. Changing your posture, breathing, and rhythm can all change your brain, reducing stress, depression, and anxiety and leading to well-being.
4. They find ways to enjoy 'hard' things in life
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They know that perspective is malleable, so they change their view accordingly. The ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment facilitates positive outcomes.
A previous study revealed a direct link between adaptability and life satisfaction. Building on this, a 2016 study showed that social support plays a crucial role in strengthening this relationship. A 2016 Frontiers in Psychology study findings suggest that individuals with high levels of adaptability, bolstered by social support, can navigate new and changing social environments with a sense of connection and support, leading to higher life satisfaction.
5. They prioritize themselves first
Polina Tankilevitch | Pexels
Stressed people put others before themselves and then wonder why they struggle. Self-care is your priority. You have one life — don’t spend it breaking yourself to please others.
The National Institutes for Mental Health (NIMH) recommends practicing self-care to help manage stress and anxiety. The NIMH explains that in addition to reducing stress, self-care can lower your risk of illness and increase your energy.
6. They create things
Anna Shvets | Pexels
Calm people create more than they react. They are builders and nurturers, passionate about bringing beautiful things into existence, whether paintings, raising children, relationships, or new projects.
Creativity is essential. From CEOs to painters, everyone needs creativity. It allows you to come up with new ideas, rules, or ways of doing things. It helps you break from the usual and enables you to solve problems. Creativity increases your productivity and happiness.
7. They don't forget to breathe
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You might be surprised — certainly if you’re frequently stressed or angry — how much time you spend holding your breath and tightening your belly. Calm is granted to those who let go physically, breathe fluidly, and loosen their bellies.
8. They don't rush
Anastasia Shuraeva | Pexels
Rushing might seem to give you an advantage, but it’s the opposite. Calm people adapt to the speed of life and find things easier.
They take it all in their stride. They own time in their calm motion. Moving calmly and more slowly can be intentional. It can be viewed as a habit that is nurtured. When you move slower, life slows down, too, and everything becomes easier.
9. They're attuned to their diet
Dragana Gordic | Shutterstock
They don’t follow the herd and the junk they eat but instead consume foods that maintain a stable, high mood, low anxiety, and the best health.
Evidence from a 2021 study found an association between healthy eating patterns and reduced anxiety symptoms. In the absence of a contraindication such as an allergy or specific medical condition, dietary interventions are considered low in risk and cost-effective, may confer secondary benefits to physical aspects of health, and have at least some evidence suggesting a beneficial effect.
10. They don’t take anything personally
Anna Shvets | Pexels
Stressed people make everything about them. They are self-conscious. Calm people drop the focus on themselves, choosing to focus on others and their projects instead.
You may not always have control over many things in your life, including what people say to you, but you do have 100 percent control over how you react to each situation. The goal of not taking things personally is to avoid unnecessary stress and conflict. Try asking a few questions to deflect unnecessary conflict.
11. They keep their environments tidy
ThisIsEngineering | Pexels
The simple daily habit of maintaining an uplifting and clutter-free environment also ensures the mind is calm. Research from a 2021 study from the Journal of Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology demonstrated that living in a cluttered environment is a major contributor to increased stress. In a study, young women caring for infants in a regular or cluttered environment experienced significantly different stress levels.
While chaos didn't affect mood or responsiveness, physical stress levels were still higher for women in cluttered homes. Such findings suggest that parents consider how cleanliness and clutter in the house may impact their stress levels.
12. They minimize the amount of negative people in life
Carlos Barquero | Shutterstock
Calm people are ruthless with the boundaries they exert on others and keep negative and drama-prone people out of their lives. When we remember that keeping the company of negative interior friends is a choice instead of an obligation, we are free to keep the company of compassion instead of anger, generosity instead of greed, and patience instead of anxiety.
Building on this idea, toxic and manipulative people can be identified by the four prevailing negative and dark states that inhabit them. By learning to recognize and understand the interior workings of toxic friends and their toxic friendships, we gain important insight into what is dark and limiting inside of us.
Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.