The Universe Has A Message For 4 Zodiac Signs At The Start Of Jupiter Retrograde On October 9

Slow down, think it through.

Universe Message Zodiac Signs Jupiter Retrograde October 9, 2024 Satrio Ramadhan, mollypix, flowstudio6 | Canva Pro

On October 9, the universe has a specific message for four zodiac signs, so slow down. When the universe 'speaks' to us, we listen. 

On Wednesday, we will be experiencing a phenomenal event known as Jupiter retrograde, and things can slow down a bit. The universe will transmit the message to slow down and take it easy. This message aligns with the personal values of four specific zodiac signs, and we see it in their daily horoscopes.


This Wednesday, we may stop what we're doing and think twice before continuing. In retrograde, Jupiter is a huge planet that seems to be revolving in reverse. The vibe it sends to Earth takes over and makes us have second thoughts. Four zodiac signs are ready to get the advice they need from the universe itself.

The universe has a specific message for four zodiac signs on October 9, 2024:

1. Aries

aries universe specific message zodiac signs october 9, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


You know yourself very well, and patience is not your greatest virtue, which isn't to say you can't employ it when needed; it's just that you don't like being patient. You'll see that patience helps you reach your highest goals; however, as Jupiter retrograde takes over, it lets you know it's best to wait.

Waiting is not what you want to do. But your intelligent self knows this is best for you. And it's all OK, too, Aries. You feel that you're heading in the right direction, and if the universe tells you to hold off a bit, then so be it; you'll hold off.

So, Wednesday's message is to curb your need for impulsive actions. And you'll be happy you did, as October 9 presents you with a challenge that can't be overcome in a few minutes. Think it all through, Aries, and know that your patience will be rewarded.

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2. Cancer

cancer universe specific message zodiac signs october 9, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Unlike Aries, you have a bit of patience to spare, but you may still find that your curiosity outweighs any patience you have on Wednesday. Because transit Jupiter is retrograde, you may find that things aren't going fast enough for you.

What feels like a lag in timing is something that's meant to be, and it's good for you, too. What seems to be happening at this time, Cancer, is that the universe is asking you to pace yourself so that you can understand what's going on as it happens.


You may get antsy this Wednesday because you aren't getting the instant gratification you need, but within the day, you'll realize that this waiting game is part of the big picture. During Jupiter retrograde, you'll agree it's OK to hang back and take your time.

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3. Libra

libra universe specific message zodiac signs october 9, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva


Generally, you're OK with waiting for something to happen, and on October 9, you'll feel pretty good about having to wait something out. That doesn't mean you are thrilled with it. You've been expecting something to take place, and while you thought it might happen, it won't, and that takes you back a step.

You are good at talking yourself down, and during Jupiter retrograde, you'll find that your best option is to wait it out and tell yourself that what you want to see happen will happen in its own time. And that's the detailed message of the day for you, Libra: everything happens of its own accord.

Jupiter retrograde is a super strong, tugging transit. It sets you back, but that's the idea the universe wants you to accept. What is or isn't happening is part of the universal plan. If you respect this, you'll be much happier than if you push your luck.

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4. Sagittarius

sagittarius universe specific message zodiac signs october 9, 2024 Allexxandar from Getty Images | Canva

Are you used to being told to hurry up and wait? During Jupiter retrograde, that is pretty much what you expected. It seems the universe has big plans for you, but there's a catch: you don't know when those big plans will come into play.

So, this day brings you a message, a waiting game of sorts, and that's pretty typical of Jupiter retrograde to pull such a stunt, as this transit does take over. You don't get lightweight influence from a planet the size of Jupiter, and when it retrogrades, it takes you with it.


You may stop what you're doing on October 9 and take a beat before continuing. There's a reason you feel like you're in retrograde, too, Sagittarius, and that's because everything comes to a slow halt during Jupiter retrograde. You are being told to wait something out, and that's OK. Don't worry; you'll appreciate this grand gesture in retrospect.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
