Your Weekly Love Horoscope Is Here For Now Until October 13 — Pluto Retrograde Ends & Jupiter Retrograde Begins

Jupiter Retrograde begins and Pluto Retrograde ends.

weekly love horoscope each zodiac sign October 7 - 13, 2024 Design: YourTango | Photo: nanajyutteu

Each zodiac sign's weekly love horoscope is here for October 7 to 13, 2024. Like the moon, love shall grow under this week's astrological influences. Jupiter's retrograde in Gemini will begin on October 9, bringing sudden changes in both the social situations and the sphere of authority and mentorship. In love, this influence may bring out the worst in some people, like in-laws, family members, or friends who are determined to drive a wedge in a budding romance..


Then, on October 11, Pluto retrograde ends, and Pluto will be direct in Capricorn, finishing its final cycle. Expect some big changes in when this happens. After all, outer plants always cause some miffs. In love, this energy will make people think about the long term. Casual flings will not do at all. Plus, there will be increased wariness of red flags in relationships, so no one can pull one over on you by pretending to be in it for the long haul.

Try grounding yourself with meditation or a tea ritual. It will help you stay centered while these astrological transits take place. Your partner will benefit from this, too! Now, let's take a look at the weekly love horoscopes for every zodiac sign for October 7 - 13.


Weekly love horoscopes for each zodiac sign from October 7 - 13, 2024:


Weekly Love Horoscope October 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva

Best day for love for Aries: October 12

Aries, the message for you this week in love is to give yourself space to be heartbroken. Whether you experienced a breakup recently or way back in your romantic history, true love cannot find you if you somehow believe you are not good enough to experience it. 


Sometimes, we meet people who are incompatible with us, even if they are great people in general; other times, we may ignore red flags or not know they were there and find ourselves taken advantage of. In neither case are you unworthy of love? Give yourself space to heal and be heartbroken. There's real power in such a daring undertaking.

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taurus weekly love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva


Best day for love for Taurus: October 9

Taurus, the energy of love for you this week will bring out an important lesson in love — to not idealize people but to meet them where they are. In this, you may find yourself fixating on someone, whether a regular Jane or Joe or a celebrity or have someone similarly fixate on you. 

The issue will be the same in both scenarios — not recognizing the individual and instead placing ideal qualities on them or placing them on a pedestal. If you can side-step this, you will successfully clear a big cosmic hurdle on the way to love for you. 

For most of you, the outer-planetary retrogrades test whether you will repeat patterns or change them once and for all. Working with Pyrite or Hematite is also indicated to help you heal and ground yourself.


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gemini weekly love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva

Best day for love for Gemini: October 11

Gemini, the energy of love for you this week is about recognizing the soul within the body of those you engage with romantically (if you are single) or the one you have committed to in a long-term relationship. You're smart, so let your intellectual side take over, and intentionally step away from beauty standards and other societal conventions. 


Do you still like the person when your mind strips value away from such things? If yes, you have found yourself a gem of a person! That's your challenge in love this week. Working with Pyrite (a.k.a Fool's Gold) can help you with this, too.

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cancer weekly love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva


Best day for love for Cancer: October 12

Cancer, an old era in love, is about to come to a close for you this week, and a new one will begin. The only problem is transitional phases are not cut and dried. So you will find yourself in the eddies of dealing with old problems or exes while actively building new connections. 

Focus forward and let go of the past. Every time you actively make such a choice, it will be easier to do the next time. You are also encouraged to create a romantic bubble with your partner or date to have a real heart-to-heart! Working with Blue Jasper is indicated here to help you look to the future while honoring your past.

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leo weekly love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva

Best day for love for Leo: October 8

Leo, all work and no play is not a great idea, especially concerning love. Yes, love can be a supportive force that enables us to live big, go after our dreams, and be authentic, but it's also a force that needs to be nurtured with active participation and quality time together. D


o one thing this week that makes your commitment to love obvious, whether you are single or already in a relationship. Working with blue-colored crystals can help you improve your communication, too.

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virgo love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva


Best day for love for Virgo: October 8

Virgo, you have more options in love than you realize, regardless of age, ethnicity, or other factors. So don't settle. Trust that your heart will sing when you finally find the right person, and then hold your non-negotiable needs in love high in your mind. There's no need to rush, whether that's honesty, kindness of spirit, ambitions in life, and so on. 

This is also true for those of you who are in a relationship but not feeling it anymore. Retrograde energies can often make things obvious, especially red flags. Work with Rose Quartz this week to help you align with this energy.

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libra weekly love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva

Best day for love for Libra: October 9

Libra, know your heart but also know your mind. It's perfectly okay to have disagreements in love and then eventually find the middle ground, but this should not be the case for those inner values that are non-negotiable for you. It takes courage to live authentically, after all. Plus, only the authentic ones can attract true love. How can it be otherwise when the real personality is buried under peer pressure and masks galore? 


Meditate with a Clear Quartz palmstone if you feel the cosmic currents clash too much with each other and create emotional havoc for you. It's Libra Season, so take charge.

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scorpio weekly love horoscope july 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva


Best day for love for Scorpio: October 12

Scorpio, the energy of love for you this week is sweet and beautiful. You may feel like it's wrapping around you like cotton candy and then dissolving into sparkles. Can life get any better than this? You'll probably ask yourself this when your romantic interactions bring you so much delight and dopamine rush. Just remember to hold your ground about your self-esteem and self-respect. 

It doesn't make you high-maintenance. It makes you a person who knows their worth and leads with self-love when building love with another. True love will respect that and honor it. Working with Rose Quartz is indicated here for the same reasons.

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sagittarius weekly love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva

Best day for love for Sagittarius: October 13

Sagittarius, the energy of love is beautiful, full, and warm for you this week. If you are single, you may suddenly meet your soulmate out of the blue. If you are already in a relationship, you will either realize you have found the one you wish to spend the rest of your life with or discover that the energy of love is not present in your current one. 


It's going to be an eye-opening experience either way. The best thing to do is be more outgoing and engage with love in various scenarios. Working with Aquamarine is indicated for you to help you be at peace and open-hearted.

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capricorn weekly love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva


Best day for love for Capricorn: October 13

Capricorn, the energy of love for you this week is all about reconciliation and reckonings. An old love may walk back into your life, and there may be a second chance because of growth and transformation. But this will not be the case for all of you. 

For most, the old energy will be about reckoning with yourself about your mistakes and learning to use the outer-planetary retrogrades to close a chapter. Deep healing awaits on the other side, so be proactive in this. Working with Rose Quartz can help you heal yourself, too.


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aquarius weekly love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva

Best day for love for Aquarius: October 13

Victory in love shall be yours, Aquarius, when you block out the words of the naysayers and that pesky negative self-talk. So be confident and do what feels right to you. True love will embrace you for all that you are. 


False love will reveal itself and show you why it's always good to be authentic and follow your heart, no matter what. For most of you, this doubling down will positively impact your social reputation, too. Working with Aquamarine is indicated as a way to remain centered as you reach for true love.

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pisces weekly love horoscope october 7 - 13, 2024 Codioful, margokukhar and Max Reyes / Canva


Best day for love for Pisces: October 11

Pisces, your psychic senses will be heightened this week in the arena of love. Trust those internal cues and clues. Some of you may benefit from noting down what you pick up. The puzzle pieces will come together when you do.

Do a past life regression session about you and your partner or the one you are interested in. You'll have solid answers no matter what you see. Working with Moonstone or Lapis Lazuli is indicated here for the same reasons.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
