Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign From September 16 - 22, 2024
Dive into the mysteries of the universe.

The week of September 16-22, 2024, kicks off a period of transformation as each zodiac sign's luckiest day of the week is influenced by both a Full Moon lunar eclipse and the transition into Libra season.
The Pisces Full Moon lunar eclipse rises on Tuesday, September 17, bringing in highly spiritual energy as you will be more able to connect with your intuition and the universe. This energy is known for bringing about sudden realizations and new opportunities as you are guided to reflect on what you can release to move forward.
Libra season begins on Sunday, September 22 as the Sun shifts into this air sign, putting the focus on understanding how to better utilize your network to achieve success for the greater good. Libra season makes it easier to be at peace with what is while also understanding that you don’t need to manifest your dreams by yourself. Instead, this is an opportune time to begin imploring the help and resources of others as you start understanding that it’s not just angel numbers that serve as divine signs, but also those connections in your life.
Venus, the planet that governs over love, real estate, and finances, will also shift into Scorpio on Sunday, September 22, bringing a greater depth and intensity to life. As you remain aware of the signs around you and dive deep into the meaning of life, you will also see that luck often exists in knowing who to involve in pursuit of your dreams.
Each zodiac sign's luckiest day the week of September 16 - 22, 2024
Aries: Sunday, September 22
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As Venus shifts into Scorpio on Sunday, September 22, allow yourself to take the time to gain a deeper understanding of your soul. Explore new possibilities and learn to sit with yourself and your feelings.
It’s okay to take your time on your journey, Aries. You don’t always need to feel like you must rush ahead to accomplish a specific goal. Often, you learn more when you simply allow yourself to experience the process rather than solely thinking about the achievement in store.
Let yourself dream about what you want, journal about all you’ve learned, and simply learn to embrace the journey — regardless of where it leads.
Taurus: Tuesday, September 17
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As the Pisces eclipse rises on Tuesday, September 17, allow yourself to make a wish. Dream big, and let go of everything, always having to be so logical or practical. You may become more aware of a certain desire or hope for the future during this time, and while it might differ significantly from what you had planned, you should allow yourself to pursue it — after all, to create space for miracles is to receive them.
Gemini: Tuesday, September 17
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Pay close attention to your dreams and intuition as the Pisces Full Moon and lunar eclipse occur on Tuesday, September 17 as you may receive more information or redirection regarding your soul purpose.
You can’t lose the connection to your soul, Gemini. You may be dealing with a lot of matters at home, but it would serve you well to create time to listen to and follow your purpose.
Cancer: Tuesday, September 17
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Let yourself take a chance! The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, September 17 serves as a reminder that you have the dreams you have for a reason. Nothing is random in life, and though you may have to spend some time figuring out exactly how to take advantage of this new opportunity, there is no doubt that you are meant to.
Pay close attention to what arises, especially related to travel as this is the start of manifesting the life that has always been meant for you. You have everything you need to take a chance on yourself and your dreams, Cancer. hough you will be stretched far beyond your comfort zone, it’s also time for you to start exploring new possibilities.
Leo: Sunday, September 22
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You're bursting with confidence and have a bold way of manifesting abundance into your life, Leo. But as the Sun shifts into Libra on Sunday, September 22, it’s time for you to start embracing more of a teamwork mentality. Whether this is strictly in a business sense or your personal relationships, you must start thinking more about your goals and ambitions in terms of who to work with rather than just trying to go about all of this on your own.
This may call for a change in communication style. You're encouraged to ask for help, which comes easier this week as the astrological energy lends itself to being more diplomatic in your conversations with others. Having others win will never take away from your successes, and in this case, working together will help you further your aspirations.
Virgo: Sunday, September 22
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As the Sun moves into Libra on Sunday, September 22, the opportunity to manifest greater abundance in new ways arises. This stems from a change in attitude that will bring about greater positivity, hope, and trust that everything you want is also destined for you.
But this is also a time to take action, so be sure to seize any career- or finance-related offers that come your way. Instead of thinking the worst about everything, or believing that somehow it all seems too good to be true, try to allow yourself to see more positive outcomes so that you can realize abundance is everywhere.
Libra: Sunday, September 22
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It’s time to start exploring the unknown and embracing the endless possibilities surrounding you. At this time, you are being given the ability to choose the path of your dreams, although it may not be an easy one. In many ways, it’s almost as if you can see two different lives: one in which where you currently are and the other possessing everything you’ve ever dreamed of.
You will have to give up much of your current life to attain the other, but never doubt that it is worth it, especially as Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, September 22. Use this time to explore the possibilities, take a chance on yourself, and become more comfortable with the fact that manifesting your dreams may cost you the comfort of certain aspects of your life.
Scorpio: Tuesday, September 17
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When the Pisces Full Moon lunar eclipse peaks on Tuesday, September 17, choose your happiness over all else. This joy isn’t merely momentary, but the basis for the new life that you want to create. Everything you desire is possible, but you will have to choose it.
Just don’t let the power of choice make you feel like it’s a burden you must bear, because in all reality, embracing it is what will set you free. Having a choice over what you will accept into your life and what you no longer will is a gift, because it means that at any moment you can choose the path of your destiny — the one that brings the greatest amount of joy to your soul.
Sagittarius: Sunday, September 22
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When Libra season begins on Sunday, September 22, you have an opportunity to realize that compromise creates space for love, abundance, and joy in your life. Your life is yours, Sagittarius, but if you want others in it, you may need to start embracing more compromise.
You are the wanderer and tend to prefer to go your way and change directions on the whim of the soul. But in this process, you can often find yourself creating challenges in your relationships, both with co-workers and those in your personal life. The only way to achieve the professional and personal success you desire is to learn to compromise more effectively — and to not see doing so as sacrificing what you most desire.
Capricorn: Sunday, September 22
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Get ready to step into the spotlight, Capricorn. As the Sun returns to Libra on Sunday, September 22, you are poised to receive the professional success and abundance you've worked so hard for. With the Sun in Libra, working with others will be crucial. To be known not just for your achievements but for being able to bring others together is an entirely different level of recognition and success.
As you prepare for this lucky opportunity, reflect on how you can change your path from one that is more solitary to one that fosters relationships and connections among others. Investing energy in more effective teamwork and collaborating will help you finally be seen as a beacon of knowledge and success.
Aquarius: Sunday, September 22
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It’s once again time for a change, Aquarius. Although you’ve been feeling the changes brewing in your career for some time, you’ve reached a certain point of this journey where you will now be presented with new professional offers that will allow you to evolve in the ways you desire.
Venus entering Scorpio on Sunday, September 22, helps you embrace depth, meaning, and transformation within your professional life and career. This energy is one that you are already familiar with and have grown quite fond of. There is no point remaining where you are if you already know you’ve outgrown it, so let yourself shift gears, entertain new offers, or say yes to a new role.
You deserve to feel fulfilled in every facet of your life. Letting your professional life evolve will help to manifest more of your dreams.
Pisces: Sunday, September 22
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Prepare yourself for a new beginning, Pisces. In a week that carries not only a Full Moon but also a lunar eclipse in your sign, you know that it’s time to grow and hold space for new realizations that help pave the way to a new beginning.
But as Venus enters Scorpio on Sunday, September 22, you will be surrounded by so much abundance that you may have a challenging time choosing. Remember that all of this is meant to help you embrace new experiences and manifest greater wealth into your life. Take this moment of growth and let yourself expand your life into new and exciting ways as you start to believe in yourself more fully.
While this new beginning may be connected to previous work, it’s important to trust these new opportunities as they start filtering in. No matter how big they might seem, this is all about manifesting the divine plan for your life.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.