Bride Replaces Lifelong Best Friend As Maid Of Honor With Someone She Just Met — ‘I Made 80% Of The Decorations For Her Wedding’

She carelessly overlooked her lifelong friend's unconditional support for a fleeting new friendship.

Bride and maid of honor on wedding day DocPhotos | Shutterstock

Few things sting more than a friendship breakup, especially when that person has been in your life since childhood. 

A maid of honor, who invested hours of work and hundreds of dollars into the preparation of her best friend's wedding, was mindlessly replaced by a woman the bride-to-be met just a month before — ending their lifelong friendship in a matter of minutes.

The bride has been best friends with the now former maid of honor since they were kids.

Originally derived from a Reddit post, content creator Kels Gordon shared a video doing her makeup as she retold the story from the best friend’s perspective.


Gordon shared how the former maid of honor had been best friends with the bride — who she referred to as Kayla — since they were kids. 

Their moms were best friends; they went to the same schools growing up, attended the same college, joined the same sorority, and even lived together all four years of college.

“I mean, this girl is like my other half,” Gordon relayed. “We’ve also never been in a real fight in our entire friendship. We’ve bickered before because we were tired about dumb stuff, but it’s always been over the next day.”

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The maid of honor revealed that the bride prioritizes anything that’s 'new and shiny.'

She elaborated on this, explaining how when Kayla met her fiancé in college, she behaved as if her friends no longer existed. “We just stopped seeing her, and it’s because she was so excited about her new relationship that all of her old friends, we were old news,” Gordon said.

While it’s natural and common for people to distance themselves from friendships when they meet a romantic partner, it’s important not to neglect these vital connections either.

Her preference for the "new and shiny" doesn't just include significant others, however.

Friends hugging Dean Drobot | Shutterstock


"She also has a habit of becoming best friends with somebody that she just meets," Gordon explained. "Thinks they're like the best person in the world, is obsessed with them, plans trips with them, says that they're gonna be best friends for life, and then a month later, they just don't even talk anymore."

“It’s not even like they have a falling out; she just becomes bored,” Gordon added.

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When the bride-to-be got engaged, she asked her best friend to be her maid of honor.

Both women had been envisioning their dream weddings since they were kids, and as her best friend and maid of honor, she dove in, excited to help her BFF make her vision a reality — despite said "vision" being far greater than her "budget."


Still, the maid of honor was stunned by Kayla’s extravagant ideas.

“I had no idea what I got myself into by saying that I would help her with the decorations,” Gordon admitted. “I’m super crafty, and I knew that I could do a lot of those things for a lot less cost, and I even pitched in some of my own money for decorations that I was making because I love her and I wanted her wedding to be exactly how she dreamed it to be.”

The maid of honor admitted that she invested "countless sleepless nights" and over $1,000 on decoration expenses.

The problem began when the friends attended a house party and met another woman named Megan, whom the bride became 'obsessed' with. 

Kayla raved about how much she loved Megan and soon began to spend all of her time with her, refusing to even include the maid of honor in their plans.


“Slowly but surely, Kayla was taking longer and longer to respond to my texts; she wasn’t answering my calls; she was always ‘too busy,’” Gordon relayed.

The maid of honor recognized Kayla's predictable pattern and expected this to be a fleeting friendship, like all the others. Despite putting more time and effort into Kayla’s wedding than the bride herself, she wasn't able to see her until a month before the wedding, when Kayla shared a shocking announcement.

Kayla replaced her lifelong best friend with a woman she had just met as her maid of honor.

"I don't want you to get upset," Kayla told her childhood best friend. "I've been thinking about it a lot, and I decided that I want Megan to be my maid of honor."


The bride-to-be had the audacity to demote her maid of honor to bridesmaid because Megan, whom she just met, was now "her best friend in the world." She selfishly overlooked the time, money, energy, and love her former best friend put into her wedding plans.

While there’s nothing wrong with making new connections outside your inner circle of friends, Kayla ignored her best friend’s dedication and unconditional support and repeatedly neglected their friendship. 

“I was speechless,” Gordon described. “I was sitting there dumbfounded.” 

Woman shocked by friend's betrayal NDAB Creativity | Shutterstock


At that moment, the former best friend and maid of honor realized this was nothing new — Kayla had treated her like a "doormat" throughout their entire friendship. She knew now that she needed to recognize her worth and saw the perfect opportunity to do so.

“I know this was petty, but I [looked] her right in the eye, and I [said], ‘Honestly, I don’t really want to go to a wedding that’s going to have no decorations,'" Gordon relayed. "Without the stuff that I spent money on and put hours and hours into, she's not really gonna have any decorations at all."

While her response was immature, she refused to allow her former friend to walk all over her.

All of those decorations she spent hours crafting were in her apartment, and she refused to hand them over, despite being relentlessly harassed by Kayla's family.


“I said, ‘You can have them. You just have to pay for the cost that I spent on them, plus the time that I put into them,’” she recounted. “Maybe holding the decorations hostage is a little much. Maybe I should just give them to her and let that be that. But I don't know. I spent so much time and money on those, and she just threw me to the side like I was nothing.”

She justifiably argued that the decorations are now Megan's responsibility as her maid of honor. 

The best friend repeatedly showed her loyalty and reliability to Kayla, receiving none in return. After such a betrayal, she finally recognized that Kayla would never truly reciprocate her energy or value their friendship. Who can blame her for being a little petty?

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.