Success Comes To 3 Zodiac Signs On September 26, 2024

Mercury in Libra has us fiercely concentrated on the success we crave.

Zodiac Signs Success September 26, 2024 ivanastar, annet debar, jk, khosro | Canva Pro

On September 26, 2024, three zodiac signs will find success because Thursday will be more than lucky, It will bring great achievement and the promise of more where that came from. Astrologically, we're booked: we have a ton of astrological transits to help us with this day's work, but Mercury in Libra plays the biggest role.

Mercury in Libra has us fiercely concentrated on the success we crave. We're not distracted or obsessive, either; we are going at it with perfect discretion. We know the right moves to make, and we consciously avoid making the wrong ones.


Three zodiac signs will know exactly what to do with this wave of success that will touch down on September 26. We could take a lesson from Mercury in Libra and know that with every success comes a moment of gratitude and quiet; yes, we find success, but no, we are not taking it for granted. We are humble through it all.

Three zodiac signs see success in their lives on September 26, 2024 

1. Gemini

gemini success finds zodiac signs september 26, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


During Mercury in Libra on September 26, you're going to ask yourself what success means to you. Is it all about money, earnings, prowess, and popularity? Is the success that you feel is imminent all about gain, rather than acceptance? What does success look like to you, Gemini?

One of the things that could lead up to this kind of contemplative thinking is that you've learned that you are happier and healthier when you compare yourself to no one. You have very successful friends who are fabulous at what they do but you are not them, and by owning who YOU are, you make a better life for yourself in this way.

Something 'grander' than success is taking place on this day, and you may come to think of it as...detachment. Or maybe...enlightenment. Your success is not materialistic, not during Mercury in Libra. What you've got is peace of mind, which is not that easy to come by. That is true success.

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2. Virgo

virgo success finds zodiac signs september 26, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro

While success, in the past, has always translated to you as wealth or great financial opportunity, you may find that during the transit of Mercury in Libra, on September 26, the meaning of success might end up being contentment. Others may have more money than you, but do they have your brand of contentment?

No, they don't, and while this isn't a competition as to who's the happier person, it certainly doesn't hurt to be the happier person or the happiest person you know. Having lived the life you've lived, you feel you owe yourself this kind of happiness, as this is the real deal in success where you're concerned.


Feeling content and at ease with your partner, your home life, and your job — this is a rare state of bliss and you're not sacrificing it for anything. This kind of success took you a long time to reach, and it can continue as long as you like ... if you want it.

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3. Capricorn

capricorn success finds zodiac signs september 26, 2024 mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro


When we think of Capricorn and the word success we automatically think of money and incredible work-related output. You are known far and wide for your skills, and you are quite excellent at the art of making money, however, this success you reap on this day, September 26, is more about love than it is financial.

During the transit, Mercury in Libra, you'll see that your life needs balance and that you've learned the lesson in how to compartmentalize these things. Your romantic partner has been patient with you; they'll work with all of your demands, most of which have to do with your job and the amount of time you spend working.

This day brings you a different kind of success, Capricorn. This is the day you get to feel good about taking time off to be with your loved one. You are not sacrificing anything by doing this, and what ends up happening is that you establish a lifelong bond with the person you love. Your success comes in the form of a good, strong, long-lasting relationship.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
