Hardships Come To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs On September 21, 2024

Something has changed, and it's a good thing.

Zodiac Signs See Hardships End On September 21 2024 Koy Jang, Titi Lee, yupiramos, Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

On September 21, 2024 three zodiac signs that will finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief as the hardships in our lives will slowly but surely become non-existent. This day's astrology includes the transit of Moon trine Mercury, which is both a positive influence and one that happens rapidly. We often think our burden will take years to live, yet hardships handled in the right way often end quickly. That day is here, and on this Saturday, three zodiac signs will feel it in their gut: something has changed and it's a good thing.


Moon trine Mercury shows us that whatever we consider hard isn't impossible regarding how we rid ourselves of it. We might have believed that we were doomed to bear this weight forever, yet there's no way the universe would throw that on us. This is the day three zodiac signs know the hardships are over.

Hardships end for three zodiac signs on September 21, 2024.

1. Cancer

cancer hardships come end zodiac signs september 21, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


Moon trine Mercury, in your world, Cancer, is all about letting go of unnecessary items. This could be very broad-ranged, or it could be specific. Whatever you've been enduring as of recent times can't last forever and it's time for this hardship to end. Fortunately for you, you get it and want to take advantage of the idea that you don't have to make this your karma forever. You've been crying around this weight, and you need a serious change. Something's got to give, and during Moon trine Mercury, what's about to leave is your hardship.

This is a day for celebration in a way, and while you might not know exactly where you're going from here, you sure do know that it will be much more successful than if you were to continue as you've been doing. The hardships are no longer part of your daily work, and with Moon trine Mercury as your helper on this day, you can successfully rid yourself of them.

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2. Leo

leo hardships come end zodiac signs september 21, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


What's extra interesting for you, Leo is that not only do hardships come to an end, but they come fast and leave easily. You might not know what hits you during Moon trine Mercury, as things not only get done at this time, but they get done and finished ... fast. If you've been carrying around a problem that's more of a burden than a necessity, you may see a total turnaround on this day. With Moon trine Mercury working hard to see you all the way through to success, you'll see that things start to work out.

You're not leaving this day without results, Leo. The wheels are in motion now, and the hardships you've had to deal with will come to an abrupt and highly anticipated halt. You got past the hard stuff, and now it's time to live your life free from this hardship and toil. Good for you.

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3. Pisces

pisces hardships come end zodiac signs september 21, 2024 cundra, Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni | Canva Pro


What you didn't realize is that the hardships you've been enduring are not as necessary as you once thought, and this kind of thinking leads to an unraveling for you, Pisces. You will learn that so much of what you've spent energy on didn't work and it might be best to move on. You have the Moon trine Mercury to back you up, and as soon as you start shifting perspective, the universe will instantly intervene and show you the quickest escape route. As soon as you realize you don't have to endure this one particular hardship, you'll be free of it.

Moon trine Mercury is so good for the Pisces in trouble, and while you might not think of yourself as in trouble, you have had to go through a few rather unpleasant things. This transit delivers you from this hardship and lets you know that you can make better choices for yourself in the future. You'll be fine!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.