How To Read The Energy Around You — And Get Answers To All Your Biggest Questions
A psychic shares how to find clarity and insight in your life.

Have you ever wanted an easy jumping-off point that taps into energy psychically? In August 2020 I wrote a blog predicting the outcome of the 2020 election. I had people write and say it is inappropriate for me to talk, or write about politics.
I also had people vehemently disagree with my prediction. Of course, I had a 50 / 50 chance of being right. Even as the polls and some of my psychic friends disagreed with me, I stuck by my choice, and I predicted correctly.
Our ability to get answers from the energy that surrounds us isn't unique to politics, and it isn't unique to me. In fact, it is my intention with this article to share how you can also get the answers you need.
Keep reading and discover how you can tap into the energy around you. And remember to have faith that whatever is occurring is designed by the Universe to help us collectively expand.
Here's an easy way to read the energy around you and get the answers you want
1. Tuning out the world around you
This is the first step to being successful in reading energy because the fewer distractions and stress in your life, the easier it is to turn inward and successfully connect with the energy of your choice, as supported in a study by the New York Academy of Sciences. Eventually, it will feel like you are lifted to another awareness where it is easy to intentionally read energy.
Tuning in is a broad sweep to assess the overall feel of an event’s energy. It is never done to gain information that can be harmful to another. It is super important to be completely objective in what you see.
Damir Khabirov via Shutterstock
2. Close your eyes and connect with your subject of interest
This might be a person, place, or thing. A 2010 study outlines how visualizing it in your mind’s eye. If it is of personal interest to you, imagine seeing yourself on the same blank canvas as the subject. Notice how close your image is to the subject.
Pay attention to see if you overlap energies. look to see if you are aligned, or at odd angles with each other. Sometimes you can see yourself and the subject right next to each other, other times they do not want to stay on the same page in your mind. This is a great tool for potential jobs or moves.
3. Notice how you feel emotionally when you think about the subject
If logic steps in and begins telling a predictable story, wait for that to pass. Focus on your breathing and soon you will be able to connect with the essence of your subject. If needed go back to the visualization step. It takes practice and faith to go deeper and make a real energetic connection that is beyond logic
Has the vision in your mind’s eye changed? Maybe you are being shown a series of images like a movie. Possibly you are seeing random images that remind you of something else in your life. These are often messages that we need to play with and figure out the meaning.
4. Are you intuitively hearing anything?
International Journal of Listening research on clairaudience helps us see this is similar to visualization, but it allows auditory messages to come into your mind. Maybe you become aware of a song, word, or sound in your mind. Notice if any of this has meaning to you?
5. Pull it all together
Did you experience feelings of harmony or discord and chaos? Did the colors and shapes tell a story? The answers and high vibrations are wrapped up in the process. There is no end or beginning to step into this expansive awareness that allows us to see and experience our world differently.
The above steps are basic and you will expand your way of tapping in, with experience. Sometimes for clarity, you can use cards or another metaphysical tool. Think of it as gathering as much insight into a situation as possible.
Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.