10 Emotional Distractions Keeping You From Getting What You Want

Your highest potential awaits you, if you clear a path for it.

Woman distracted, looking up Nicoleta Ionescu via Shutterstock

Life can feel fulfilling, or you might believe something needs to happen before your life is rewarding. Waiting for a transformation or change to occur for your needs for happiness to be met is a distraction and prevents you from living your best life.

Distractions pull your awareness away from getting what you want from life. They can show up as a million different things. An example might be worrying about what the government, neighbors, or coworkers think and do. After all, this is far from your ability to control.


Distractions are a process of giving your energy and power away

This can be when you stay in a job or relationship to prove a point or satisfy others. It could also be thinking you need the new red car, instead of focusing on your wellness. Sometimes it is painful to identify life’s distractions because it highlights what needs to change in life, and we all know some changes can be off-putting.

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Distractions whittle away from your best life

An example of one of my distractions popped up in my 40s. I loved running and the feeling of freedom that came with it. I loved picking a race and training for it, but when I began to have health complications and running was worsening them, I did not want to quit. Running was my distraction from what needed to change in my life.

Of course, the Universe completely opened my life to a million new experiences, but first, I had to mourn the end of my relationship with running marathons. I had huge changes in my life that put me on the path to my highest potential.

This experience has made it easy for me to see what distracts me and my clients from their highest potential. I love helping people discover the awareness of their highest and best selves. It reminds me of showing someone how to steer a boat from uncomfortable choppy, muddy waters to an easy-flowing river that offers clarity and peace.

Puzzle pieces, string, and silhouette of human head as symbolic of distracted mind Berit Kessler via Shutterstock


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Here are 10 life distractions keeping you from your greatest dreams & goals

1. Repeat loop to infinity

Are you living a life that is stuck and repeating the same life lessons? Do your relationships or habits have a different name, but leave you feeling the same as your past experiences?

2. Addictive behavior in control

Do you have addictions in your life that control your decisions and behaviors every day?

3. Caught in the drama cycle

Do you get caught up in and even create drama in your world, shifting your focus on problems and not potential?

4. Avoid accountability

Are you lacking accountability in your life? Is it easier to blame others, than create a life where you feel empowered?


5. Worse-case conspiracy spirals

Are you preoccupied with fearful conspiracy theories and worse-case scenarios that keep you from manifesting your best life?


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6. Never allowed satisfaction

Are you never satisfied, always thinking there is a better life waiting for you in the future?


7. Hidden self-saboteurs

Do you self-sabotage your life because of past mistakes so you never fully engage in today and your life’s potential?

8, Trapped in comparison

Do you compare your life experience against others; putting your attention on other people’s stories?

9. The next new thing

Are you always wanting, seeking, and jumping around to the next shiny thing? This behavior can take you from feeling a deep connection and purposeful life.

10. Self-awareness deficiency

Is your self-awareness lacking? Do you take everything personally and believe everything is happening to you, instead of fully engaging in co-creating your life with the universe?


You can live a distraction-free life

Living a life free of distractions is not a green light to just give up. Far from it. When you have clarity about what you truly want in life it will be easy to set boundaries and make decisions to keep you empowered and successful.

To keep this concept simple, and not a distraction, allow your boundaries to help you stay focused. When you drift into areas that diffuse your energy, you bump into preset boundaries. For example, most of us use a smartphone, iPad, or other device for entertainment. This can fit perfectly into a life with fewer distractions if you set an alarm before you sit down with your phone for mindless entertainment. This is a perfect reset back to your intentional, empowered life.

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Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.