10 Astrology Events In August 2024 That'll Bring Significant Change To Each Zodiac Sign's Life

There are a ton of influential astrology transits in August 2024 that are bound to help us evolve.

woman in space affected by august 2024 astrology transits Branislav Rodman via Unsplash / Robert Gruszecki and margiartho via Canva

The astrology forecast for August 2024 includes some great transits — as well as a few each zodiac sign must watch out for. But overall there will be a silver lining to every storm cloud, and romance will definitely be in the air. It's a Leo season thing!

Virgo season will kick in on August 22, so don't be surprised if your energy shifts somewhat on this day and you start preparing in earnest for the rest of the year in the weeks that follow.


August 2024 astrology forecast

1. August 4: New Moon in Leo

We begin the month with big blessings with the New Moon in Leo on August 4! So start preparing now for a moon ritual because new moon times are perfect for setting new plans into motion and sending your wishes into the ether. Wishes do come true — especially when the moon will be full later in the month.


As for the collective, the New Moon in Leo will bring the desire to be recognized and seen to the surface. But since it's a new moon energy, they may be more passive-aggressive about it. So if you find someone ranting more than usual on this day, try to find out what's actually bothering them underneath it all.

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2. August 4: Venus enters Virgo

August 4 is going to be more action-packed than usual as we also have Venus entering Virgo on this day. In Virgo, Venus prefers to know upfront what it's getting into, especially in matters of the heart. But it's also open to adapting and responding based on how others engage with it. It's a mutable sign after all.

So don't be surprised if over the next couple of weeks, as Venus moves through this sign, you find people, especially women and those who identify as feminine, becoming more critical about who they choose to date or be with romantically. Nothing short of long-term potential will do! The fling extravaganza will end with Venus in Leo.

@vordr.art This mercury retrograde and venus in virgo combo is about to be really giving for some people- hope you’ve been keeping up your brew how you need to 💖🙂‍↕️🙏🏼 #venus #virgo #virgoenergy #virgo♍️ #mercury #mercuryretrograde #retrograde ♬ original sound - Valkyrja Vörðr

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3. August 5: Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo

All won't be bunnies and sunshine in August, though. We have a Mercury Retrograde to contend with, starting from August 5. This will initially be in the zodiac sign of Virgo, but very quickly Mercury will change signs to Leo on August 14 until the end of the retrograde later in the month.

When Mercury Retrograde is in Virgo, the main focus will be on re-evaluating and re-assessing what is being done. Overlooked details will come to light and if anyone has been cutting corners in the guise of working smart, they will find themselves braked by life. Plans for the future will also come under the scrutiny of the retrograde with some revealing themselves to need more careful thought.


Mercury Retrograde in Leo, on the other hand, will be more focused on triggering the collective with memories from the past, the return of exes and the estranged, and the stirring of emotions to reveal long-forgotten dreams.

Self-esteem problems will crop up during this time too, especially if they are centered around your intelligence. Those who are classically beautiful according to beauty standards may feel a certain emptiness inside because the person they are on the inside is always overlooked while everyone is busy treating them like Barbie or Ken dolls.

So make sure to ground yourself during this period. It will help you align with the positives of Mercury Retrograde while minimizing the negatives.

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4. August 9: Juno enters Libra

Juno will exit Virgo and enter Libra on August 9. As the asteroid of marriage and commitment, this area of life will suddenly become a hotbed of discussion for the collective. After all, Libra is the quintessential zodiac sign of marriage and commitment and Juno is known to be at home here.

With Juno in Libra, people who rely on dishonesty in romantic relationships won't manage to keep things hidden any longer. And those who are truly in it for the long haul will find themselves blessed in the most astonishing ways. 

Any marriage proposals during this time will be blessed too. Just make sure the proposal comes from the heart and doesn't have ulterior motives attached!

5. August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius

August 19 will witness the month's Full Moon in Aquarius. Any wishes you made or intentions you set during the last New Moon in Aquarius on February 9 will begin to manifest now. This is also a great time to honor what came before you so you can keep moving forward with strength. 

@tarynleighbond A message that emerged under this stunning lunation 🌠 this full moon illuminates the struggle between the part of us who seeks approval and the part who craves progress… will you be bold enough to step outside of what you think you know? #aquariusfullmoon #aquariusmoon #fullmooninaquarius #leoseason #astrologytransits #fullmoonmessage ♬ original sound - Astrology with Taryn ☾

Gratitude journaling is an excellent idea for this day too. Just make sure to postpone all releasing rituals until the moon officially enters the waning phase. The Full Moon energy is best saved for gratitude and intense manifestations.

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6. August 22: The Sun enters Virgo

The Sun will transition as usual from one sign to another this month too, specifically on August 22. The change will occur in Virgo, thus ending Leo season and officially starting Virgo season.


You will benefit from becoming more methodical during this period as that's the primary lesson of the Sun in Virgo. Attention to detail can save a lot of wasted effort too. Just be mindful of perfectionism. The collective may lean towards that for the next thirty days or so.

7. August 24: Vesta enters Virgo

On August 24, the asteroid Vesta will transition from Leo to Virgo. Since Vesta is connected to the story of the Vestal Virgins in mythology, Virgo is the perfect zodiac sign for it. So expect some powerful changes.

Vesta represents our soul fire and what we are devoted to. In Virgo, Vesta will call on the collective to let go of false narratives and honor the path their soul has chosen. This energy will not favor fanaticism though. You must know why you have chosen to devote yourself to something. Half-answers will never satisfy this energy.

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8. August 26: Ceres goes direct in Capricorn

The end of August will be a hectic period for some retrogrades, and we begin that with Ceres retrograde coming to an end on August 26. Once Ceres goes direct in Capricorn, there will be a general shift experienced by the collective in the arena of career and professions. Hiring managers will be more generous in their salary estimates, and opportunities to apply yourself will be more abundant too. 

But any opportunity you grab during this period will come with a truckload of responsibilities and the need for hard work. So be aware of what you are signing up for. The harvest will make the efforts worth it though.

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9. August 28: Mercury goes direct in Leo

Mercury retrograde will come to an end on August 28. And since Mercury will go direct in the zodiac sign of Leo, there will be a fresh boost of energy and inspiration in the intellectual arena.

Keep a notepad with you at all times or make sure you have a reliable notes app on the phone. Inspiration will strike you at the oddest times and the ideas will be pure gold. Of course, gold needs to be processed too, so don't forget to incubate the inspiration and see where it takes you!

10. August 29: Venus enters Libra

Finally, the last transit of August is on August 29 when Venus will enter Libra. As the ruling planet of this zodiac sign, Venus is perfectly at home in Libra. So expect the next few weeks to be absolutely smashing good in the area of love, romance, attracting luck, and spontaneously experiencing a glow-up.

Gratitude rituals will do really well during this period too, especially if you maintain a daily gratitude journal. Just make sure to set healthy boundaries in your daily life while you go about it. Venus in Libra knows how to balance out giving and receiving. So if you tip too much in the direction of giving, you may inadvertently block the blessings of this transit.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
