The 3 Luckiest Zodiac Signs On July 18, 2024

Now, there's something to look forward to.

The 3 Luckiest Zodiac Signs On July 18, 2024 Yulekottur, IncrediVFX from Getty Images, Chikovnaya | Canva Pro

As soon as we start our day on July 18, 2024, we will feel as though something good is about to happen. Because the astrology of the day points to the good luck charm of Moon square Saturn, we will find that three zodiac signs will feel a little more fortunate than usual and that this feeling of luck may just turn into the manifestation of luck.

Now, there's something to look forward to. If we've felt as though we're in a rut or that all we really need is that 'special something' to get us up and out of that rut, then it would be pretty typical of Saturn to come in and rescue us at that moment. When Saturn is squared with the Moon, as it is on Thursday, we know one thing: we're over it.


Yes, that is correct. We, the three zodiac signs that really take to this kind of energy, are over it. By over it, we mean we're no longer stuck. We are feeling brave and strong, and we will finally accept the idea that luck is, indeed, on our side. 

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Welcome in the day, zodiac signs, if you're one of these three, then you're the luckiest on July 18, 2024.

1. Aries

aries luckiest zodiac sign july 18 2024 Valeriia Timofi / Canva


If there's anything you've become tired of hearing, it's the sound of your voice as you complain more than you should. You know this and are taking responsibility for it on Thursday, July 18. You are doing it because you don't want it to affect other people, as this is your 'thing' to deal with.

What this means is that during the transit of Moon square Saturn, you will see that you have the potential to be very, very lucky if only you could stand out of your way. Upon figuring this out, you immediately work in tandem with the universe's plan for you, and you can reap the rewards of the day.

If removing the complaints from your daily life is what's needed to live a lucky life, then you'll tend to that easily on this day. Saturn's energy tells you that it's a choice. You can stay 'stuck,' or move along, welcoming in the luck waiting for you. Smart person that you are, you'll go with option #2, and you'll open your heart to the lucky day you're about to have.

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2. Leo

The Leo Luckiest Zodiac Signs On July 18, 2024 Valeriia Timofi | Canva Pro

Luck comes to you in the form of knowing what is right for you, as opposed to doing things the same old way you've become used to, with the same dingy results. You are a person who craves excellence, and you know that you haven't always been an example of how to go about creating it. This day and its transit, Moon Square Saturn, help you overcome whatever it is that keeps you stuck.

You'd have to call it a very lucky day, as July 18 brings you the kind of easygoing opportunity that you are supposed to take advantage of. What Moon Square Saturn allows you to feel, Leo is a resurgence of self-confidence as you've come to know what it's like to feel just the opposite, and you don't like it.


So, the luck of the day isn't so much about winning the lottery — although that would be nice, too — it's more along the lines of you recognizing your power to change and change. This is a transformative day for you, Leo, and you'll make it into a lucky one.

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3. Virgo

The Virgo Luckiest Zodiac Signs On July 18, 2024 Valeriia Timofi | Canva Pro


You are one of the luckiest zodiac signs out there on this day, July 18, 2024. So much of it is because you have come to the point in your life where you don't care as much. That's not to say you are uncaring. Oh no, you care very much, but it's about picking your battles. You have come to honor your energy levels, and you don't want to waste this precious life source.

During this day's transit, Moon square Saturn, you will see that you can see what is best for you because of Saturn's particular energy. What this means is that this planet shows you that you are only as limited as you make yourself out to be. This is a big lesson for you, as you do not feel all that limited.

So, on Thursday, you'll feel as though you've just found the key to your true happiness, and this feels not only lucky but meant to be. Not accepting the limitations allows you to experience happiness and joy. There's no luckier feeling than that on this special day. It's all yours, Virgo. Enjoy it.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
