5 Zodiac Signs Will Experience The Best Weekly Horoscopes From July 15 - 21, 2024
They are the best of the best!

Who are you when no one's watching? The energy this week, between July 15 - 21, 2024, has a mysterious quality to it that beckons us to turn inward and discover hidden facets of our personality. Where the discovery leads is up to you. But don't hold yourself back from finding out because you fear the subconscious abyss.
Of course, five zodiac signs will have the best weekly horoscopes if they lean into this energy. They are: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Pisces, and Aries. But the rest are encouraged to ground within, too!
In the grand scheme of things, this week will bloom and blossom more near the end. And that's mainly because of the astrology transits awaiting us over the weekend. On July 20, Mars will leave Taurus and enter Gemini, and then on July 21, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn.
If that wasn't all, we also have to contend with the burgeoning energy of Leo Season because the Sun will officially transit to Leo on July 22 (the first day of next week). So be prepared for some big shifts and changes this weekend. The rest of the week will be pretty laid back compared to it. Now, let's focus on the five zodiac signs with the best weekly horoscopes.
Five zodiac signs will experience the best weekly horoscopes from July 15 - 21, 2024:
1. Cancer
Best zodiac sign to work with: Scorpio & Leo
Best area to focus on: looking into healthy alternatives for your favorite meals to make at home
WarmJuly | Canva Pro
Cancer, trust your own counsel this week over all else. Your heart will lead you true, and your instincts will guide you to the right answers. If you ever feel unsure of yourself, sit quietly for a few minutes and try to focus on your breath. It will help you center yourself and listen to the voice within.
You are also urged to be more mindful of the food you eat now. Whatever makes you feel light and good within will have a positive impact on every other aspect of your life too. And if you cook, be mindful of your emotions while you are cooking.
2. Leo
Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Leos
Best area to focus on: finding things that bring you joy in life and doing more of them
WarmJuly | Canva Pro
Leo, the energy is beautiful for you this week. If you wake up one day and discover you glowed up overnight, this is one of the blessings in store for you. The others will help you take your life to the next level and conquer all your dreams and goals. So, be more intentional. It will channel this energy where it needs to go the most.
Also, dance more this week! Let your heart and inner child take the wheel. Something truly magical will emerge when you give yourself space to be goofy or sensual or whatever your wish to be that day.
3. Virgo
Best zodiac sign to work with: Leo
Best area to focus on: picking up a new hobby that you have always wanted to do
WarmJuly | Canva Pro
Virgo, go where you can grow. That's your message for this week. Step out of your comfort zone and discover the world. You will surprise yourself with your own ingenuity and your ability to adapt and roll. Those of you with a strong circle of good friends are also encouraged to value what's priceless and not give in to behavior that may ruin such a blessing.
If you feel called to, dance to your heart's content this week. It will help you be brave and unearth fresh aspects of your personality. Beautiful things await on such a path.
4. Pisces
Best zodiac sign to work with: Virgo
Best area to focus on: finding new ways to express yourself more authentically
WarmJuly | Canva Pro
Pisces, the energy this week for you urges you not to give in to stress and anxieties. If you burst into tears sometimes without knowing why or feel strong emotions (again without knowing the root), start a journal and pour yourself out on the pages. For some of you, these emotional fluctuations are a symptom of a strong psychic ability, especially if you come across concerning world news within a few days.
Singing from your heart is also highlighted here as a way to connect your subconscious/unconscious mind to your consciousness. It will enable you to understand yourself better and discover wisdom within.
5. Aries
Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Aries
Best area to focus on: Private meditations
WarmJuly | Canva Pro
Aries, the crowd is not always wrong. But neither are they always right. You are encouraged this week to think and choose whether you will stick with popular opinion in certain situations or choose to deviate in other situations. The middle ground is where you will discover your true Aries pioneering spirit.
You are also encouraged to maintain a journal where you jot down thoughts, ideas, and random flashes of inspiration. It will help you incubate these moments of brilliance until they become more solid and workable.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.