What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15 -21, Per A Tarot Card Reader

An extraordinary week is ahead for all!

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader Artulina, sketchify | Canva Pro

Sing from your heart when no one is watching, dance until your feet can't dance anymore, and remind yourself that you deserve to experience the beauty and abundance in this world just as anyone else! That's the theme and energy of this week, between July 15 - 21, 2024, collectively for each zodiac sign. But before we look at the one-card tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign individually, here are the general messages for everyone. 


We have the Three of Wands paving the way early this week, quickly followed by the Ace of Swords. Together, they ask us to “not be dull” (in the manner of an exasperated best friend). Don't miss out on what the world has to offer because you are afraid history will repeat itself or someone told you that you are meant for one path while your heart reveals that it's another.

Eight of Wands adds weight to this message by reminding us to be as swift or steady as feels right to us on the path of learning, growing, exploring, and expanding. Your trajectory will look different to someone else's because you are not them. Don't fall into the trap of comparing what cannot be compared.


If you feel called to, breathe deeply when no one is watching and ground yourself. The answers will emerge when you choose to trust that voice within. Now, let's see what's in store for us this week.

The weekly tarot horoscope for each zodiac sign from July 15 - 21, 2024:


Tarot card of the week: Ace of Swords

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Other Aries

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro


Aries, know your own mind and act upon what drives you from within. That's your message for this week, per the Ace of Swords. They may call you impulsive and foolish but are not privy to your innermost thoughts and motivations. Why should they? You don't owe them an explanation and invitation to your decision-making process. It's your life. Live it as you please.

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Tarot card of the week: Queen of Swords

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Pisces


What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Taurus, you are a classic beauty from a historical standpoint of your people. Never let the world tell you there's something unlikeable about you or your appearance. If you fall for that mental trap, you may leave behind what makes you unique and extraordinary to embrace something generic and bland. This message is especially true for those of you contemplating plastic surgery as a means to enhance your beauty. Think about it a bit more before deciding in haste.

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Tarot card of the week: Two of Pentacles

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Cancer

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Gemini, you are a mischievous soul. Almost like Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Why should you let go of this uniqueness just to suit the taste of someone who is nothing like you? There is beauty in diversity. You are as much a part of it as they are. That's your message for this week, per the Two of Pentacles. It reminds you to walk your own path and embrace all the weird twists and turns in it. Even if it looks stupid to someone else, it won't be stupid in reality.


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Tarot card of the week: Seven of Wands

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Scorpio

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Cancer, what do you truly want in your heart of hearts? Focus on that wish this week and keep acting in ways that will bring that wish to life. That's your message from the Seven of Wands. You must not sabotage yourself by walking away from your dream or allowing anyone to tear down your self-esteem or confidence. Your intuition will be your greatest gift this week. Use that power to clear the path ahead of you.


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Tarot card of the week: Four of Cups

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Cancer

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Leo, sometimes the greatest gift one can give themselves is the gift of solitude and peace. If that idea makes you restless, ask yourself, "Why?" Do you feel incomplete without other people around you? Why is that? Now's a good time to journal your thoughts and feelings on this subject so you can be strong when you are around people and not lose yourself in the crowd, and also be strong when you are alone and focused on the private projects and thoughts that mean the most to you.


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Tarot card of the week: Ace of Pentacles

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Leo

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Virgo, you have the hand of destiny hovering over you this week. That's your message, per the Ace of Pentacles. If you nurture this seed, it will flourish and bloom into a tree that will give fruits for years and years. Whether this is a new job, a new relationship, or a new habit, you get to write your own destiny. What will it be? If you feel called to, work with blue-colored crystals this week to help you gain clarity on this path. Whatever you personally resonate with is the crystal for you!


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Tarot card of the week: Six of Wands

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Virgo

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Libra, the time has come for you to write your own destiny and be the hero/heroine of your own story. It's not enough to just be a social butterfly who is looked upon fondly by other people. It's time to elevate yourself to the next level and keep growing. So focus on your ultimate goal and channel your energy into that area. You will succeed when you do this. Don't let distractions water down this blessing!


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Tarot card of the week: Six of Swords

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Sagittarius

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Scorpio, where would you go if your feet were unfettered by life and responsibilities? Write down that wish and script a story. Your manifestation powers are strong this week and can be channeled into areas where you will benefit the most. The Six of Swords also urges you to be aware of who you should surround yourself with and who you should move away from. The right answer will always bring you peace.


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Tarot card of the week: Seven of Pentacles

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Aquarius

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Sagittarius, the tarot card that has come up for you this week is the Seven of Pentacles. It urges you to keep doing what you do best and continue to pave the path for a bright future. Every brick you lay will eventually help you build your castle of dreams. Just make sure not to get impatient on this path. A seed cannot become a tree in one fell swoop. Let the process unfold organically and reveal nuggets of wisdom along the way.


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Tarot card of the week: The Fool

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Aquarius

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro


Capricorn, you have received a major Arcana tarot card this week – The Fool. It speaks of new beginnings and the need to conquer your fears. Are you keeping yourself boxed in because you are afraid of the judgment of others? 

The Fool reminds you that the world is vaster and more diverse than you can see. What may appear nonsensical and ridiculous to one group of people may be just the thing to do to another. Is your goal or destination truly that weird? Or are you letting the wrong voices influence your destiny?

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Tarot card of the week: Queen of Cups

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Pisces


What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Aquarius, let no one say that you are only cerebral and can't feel. One cannot care about communities and planets if they don't know how to care deeply beyond their own selfish motivations. That's your message for this week, per the Queen of Cups. Sometimes, when no one seems to be willing to solve a problem, the one who cares the most must take up the mantle of the leader and bring change. You have that capacity within you. Don't doubt it!

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Tarot card of the week: Nine of Cups

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Cancer

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of July 15, Per A Tarot Card Reader graphixmania | Canva Pro

Pisces, this week's energy is being highlighted as sweet and beautiful for you, per the Nine of Cups. You will find joy in your own company and the company of others. So strike the right balance so you can enjoy both kinds of joy and cultivate yourself within through those unique experiences. If you feel called to, now's a great time to create a vision board and revolutionize your life and dreams.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
