Which Zodiac Signs Are Insecure Vs. Confident, Ranked From Most To Least

Are you wildly confident, insecure, or somewhere in between?

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When you’re confident, you come off as being self-assured in many kinds of settings. You know what you want and how to get it, or, at least, that’s how you appear.

Then, there’s having confidence in others. You trust that when somebody says they’re going to do something, they’ll come through.

Some people believe that things happen for a reason, and have confidence that the universe isn’t as random as it appears. It’s the “one door closes, another one opens” philosophy of life.

But astrology can provide more insight into why we are insecure, confident, or a mix of the two.

Who are the most insecure zodiac signs, and who are the most confident?

While it does depend on which zodiac signs you ask, Water signs Cancer and Pisces tend to take things to heart, leading to lowered self-esteem and an increase in insecure feelings.

On the other hand, confident zodiac signs tend to be Fire signs like Aries and Leo, who prefer to be in the spotlight, absorbing all the attention, good or bad.

RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Struggles With Self-Esteem


As with confidence, we can be insecure about many things. We may have the opposite of self-confidence and be highly doubtful of our abilities or our talents. We may not feel that we can trust other people to do the right thing for others, and not just themselves.

No one is 100 percent confident or insecure; most of us have a lot of one and a little of the other.

The Most Insecure Zodiac Signs Vs. Most Confident Zodiac Signs, Ranked

1. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancers are super-sensitive and tend to take everything way too personally.

When your happiness or feelings of self-esteem rest on somebody else, you don't have that inner strength that you need to be confident.


Cancer is overly emotional, clingy, and extremely needy, all of which fall under the insecure umbrella. It's really a shame they're so insecure as they tend to be wonderful and caring people.

2. Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Since Virgos are so critical of themselves, they think other people are as hypercritical as they are, and it can be damaging to their self-esteem.

They worry a lot about whether they're making a good impression or if they've done something horribly embarrassing at a social function.

Their constant self-appraisal chips away at the foundation of their confidence and causes them to have major insecure moments, making them one of the most insecure zodiac signs.


They don't trust their instincts, and are often beating themselves up for self-perceived mistakes and flaws.

3. Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libras don't want any trouble, so they have to be passionate about something in order to stand up for it, and championing causes or people is usually the only time that Libras are straight-out confident.

They want to be liked, and they're not sure that if they voiced their opinions and stood up for themselves they would be.

4. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

One thing about Pisces is that they tend to be easily led. If they were confident and strong with their convictions, they'd stand up for themselves and say "no" whenever they needed to.


Instead, they lean more towards insecurity than confidence.

They are, however, confident when it comes to their imagination or sharing their creativity. If they paint something or take a photograph, they know it's good and want to share it.

RELATED: 5 Ways To Be More Confident, Have High Self-Esteem & Feel Secure In Your Relationships

5. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorns land somewhere in the middle between those who are confident and those who are insecure.

If they're in the middle of a project or there's an issue in regard to their work, they're extremely confident; when it comes to interpersonal or romantic interactions, they tend to be more introverted and insecure.


Capricorns tend to hide their insecurity behind a wall and come off as hard-hearted or strange when, in reality, they're just not confident in their social skills.

6. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

How confident or insecure a Gemini is feeling really depends on their mood.

They can be extremely confident at parties — chatting up strangers, being the consummate guest, or being the tie that brings people together. But when they're in a situation that's outside their comfort zone, they may doubt their abilities and can feel uncomfortable and apprehensive.

They just need to look at every situation as a social event and then they'll believe in their abilities kill it.


7. Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus has confidence in their taste and style. They know how to look good and how to make their house look good, too.

You can't change a Taurus' mind about something, so they're wildly confident they're going to win any argument or any battle. However, their confidence can hide a deep insecurity, but that's usually buried so deep no one can see it.

8. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

The line between detachment and confidence is hard to decipher with an Aquarius.

They seem to have a lot of confidence... or is it that they just don't care that much? Aquarians try to float above any negativity or tension, even if they caused it.


Generally, they feel confident that whatever drama everyone else is going through, they're not a part of it.

RELATED: The Personality Trait Each Zodiac Sign Is Most Proud Of, According To Astrology

9. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio is very honest with themselves. They know they look good or are smart, but they also are aware of any weaknesses or flaws they might have; they just have the ability to embrace those things and to look at them as pluses.

Sure, they can get overly attached to someone, but that just means they're passionate. They're confident that they are where they need to be, and whatever they do is exactly what they should be doing.


Most of all, Scorpios are confident in the bedroom — that's where they rule and are convinced that when it comes to sex, nobody does it better than they do.

10. Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries know how incredible they are, and when you say that to them, they'll agree with you. Well, why would they lie?

They're confident, energetic, and adventurous, and when you're with an Aries, you can get swept up in their positive and radiant energy. They have tremendous confidence they'll be able to win you over if you're not initially a fan.


11. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius can talk to anyone, anywhere, about anything.

They're on a quest to learn whatever they can about the world and themselves, and if someone has a criticism to give them, they're totally open to it. They have the confidence to get feedback and actually use it to improve themselves.

If someone tries to insult them, they just turn it into a joke and laugh about it. It's hard to bring a Sagittarius down or shake their self-esteem.

12. Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leos exudes confidence. They don't shy away from the spotlight; in fact, they want to be front and center.

They know without a doubt they have all the answers and know the best thing to do at all times. Theirs is a natural confidence, and because it's so much a part of them, they don't even notice it much.


They don't worry about if they'll make a great first impression or if they'll do the right thing — they know they will. The inner mantra of Leos is "I got this."

RELATED: 5 Ways To Improve Your Self-Esteem & Confidence Without Shaming Or Blaming Your Past


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Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or her Instagram.
