Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For July 8 - 14, 2024

A lightning storm within the heart ...

Every Chinese Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope For July 8 - 14, 2024 Ganna Sereda From Anna_leni And LV4260 From Getty Images | Canva Pro

Sometimes, to discover the hidden wisdom of this world, one must first be willing to be open-hearted. That's the theme and energy of this week between July 8 - 14, 2024. But before we look at the weekly horoscopes for every Chinese zodiac sign, here are the general messages for everyone.

The I Ching hexagram this week is Thunder over Thunder (#51). It tells the story of being asleep ... and then suddenly waking up in shock at the crash of a thunder so loud you thought the sky was about to fall on your head! It's a metaphorical message urging you to not wait until the very last moment when you know something is important. 


This is especially true if you are in an abusive situation where gaslighting words and emotional upheaval are slowly chipping away all the best parts of you. Don't wait for the crash of thunder when the energy vampires have devoured everything they wished to! Tap into the thunder within your soul and know that you can change your fate and write your destiny. Don't you know how strong you can roar? 

The weekly horoscope for each Chinese zodiac sign from July 8 - 14, 2024:


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

General Overview:

Rat, the energy this week for you has a dainty quality to it. Lean into nature, walk through a field of daffodils (if you can), or hug a tree. You will discover cosmic secrets when you do.


Lucky Day in Love: July 9

Your love life is being suppressed at this time in favor of your soul's healing. Strengthen yourself from within through catharsis, journaling, and self-care. The puzzle pieces will come together when they have to.

Lucky Day in Friendship: July 10

As for your social life, you are urged to be mindful of who you spend time with and who you don't. Groupthink will be your downfall... if you let it.

Lucky Day for Career: July 11

In your career, things will unfold as usual. Don't be impatient, but don't be too slow either. The right pace will help you win.

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(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)


General Overview:

Ox, the energy this week for you is all about being forward-thinking, whatever that means to you. Traditions were once novel ideas. Don't hold on to cultural phenomena that harm people. Meditation will reveal what this message means.

Lucky Day in Love: July 11

In love, you are urged to be honest. It can make you feel awfully vulnerable, but it will also pave the path to true love and joy for hearts.

Lucky Day in Friendship: July 11

Your social life will either be a resounding success this week or more of a hit-and-miss. Choose the story you want because you can write your own destiny.

Lucky Day for Career: July 12

In your career, you are encouraged to be observant and a good listener. Important knowledge and an expansion of ideas await you on this path.


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(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, your heart is big. But your intellect is even bigger. Don't second-guess yourself and shrink your world. You were born to be big... in whatever capacity you decide.

Lucky Day in Love: July 11 & 12

In love, you are encouraged to think outside the box. Be creative and watch as random sunsets turn into second and third dates, and bare ideas give way to astonishing experiences.

Lucky Day in Friendship: July 13

Your social life may be a bit introverted this week. Turn inward and reflect on where you want to be. The answers will reveal themselves when you try.


Lucky Day for Career: July 14

As for your career, you are encouraged to be patient at this time. The time for something new will come later. Lead with kindness and you will watch the cosmos shower you with more blessings.

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(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, the energy this week for you is a mix of sweet and sour. And no, this has nothing to do with food! (Or, does it?)

Lucky Day in Love: July 14

In love, you are encouraged to be your creative self and leave room for spontaneity. The adventures you embark on like this will lead to astounding memories.


Lucky Day in Friendship: July 13

As for your social life, you are encouraged to set healthy boundaries. Those of you who work with crystals will benefit from working with blue crystals this week, like Blue Lace Agate or Lapis Lazuli.

Lucky Day for Career: July 11 & 12

In your career, you are urged to lead with empathy and your intellect both. They are not on opposing ends of the table, regardless of what popular belief proclaims. Then watch as magic unfolds!

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(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

General Overview:

Dragon, you were born for greatness, but this knowledge can often make you feel burdened and cornered. You are urged to ground yourself through calming practices, like meditation, tai chi, yoga, or even an evening tea ritual. It will help in more ways than one.


Lucky Day in Love: July 11 & 12

In love, you are encouraged to be honest and express yourself fully. If anyone rejects you, know it's not a comment on your worth. How can it be when our world is so vast and diverse? You will find your soulmate only when you walk this path.

Lucky Day in Friendship: July 12

You also are encouraged to take a step back from too much socializing this week. Instead, spend time with yourself and journal your thoughts and feelings. Important insights will rise to the surface when you do.

Lucky Day for Career: July 13

As for your career, the energy is steady here. Let things unfold as they are. Impatience will only get in the way!


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(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, your intuition is being highlighted this week. Don't be surprised if something supernatural happens to you or your intuitive gifts reveal an important truth to you.

Lucky Day in Love: July 9

In love, you are urged to not settle. How can you experience true love if you willingly choose to be with someone incompatible? Trust your heart on this.

Lucky Day in Friendship: July 8

Your social life is also being highlighted here as an area to be more conscious of. Don't ignore red flags until it's too late.


Lucky Day for Career: July 8

As for your career, if you have been thinking of trying something new or expanding your horizons, now's a good time to do just that.

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(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Horse, the energy this week for you has an introverted yet observant quality to it. Lean into it and you will understand more about yourself and the world than you knew before.

Lucky Day in Love: July 8

In love, you are urged to be conscious of people with the capacity to love and those who are plain energy vampires. It's time to break past conditioned beliefs so you can steer clear of the latter and find your true mate.


Lucky Day in Friendship: July 8

Your social life will be a hit or miss. If you work with crystals or have a strong spiritual side, you are encouraged to lean into this and discover your blessings on such paths.

Lucky Day for Career: July 10

Your career is also being highlighted here as an area where you must be more observant. Let ideas come to you and then incubate them. Every spark may not have the potential to become a flame.

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(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, the energy this week has a homely quality to it for you. If you are on vacation, don't be surprised if you crave food and settings that help your explore the more rustic and laidback aspects of wherever you are.


Lucky Day in Love: July 10 & 11

In love, you are encouraged to speak your mind and not pretend to be anything other than what you are. You will only find true love when you radically embrace yourself.

Lucky Day in Friendship: July 12

As for your social life, do as you please, especially if what you please is to throw a huge house party. The home energy for you is pretty strong this week.

Lucky Day for Career: July 13

The energy around your career is more sedate this week. Let things unfold as they are. As long as you shoulder your responsibilities well, you'll be golden.

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(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, let no one say that you don't live up to your claims. The progress may be slow, but as long as you stick to the path, you will surprise everyone in the end.

Lucky Day in Love: July 13

In love, you are encouraged to think more long-term and steer clear of short-term flings. An important window of soul growth is about to enter your life. Don't experience it with someone toxic.

Lucky Day in Friendship: July 13

Your social life is also being highlighted as important this week. So be more social and accept more invitations to meet new people. Colleagues and connections fall under this umbrella, too!


Lucky Day for Career: July 14

In your worklife, be your diligent self and allow good ideas to germinate a bit more. The time for trying something new will come soon. Trust yourself!

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(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

General Overview:


Rooster, the energy this week is beautiful for you. Lean into rest, relaxation, and self-care and watch as something beautiful unfolds.

Lucky Day in Love: July 12

Your love life is being shrouded in mystery at this time. The above message will open doors to this area of life too. Will you find out, or won't you?

Lucky Day in Friendship: July 10 & 11

As for your social life, be weird and wonderful this week. It will lead to intriguing new friends and amazing conversations. Some of you may stumble upon a new hobby too!

Lucky Day for Career: July 10

In your career, you are encouraged to be bold and creative, but balance that with listening to other people's ideas too and being a teamplayer. The puzzle pieces will fall where they need to.


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(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, here's what you can look forward to this week: food, food, and more delicious food. Are you visiting your grandparents? It doesn't matter. Good food will show up out of the blue for you.

Lucky Day in Love: July 8 & 9

In love, you are encouraged to be brave and bold. Let your feelings speak for you and then let the puzzle pieces fall where they may.

Lucky Day in Friendship: July 8

If you are sick and tired of always being the one to initiate meetups and sometimes fielding no-shows, now's the time to take a long and hard look at your social circle. Important answers await you when you do.


Lucky Day for Career: July 10

As for your career, you are exactly where you need to be and on the right path to success. Hold fast and stick to the course! As Buzz Lightyear said, “To infinity and beyond!”

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(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Pig, you are in for a true treat this week. Stay open-minded and open-hearted and you will discover nuggets of wisdom in the most unlikeliest of places. Only... it won't be unlikely at all!

Lucky Day in Love: July 10 & 11

In love, you are encouraged to be open-minded too if you are single. Don't let the world and the conditioned beliefs you were raised with stop you from discovering true gems... and your soulmate.


Lucky Day in Friendship: July 10

As for your social life, you will either be extremely introverted or extremely extroverted. Choose your adventure and write your own destiny!

Lucky Day for Career: July 10

In your career, you are encouraged to be more steady and observant. The right answers will manifest at the right time, especially if you are trying to get investors to fund your next big project.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
