5 Charming Zodiac Signs Who Are Effortlessly Easy To Be Around
They're totally engrossing.

One of the best things about charming people is that they’re easy to be around.
They don’t cause drama just to stir things up; in fact, they like a harmonious environment, and they tend not to have emotional meltdowns. Charming people like to go with the flow, be chill, and enjoy the moment.
Charming people are also upbeat, patient, sincere, caring, understanding, hospitable, optimistic, and gracious. They don't take things personally or get angry with the slightest provocation.
They give others the benefit of the doubt, and they really listen to what people have to say. They’re good at seeing things from other people’s perspectives and they’re usually generous with their time and talents.
When you’re with someone who is charming, you don’t have to worry that you’re going to inadvertently upset them. You can be yourself without having to walk on eggshells.
It’s not that these people are perfect, they just don’t try to hide their imperfections. They openly admit to them, sometimes even joking about them, but they also learn and don’t let their mistakes drag them down.
The most charming zodiac signs embody all of these traits, making them ridiculously easy to be around.
1. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Photo: katerina.sosna's Images / Canva
The last thing Sagittarius wants is a lot of unnecessary drama and conflict. They try to stay as positive as possible and keep their complaints down to a minimum.
If a problem arises, Sagittarius tries to come up with a solution or turn it around and look at it from another point of view. It's not that they missed the last train from Paris to Rome, it's that they get to spend another night in Paris.
Their optimistic ability to spin a terrible outcome into an adventure is why Sagittarians are so charming.
2. Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Photo: katerina.sosna's Images / Canva
Libras are everybody's advocate and support system. They're able to see the good in almost everyone and are everyone's cheerleaders. We want to be around those people who support and encourage us.
Libras also aren't ones to instigate conflict. They want everyone to get along and for their environment to be harmonious.
Libras have a lot of compassion for other people and are able to see things from their point of view. They are well-balanced emotionally, which is why they're pretty charming.
3. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Photo: katerina.sosna's Images / Canva
Aquarians like everybody, and everybody likes them. Not only don't they make snap judgments about people, but they're also very open to people sharing exactly who they are, no matter how eccentric or strange that might be.
They have a genuine interest in other people and ask the kind of questions that draw people out of their shells. Aquarius always find something that intrigues them about someone they're having a conversation with, and that makes the other person feel heard and validated.
4. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Photo: katerina.sosna's Images / Canva
One of the reasons Geminis are so charming is that they're excellent listeners, and their communication abilities don't end there. They not only listen but they care. If a friend shares with them a painful situation they're going through, Gemini will care enough to try to help them out.
Geminis act this way by making the right amount of eye contact, laughing when the other person says something funny, and giving honest compliments. They aren't fake, they're just really skilled at finding the good in other people.
5. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Photo: katerina.sosna's Images / Canva
Some say that Pisces is actually the most charming zodiac sign. They're friendly and kind, and love to hang out with their friends and family.
Pisces love having people confide in them and they're all about giving second chances. Most of all, Pisces are sensitive, and they have a lot of empathy for others. They're able to communicate their caring and understanding for others through their words, actions, and sometimes with their art.
Pisces individuals tend to enjoy themselves no matter where they are or what they're doing as long as they're with people they care about.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, and Woman's Day.