What The Universe Will Provide For Each Zodiac Sign Between June 17 - 23, 2024

As Mercury, Venus, and the Sun enter the sign of Cancer, we will learn to be more mindful of our emotional healing.

woman in front of zodiac wheel waiting for what universe provides between june 17-23 Gift Habeshaw via Unsplash / D GraPX, Michella Rose and Artulina via Canva

The week of June 17, 2024, brings a lot of changes as we quickly move on from this astonishing Gemini season. Mercury, Venus, and the Sun will enter the sign of Cancer. On the collective level, this week will have us entering a new phase where communicating with others will not take precedence. Instead, we will learn to be more mindful of our emotional healing. We look to the past now and learn from it to build better foundations for our structures. 


When the Full Moon in Capricorn enters the picture on the 21st, tending to our emotional needs and focusing on our goals will lead to a clash. Learning to create a balance is essential because if we want to get to the top, learning about what our heart truly desires is the first step on the list. 


Our journey begins with tending to the matters of the heart, and journaling allows us to gain clarity and develop more patience and care for ourselves. Discuss what you expect from this important season and the steps you will take to get there.

What the universe will provide for each zodiac sign between June 17 - 23, 2024 at the start of Cancer season

Aries — Ambition

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The stage is set for you this week, with the Full Moon in Capricorn bringing you periods of reevaluating decisions you've made over the past several years as this energy concentrates at the highest point of your chart. If you need confidence, the Moon in Capricorn will be a suitable time to move forward and see the direction you want to take. Be patient with yourself because the energy will have you falling in love with a career, educational pursuit or a hobby you have been passionate about.


Journaling prompt: What new adventures are you prepared to embark on? Are you second-guessing your potential? How will you cheer yourself on during this week?

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Taurus: Power

what universe provides taurus june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


An evolution can occur at home as you use this Full Moon transit to see where you need to make those valuable changes that will spark momentum. The transit allows you to heal relationships at home with family or friends you no longer speak to. You are evolving and understanding your role in the world and how your relationships with others are helping you grow.

Journaling prompt: How will you change your communication style with friends and family? Are there any relationships you need to heal?

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Gemini: Financial awareness

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With the Full Moon occurring this week, you could have many questions about your spending and saving habits and how you manage your responsibilities. Being mindful of what you must implement will allow you to advance with goals, especially if you have been putting things off. This week's transits can also help you become more aware of your finances and the direction you may want to take with saving for the future.

Journaling prompt: Have you been overspending? What will you do during this time to save more?

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Cancer: Confidence

what universe provides cancer june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


The Full Moon can serve as a wake-up call, especially with Moon in Capricorn making you rediscover your path and direction while balancing relationships. The energy now will have you feeling more confident and in control. You are here to embrace the leader in you for the next several weeks. Those prior relationships' lessons will help you tap into your independent side, a time to allow yourself to flourish with pride and self-love. 

Journaling prompt: How have your relationships changed since 2018? Describe your ideal partner. If you are in a relationship, discuss the good qualities your partner has that made you fall in love with them.

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Leo: Patience

what universe provides leo june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


Time may feel like it's slowing down this week, but you have the patience and determination to succeed in anything you do. While the Full Moon highlights the areas where you need to be more disciplined and gain awareness, you will also resonate with this energy since the Gemini season has made you mindful of your needs. At the highest point in your chart, Mars initiates a period of potential, and you will see your power as you step into your next chapter.

Journaling prompt: How have your routines changed in the last six months? What are you considering switching up to bring more happiness to your day-to-day activities?

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Virgo: Reflection

what universe provides virgo june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


The Full Moon can be a period of letting go and evolving your perspectives on specific situations that may have held you back. You could see your friends in a new light, learn how they have helped you feel inspired and also reflect on the people from the past who have changed you. Take things slow if you can because your next phase begins with this Jupiter in Gemini transit helping you connect with learning about subjects and topics that align with your philosophy.

Journaling prompt: Do you want to embark on a new learning journey? Discuss the things that you are curious about.

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Libra: Grounding

what universe provides libra june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


Being more confident in your plans could be a theme of this transit. The Full Moon is a reminder not to shy away from the spotlight and to go after your dreams fearlessly. It is also when you will be more open to making edits and revising your existing projects. You are on a roll during this time, and you will be able to find your momentum, especially with Jupiter in Gemini pushing you to new heights and feeling more confident in pursuing a new intellectual journey.

Journaling prompt: The transit allows you to build new plans. How are you going to show your talents this week? Discuss the last time you were patient with yourself and trusted your vision.

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Scorpio: Collaboration

what universe provides scorpio june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


Fruitful energy now as you experience the importance of having good social circles and a community that allows you to thrive. The week wants you to reflect on your connections and how this Full Moon's impact over the last six months has also changed your relationship dynamics. This is a transit where you will feel it is worth celebrating your success and triumphs. However, make sure to keep the peace in personal relationships since Mars is opposing your sign.

Journaling prompt: How have you collaborated with others in the last six months? Have you stepped into these roles with confidence? Have these relationships expanded your thinking?

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Sagittarius: Timelines

what universe provides sagittarius june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


Saturn in Pisces teaches you to let go and leave your history with others in a different timeline. But the Full Moon might make you relive those moments when you may have had a deep connection with someone in the past (a friend or romantic partner) that transformed you. The Full Moon wants you to learn, become a beacon for others, and share your wisdom and compassion. Your past experiences may help you decode its message.

Journaling prompt: Discuss the areas of your life to which you need to bring healing energy? Is there someone from the past who transformed you? Describe their impact on who you are.

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Capricorn: Evolution

what universe provides capricorn june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva


With the changes happening this month, your relationship house is highly active. Still, you are also learning a lot about your evolution as themes from the Saturn in Capricorn transit return to give you new insight and see if you are applying your lessons learned. The week pushes you to evolve and fight for what you want without holding yourself back. You are in an era of rebuilding and rediscovering yourself. Focus on your skills and dreams during this time, and believe in your potential.

Journaling Prompt: What changes are you willing to see in your friendships and relationships? How will you allow yourself to shine during this Full Moon transit?

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Aquarius: Compassion

what universe provides aquarius june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva

This energy occurring in the darkest part of your chart shows that this transition period will allow you to embrace your relationship with yourself in a new light. The week pushes you to move ahead, find your courage, and be fueled by your power. Nothing is holding you back now, and you can gain momentum when you feel connected to your dreams. The lesson now is not to lose sight of your direction.

Journaling prompt: What has been something you have held on to tightly and did not want to let go of? What have you learned from the inspirational people in your life?


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Pisces: Visions

what universe provides pisces june 17-23 Deadframe Works Images and ilonarepkina / Canva

Glowing from within will be common for you as this season will help you feel connected to the love and vibrancy Cancer season will bring to you. The Full Moon in Capricorn brings you new themes to discuss and reflect on. Hobbies, school, or work is a gateway to expanding and growing your leadership skills. Connections this week will allow you to get closer to the network of people who have given you the support you need. 


Journaling prompt: What have you learned about taking the lead in the last six months? How will you enhance your leadership skills?

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
