What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of June 17, Per A Tarot Card Reader

Powerful tarot messages are in store for each zodiac sign.

What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of June 17, Per A Tarot Card Reader Nameera, Roroiisha's Images, Michelle M Design All Via Canva Pro

Never lie to yourself, no matter what. That's the message for this week, between June 17 - 23, 2024. Before we look at the one-card tarot reading for each zodiac sign, here are everyone's general messages for the week for everyone. With 6 of Pentacles and The Chariot here, we are reminded that the model citizen of the world is not the one who bends over backward to give the shirt off their back. 


That stereotype will most likely find you needing help yourself eventually. Instead, strike the right balance between doing what's right for you and doing what's good for the community. Utopias are not some imaginary reality that is shining and glittery. They are healthy systems and communities that know how to adapt, grow, and thrive despite everything.

Ace of Cups adds weight to this message by reminding us of human ingenuity. Don't sabotage yourself by thinking you aren't capable. It's not about comparing yourself to a celebrity or famous historical figure. It's more about recognizing that they, too, faced similar doubts and kept going.


Finally, trust your instincts with The Moon and the King of Wands. You may not know immediately why your red flag alarms are ringing, but if you note your feelings, you will eventually realize exactly what you were looking for. Now, let's take a look at the weekly tarot horoscope for every zodiac sign.

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Each zodiac sign's weekly tarot horoscope for June 17


Tarot card of the week: The Empress

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Other Aries

Aries, this is your week! With The Empress tarot card here for you, you are encouraged to lean into activities and paths that resonate with you and allow the abundant universe to fulfill your wishes. Wherever you focus, that's where you will thrive this week. So make sure you focus on what's important! If you feel called to, work with Rose Quartz this week to help you manifest more and lean into this message.


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Tarot card of the week: Ace of Swords

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Capricorn

Taurus, it's never easy to embrace new paths, especially when deep-rooted fears and conditioned beliefs are holding you back. Try to work those out of your system this week through direct conversations with yourself and maybe even journaling. With Ace of Swords here as your tarot card for the week, if you lean into your intellectual side, you will find all the solutions you were looking for and then realize there's nothing to fear about the new path. After all, you are a pretty capable individual!


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Tarot card of the week: The High Priestess

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Aries

Gemini, if the world goes left and your intuition tells you to go left, too, go left. Stop and reflect if the world goes right, but your intuition blares alarm bells. That's your tarot message for this week, per The High Priestess. Most of you will also witness signs and synchronicities (and repeating numbers) trying to nudge you away from harmful paths to your well-being. Journal your thoughts and feelings and note these observations so you are more mindful of your decisions in the future.


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Tarot card of the week: The Fool

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Aquarius

Cancer, this week's energy has a “bigness” about it like never before. In your case, The Fool represents how things will play out for you, so listen closely. You will either be the fool who falls for negative peer pressure and regrets it later or the “fool” who follows your instincts to achieve your dreams and desires. The naysayers will have a field day in case of the latter once they realize they were dead wrong. You don't need to prove anything to them. So choose yourself and your dreams!


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Tarot card of the week: Knight of Swords

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Other Leos

Leo, you may be a natural-born leader, but the Knight of Swords cautions you against over-confidence this week. No one knows everything there is to know in the world, so even experts have scope for growth and transformation. If you remember this, you will continue to lead and be true to your vision in a manner that makes people respect you and your ability to adapt quickly. If you feel called to, work with Fool's Gold this week to help you cut through the superficial and see the true nature of things.


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Tarot card of the week: Eight of Cups

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Leo

Virgo, there's nothing wrong with wanting alone time to rest and recharge your batteries. Don't allow anyone to guilt you about this personal need. The 8 of Cups cautions you against people-pleasing tendencies and fake friends. After all, true ones will always respect your personal boundaries, even if they don't always understand where you are coming from. You are also encouraged not to brush anything under the rug if you observe red flags. It will come back to haunt you if you do.

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Tarot card of the week: Ace of Swords

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Virgo

Libra, it's important not just to be the life of the party who can go with the flow and be spontaneous. It's also important to know where your limits are so your life remains your own and doesn't become a series of regrets. That's the message for you, per your week's tarot card — the Ace of Swords. For some, your younger siblings will give you excellent advice this week. So judge any advice on its merit and not the age or conditions of the person who has given it to you. If you feel called to, work with your birthstone this week to help you stay aligned with your true path.

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Tarot card of the week: Temperance

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Cancer

Scorpio, take it easy this week and allow yourself to meditate as you go about your days. With Temperance showing up as your tarot card for the week, you'll get deep insights if you can anchor yourself within and be mindful of your decisions. For some, your psychic abilities will be heightened at this time, allowing you to rethink many situations and people in your current life. If you feel called to, wear a Clear Quartz pendant to help you retain mindful clarity.

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Tarot card of the week: Two of Cups


Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Scorpio

Sagittarius, this week's energy for you is all about leaning into the loving relationships in your life and letting them bring joy and fulfillment to your soul. The 2 of Cups is not a card about fake friends or “loved ones” who are only that in name.

So be mindful of that distinction within your social circles, too. Don't forget to prioritize love even as you prioritize your dreams. If you feel called to, work with your birthstone this week for greater insights and clarity.


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Tarot card of the week: Knight of Cups

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Pisces


Capricorn, who are you when no one is watching? Per the Knight of Cups, that's the tarot card message for you this week. Are you a softie whose every action is meant to benefit your family in the long run, even if necessary sacrifices can be made in the present? Or are you more single-minded about your life and purpose? Journal your thoughts this week to help you stay true to yourself, whatever the answer might be. There are no right or wrong answers here, only awareness of your unique path in life and what resonates with your soul.

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Tarot card of the week: The Moon

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Pisces


Aquarius, prepare to have the weirdest week of your life! With The Moon tarot card showing up for you, you will likely experience something supernatural this week. For most of you, this will be because of heightened psychic or intuitive abilities. For others, it's because you are close to a crossroads and make an important decision soon. If you feel called to, meditate at least a few times this week to understand what truly lies within your heart and what you need to do next.

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Tarot card of the week: The Moon

Most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Aries

Pisces, your week's tarot card is the major arcana card, The Moon. It represents all the liminal spaces one can visit when in a deep trance state or engaging with the collective, not an individual. Be mindful of these undercurrents as you go about your days. It will help you steer clear of what's not good for you and towards that which is. Try not to consume emotion-altering substances or drink alcohol this week. It will cloud your mind more than usual under this moon's influence.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
