The 'Lazy' Habit Practiced By The Most Joy-Filled People

Discover the greatest form of self-discovery that requires absolutely nothing.

Self Discovery requires absolutely nothing swissmediavision, NikkiZalewski, KellyvanDellen | Canva

When we seek an expanded understanding of ourselves and the universe, we wonder if there is an easy way to have a breakthrough and experience a new reality. There is a form of self-discovery that requires absolutely nothing.

Embrace your 'lazy' mindset

Imagine a state of awareness that sees all, is aware of all, and is content in just being. There is no desire to change anything, only a feeling of being peaceful and complete. There is no attachment to what you are seeing.


One wheat plant is aware free of limitation Salman Awn via Shutterstock

There is part of you beyond Earthly awareness. What is beyond the experience of peaceful observation? What is the next realm calling humanity to remember and experience? A clue to this question is in the nothingness between thoughts.


Follow the edges of your thoughts into the quiet

Our human mind does not register the emptiness, or being void of thought, but our highest awareness primarily resides in emptiness. Notice when you begin a thought, where there is a pause. Who are you, when there is a void of thought? Notice the edges of your thoughts, and follow them to emptiness.

Clear your mind and allow these ideas to flow. Notice what possibilities you have right on the tip of your awareness.

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Five ways to clear your mind

1. Meditate on nothing

Meditation is a great way to let go of our human preoccupations.

2. Make a safe space with prayer

Prayer is a heart opener that allows us to feel safe letting go while we receive love.

3. Sleep your way to mindfulness

Sleep is one of my favorite ways to reset and shift my perspectives. A lot of vital spiritual connections and reconnections take place while we rest our bodies and minds.

4. Stop attempting to manipulate

Allowing things to unfold without any personal manipulation is an important part of being set free from the mindset of controlling change.


5. Consider forgiveness for yourself

Forgiveness or acceptance, however they show up for you, makes it possible to not hold on tightly to beliefs we have.

All five practices are part of taking your mind to a lazy place. It becomes easier to feel your breath and notice what might be missed in a hurried, preoccupied state. It is here that your guides, angels, and the universe sit with you.

6. Sit where you can see nature

If you are interested in experiencing an awareness free of limitation, sit where you can see trees, cacti, rocks, or other extensions of the natural Earth. Begin noticing the space between the forms. Let your lazy mind see the path that appears.

This path is the flow of energy that holds you in a steady state of connection with all that is. You may feel like nothing is shifting, but every time you are in the lazy mindset, you receive high vibrational healing energy.


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The proof is in the practice

Every morning after my prayer and meditation practice, I ask for a message from my guides, angels, or universe. Sometimes, there are just a few words shared, other times the message comes in the form of a movie. With my eyes closed, it is like I am watching a film with a clue to the mysteries of our universe.

My morning messages are usually what I think about as I hike through the woods. I never feel rushed to make sense of the words or images. I like to enjoy the tugging at my thoughts and the possibility of a new concept.


Three or four days ago, I experienced one of those perspective-changing movies after my meditation. I could see the life cycles of trees, plants, animals, and the Earth. I saw how the shift in one tiny piece of dirt makes way for a new form to become. I was shown how the development of life can be viewed as slowly unfolding over time, or it can be viewed as a rapid path to death and decay that leads to new forms.

Embracing change with a 'lazy' mindset

We have all heard that change is inevitable and unstoppable. In our formative years, we learn of evolution. The cycle of birth and death becomes the framework of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

@timwrightii The thing that’s most constant about the world that we live in is CHANGE…. So if the world is always changing, but you were unwilling to change…. You’ll get left behind. Be great today 🙌🏾 #morningmessage #reels #change #motivation #keepgoing #explore ♬ snowfall - Øneheart & reidenshi

As I moved through the day, I allowed these images and thoughts to flow like slow-moving, shallow water over mossy, colorful rocks. Occasionally, a new thread of awareness would cause a shift in my stream of consciousness. A ripple of expansion would begin.


Late in the afternoon, my view of the world was altered. Sitting in my living room, I lazily gazed through the windows. The Ponderosa trees were reaching up towards the sun and blue sky. Most of the pines had a couple of feet between them and their closest neighbor. The ground was covered with dead grass from last year, and new green growth this year. Occasionally, a big pine cone would be released to fall to the ground.

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Learning to sit with my own awareness

My attention went to the space far above the ground, between the trees. One might say in the emptiness, where nothing grows, untouched by evolution. It was like a door opened. I was in a portal to understanding a new way of being.

I sat with this awareness, even though it made me a little dizzy. I had the sensation of being pulled into this crevice that promised me a new reality.


It is not the first time I have shown the importance of the energy between forms. Imagine, what has taken form is a distraction from who you are. This is an important concept I am only beginning to feel and understand. It is bigger than my words suggest.

Much of humanity is preoccupied with change and how this affects their identity. But will that bring them the life they desire? 

The idea of mastering intentional manifestation is almost a religion. I understand and have great fun manifesting my dream life. Yet, I know there is an awareness, a steady state, that resides in nothingness. Each of us is beyond the Earthly world of manifestation and is in a state of pure potential.

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Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.