How To See The Subtle Signs Of Divine Guidance In Your Life
How to find answers even when the universe seems to have gone radio silent.

Have you ever experienced those sweet moments where everything flows perfectly, when you feel completely supported and guided by the universe?
It is an occurrence divine guidance when you are in one of these sweet moments. Yet, there are times when you are looking for answers, and it seems like your spiritual team has gone radio silent. Divine guidance is still there for you, but you need to know how to recognize and apply it.
How to see the subtle signs of divine guidance in your life.
I have no shortage of divine guidance stories from clients and my own experience. Sometimes, it is a flat-out miracle; you hear the voice of God or an angel calling out to you. Other times, it appears we are slogging through life and being fed the answers bit by bit as we go. The universe works in mysterious ways after all.
People often reach out to me for clarity on how to move forward and feel closer to God, their guides, and angels.
I love helping others discover their path while showing them how to uncover divine signs along the way. In other words, cut out the middleman, or the psychic, who interprets the messages and energetic pathways the universe is sharing. I support each of us discovering our personal divine energetic code or language we share with the universe.
Stop looking for absolute proof.
A single mom moving across the country was very stressed about finding the right home and preschool for her son. She was looking for confirmation from the universe that she had made the right choice.
The promotion, which required her to move, had been a goal for years, long before she became a single parent. The night before she began packing, her grandmother came to her in a dream. She was able to remember how loved and safe her grandmother made her feel. This helped her have the courage to take the big step of moving forward with her plans.
Susan was still worried about finding the right preschool for her son. She wanted absolute proof one school was better than the other two she had found. We spoke on the phone. I shared my insight. Two of them were a good choice, it was up to her to trust her gut and choose what felt right. She can always change her mind.
Sometimes, the choices we are offered are only stepping stones to our final decision. This enables us to feel really good about our arrival to a place that calls for celebration and gratitude every time we think of it.
Often, our divine guidance might be more subtle than we anticipate.
Subtle signs of divine guidance in our everyday lives.
Our guidance never goes away.
We can step out of frequency with our guides because of stress. Other times, our guides shift their communication to a higher frequency for the purpose of helping you expand you awareness. Wherever you are in life, ground yourself and open your heart and mind to their guidance. You are always connected on a spiritual level.
Divine guidance is something you can feel.
When you are being guided divinely, you feel peaceful or inspired. Or, it brings a feeling of strength and safety. It all depends on your situation, but when you feel it, you will know it.
When a potential opportunity was lost.
In other words, a door closes and you need to look at other options. Sometimes, people refer to this as "dodging a bullet". At the time it hurts, but in the long run things will work out better than you could have imagined.
When unexpected blessings occur in our life.
A door will open that promises a new possibility or choice to explore.
When we are offered little clues or bread crumbs on our life path.
This is how divine guidance reminds us of our free will. We each get to choose along the way. Most importantly we learn to trust our gut and experience the wonderful surge of inspiration and new ideas.
When beautiful synchronicities show we are on the right path.
Our thoughts align with our purpose. And you see the evidence all around you.
When miracles occur.
Think of this as a situation or person being washed with the light of God, or the highest vibrations possible. A shift occurs physically, mentally, or emotionally. On a side note, there are many miracles that are never recognized or discovered. They occur on a spiritual and karmic level. This is one of the beautiful things about life.
When we get a very simple message or insight from a friend or family member.
Our guides and angels will use every resource possible to guide us. It’s up to us to listen.
When our dreams offer guidance from loved ones, angels, and guides.
This guidance might be a reminder you are not alone. You also may gain clarity on a situation. A new perspective might come to life while you sleep.
How do you recognize divine guidance?
Think about the last time you were called to make a decision. How did you know the best plan of action? Did a miracle occur, or maybe one of your choices disappeared. Start paying attention to how your life takes form with the help or intervention of the divine.
Our guides see us in our highest potential.
They do their best to get us aligned with the vision they see of us. Sometimes, they call out to us, other times they leave us a trail of obstacles to overcome and victories to celebrate and eventually lead us out of the shadows and into the light of who we really are.
Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.