The Love Horoscopes For March 17 Bring Up A Lot Of Emotion For Zodiac Signs

Feelings are so important, but we don't always know how to manage them.

Love Horoscopes For March 17, 2024 Chikovnaya, nd3000 from Getty Images | Canva Pro

This day comes with a lot of high energy. The Moon peaks at the Quarter Moon phase, and Venus will be at the Virgo degree. Check out what this means for each zodiac sign on March 17, 2024 to learn more.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Sunday, March 17, 2024:



Take care of yourself, Aries. Focus on self-care and routines that improve your overall sense of wellness. Do things that bring you an internal state of peace. Go for a walk. Listen to good music. Declutter your personal space, especially the bedroom, if it needs it. Aim to do things that give you a sense of control over your environment and life. See how that feeds into everything else you have in your world, including your romantic relationship.

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A good friend is an investment in yourself. Today, reach out to those friends who give you a strong sense of mental peace. You know, the people who can say a kind or encouraging word that helps you grow. You may have a problem in your love life, so talk about it. While you may hear things you don't want to hear, it can still be a good practice to share and be transparent.

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You can't force things, Gemini. You may wish to force a conversation because you feel it is needed; however, the timing could be off. You should be on the same page when you and your love interest are ready to chat. Aim to connect on an equal playing field. Give deference to the overall situation instead of feeling anxious because you have to wait. Be patient.

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Learn about love, Cancer. You can avoid what you don't want right now — a breakup or a dissatisfying relationship. Become a student of it as an art form. Study the language of love. Be observant about people you know who have lasting marriages or long-term romances. You can pick up good habits from individuals who have figured out how to stay with each other. Y

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It's hard to tell someone no when they ask to borrow money, especially if it's a person you love. Even if you have deep pockets, it's not always easy to avoid conflict when you sense that this person asks without planning to repay or be responsible for what they use. You may need to talk tough about your feelings instead of shoving emotions under the rug. If money is a sensitive topic, address it, even if it's difficult for you.

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A commitment should make you feel happy. You don't want or need to stay in a relationship just because you promised you would. If there's difficulty or situations that seem unhealthy and borderline toxic, it's time to consider other options. Maybe a time-out or some space can help. You may wish to bring up counseling today, if not as a couple, perhaps just for you.

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Ah, the ex who won't stop lurking is hard to digest, but look at you, Libra, living your best life and not showing any signs of distress by their behavior. You have been biting your tongue, but now, you take things a step beyond all that. You are healthy internally and emotionally. You feel good about your life, and you don't mind letting it show. They may not be moving on, but you are — finally!

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Make the first move. Romance can feel so stressful when you care for someone but have not found the courage to admit it. You may be holding all your love inside, but do you want to miss out on your opportunity forever? Admitting you have a crush is not easy, but at the very least, you'll know where you stand now or in the future.

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A little spring cleaning can be such a wonderful thing to do when you feel like you need to think. Clearing your home's energy can be so healing, especially if you're working through a breakup or dating situationship that you felt was not right for you. This is your chance to clean the slate and usher in new energy for love.

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Talking things through can be so healing, but if you can't be verbal about what you feel, write your emotions down. You can journal or draw. Consider doing something helpful to others. You can find a lot of wonderful healing things to try that provide you with a sense of wholeness and comfort.

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Tend to your life's garden. When you feel as though you have lost a lot of things from a relationship — misunderstandings or lack of respect — one of the better things to do is to stop and think about your next steps. Working with nature and within nature can ground you and give you a sense of confidence and peace. It's so good for you, Aquarius.

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Learn to love yourself where you are. Sometimes, you can focus more on others, but when you have a chance to do one thing for yourself, it's amazing how great that feels. Give yourself permission to stop worrying about what others think if you are silent, not answering text messages or responding to phone calls. This is a day meant for you to love you.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
