2024 Pisces Love Horoscope For Every Month Of The Year
Value yourself so you can receive the love that will honor your worth.

Here is the entire 2024 love horoscope for Pisces zodiac signs including the best days for love for every month of the year. The new year is exciting as the energy will be dominated by the eclipse cycle occurring in the zodiac signs of Aries and Libra, which will activate themes of self-worth, transformation, and life partners.
By the eclipses moving through these zodiac signs, you can expect a large focus on your self-worth and how, as you come to honor yourself, you change the relationships that you attract in your life. Know your worth, and you will be able to attract someone worthy of you.
While the eclipses are stirring up new possibilities of great love, Jupiter in Gemini will move into your sector of home and family. This is an area that can affect your healing and familial relationships but can also bring in an expansion to your own home and family from the merging of two households or the children of a new partner.
Jupiter seeks to bring not just expansion but also abundance. So, while you can see things changing in the best ways possible for yourself during this time, it will also feel incredibly blessed, as if everything is finally happening in the way it's meant to.
Saturn continues to move through your zodiac sign, which means you are still being directed to commit fully to making your dreams a reality, whether for yourself or your relationship.
The more serious you can get with yourself, which comes from a place of self-worth, the more you will be able to open up, receive the love that is meant for you, and let the fears of heartbreak become nothing more than long-lost memories.
You owe it to yourself to level up, to give yourself the love you've given out so willingly to others, and to fully embrace the divine power and gifts that you have. This year has you fully stepping out into the life – and love that was meant for you all along.
2024 Pisces love horoscope
Best Love Day: Thursday, January 25
Practice Caution On: Saturday, January 27
The new year starts with a review as asteroid Juno stations retrograde in Virgo. Virgo is your opposing sign and the one that rules all matters of love and relationships, so while Mercury is most known for bringing exes back into your life, this may also bring that same theme. Try to honor the self-worth that you grew into last year to know whether a relationship truly is something that aligns with you or not, as it's never a good idea to make any decisions from loneliness.
Uranus stations direct in Taurus at the end of the month, which highlights conversations and agreements, so it may be time to start figuring out where to go from here. Whether it's conversations with your existing partner or simply feeling more like you're ready to start opening yourself to love again, respect the divine timing at play and allow yourself to progress slowly as the year begins. There is no rush to create the relationship that is meant for you.
Best Love Day: Saturday, February 24
Practice Caution On: Tuesday, February 13
Your zodiac season starts this month, and events also start to pick up in your life once again. The Virgo Full Moon rises in your house of relationships, which may also bring to fruition something that began around the New Moon in August 2023.
Since then, you've become more committed to honoring yourself and learning to be more comfortable with advocating for what you are worth. This lunation should bring you some beautiful moments with a new or existing partner that will feel as if it's everything you could have wanted.
Asteroid Vesta, ruler of your internal flame, stations direct in Gemini, which gives you an amazing opportunity to feel excited about your romantic life again. If you've been focusing on your career or other areas of your life, you feel more directed to put your energy into your relationship. This is just in time for your solar return, which won't just help you have an incredible birthday season but also the start of a brand-new journey around the sun for the next year.
Best Love Day: Sunday, March 17
Practice Caution On: Monday, March 25
Although there isn't a great deal of romantic energy at play for you this month, there will be some opportunities for important conversations about the future. Mercury, the planet of communication, shifts into Aries, sparking your awareness over the themes of value, self-worth and what matters most to you in your life. At the same time, the Libra Lunar Eclipse highlights changing feelings and desires toward your future.
Not every month of the year may be chock full of romantic possibilities, but it doesn't mean you still won't be taking strides toward creating what you've been dreaming about. For you, the message is to go slow, to initiate important conversations as soon as the need arises, and to reflect on if and how a particular relationship honors all that you are. This is how you not only feel confident in moving forward but also ensure the future will be vastly different than the past.
Best Love Day: Monday, April 29
Practice Caution On: Sunday, April 21
Asteroid Juno stations direct in Virgo, which means the conversations and internal process over the past few months are now helping to establish a new realization. This is also a wonderful time to feel as if you can commit to a relationship, especially if it seems to add to the value of your life, which the Aries Solar Eclipse will highlight for you.
Don't be afraid to need your partner or to honor the ways that their presence helps make it feel all that much better. The right relationship should make everything better, even if you feel full and amazing on your own. It's okay to let yourself trust what is building right now, as you must also release some of those fears about depending upon someone again.
Best Love Day: Saturday, May 25
Practice Caution On: Thursday, May 2
This is the month when everything changes in the most beneficial of ways. Jupiter shifts into Gemini and activates themes of expansion, abundance, and new experiences. Gemini energy rules your home and family, so moving may be something that arises, especially if it's for a new or exciting opportunity. This can also be merging your life with another and renovating your home to make room for your new family.
Jupiter only brings abundance, so this is the moment to fully open your heart to receive what you've always wanted. At the same time, though, Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius, which will eventually backtrack into Capricorn for the last time.
For you, this has a lot to do with your healing, honoring your truth, and being able to listen to your intuition. The divine part of you is always connected with the universe; when you honor that, you can feel confident you are always on the right path.
Best Love Day: Thursday, June 6
Practice Caution On: Saturday, June 29
As June begins, it's important to focus on each moment as you try not to get too ahead of yourself. Venus, the planet of love, shifts into Cancer, yet Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces at the end of the month. While Venus wants to bring commitment, love and happiness into your life, Saturn wants to help you overcome the limitations in your life with more patience as you extract the gold from the rubble.
Venus in Cancer creates an opportune time for new love, engagements, and marriage. Even with Saturn stationing retrograde in Pisces, it will help strengthen your connection and ensure you are making choices aligned with your truth. If it seems like there is an obstacle or challenge to overcome, such as distance or a family matter, don't let that stop you from following your heart.
Best Love Day: Tuesday, July 2
Practice Caution On: Saturday, July 20
The New Moon in Cancer brings an amazing opportunity for new love into your life or to receive that surprise proposal. With Jupiter in Gemini encouraging relocation, you might also find yourself eloping in a moment of romantic bliss. There is no one way that love must look for it to be right. The most important thing for you, especially this year, is that it is honoring your self-worth and feeling like it truly is everything you've ever wanted. As long as that is true, then embrace whatever direction the universe guides you in.
Mars, the planet of action and ambition, shifts into Gemini as well, which may mean that you are feeling more compelled to move or to embrace a new chapter. This may be you moving locally but in with a romantic partner as you continue to progress your relationship. Try to allow yourself to go with the flow, and don't remain stuck somewhere just because it's where you're comfortable. Love will truly be found outside your comfort zone this year.
Best Love Day: Sunday, August 4
Practice Caution On: Wednesday, August 14
As much as the past few months offered new opportunities and growth, there is going to be a slowdown, at least for a month or so, as you reflect, talk through things with your partner, and make a plan for what you both want for your future. Venus will shift into Virgo, highlighting your romantic relationship and creating many moments of connection, especially with Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. Still, Mercury retrograde will also occur in Virgo, which means you need to practice caution.
Be mindful of exes coming back into your life, especially anyone from 2023, as that was the pinnacle year of learning your self-worth. Sometimes, relationships do come back together at a later date, but you need to remember that not everyone will grow and change as you always desire to, and so know when someone else has shown you their truth.
Best Love Day: Monday, September 2
Practice Caution On: Sunday, September 1
September is incredibly exciting as the first eclipse in the cycle of Pisces and Virgo will occur this month as a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This is a cycle that won't fully begin until the second half of 2025, but this is a precursor and one that will hint at what is to come as you move into a period of profound change in your romantic life. You are on the threshold of moving into a significant commitment, along with increased happiness. Just let it all progress as it's meant to, and don't worry about rushing to the finish line.
Mercury will reenter Virgo, now direct, and will help to firm up the plans that had to be put on the back burner in August. It's now safe to make official decisions, move in, or say yes to a significant proposal, as you are now seeing the full truth and are ready to work through whatever details are involved in this new chapter. Make sure in this phase, as much as you're staying mindful of your worth, that you validate your partner, too. It's not just that you are worth so much, but they are as well. Remembering that will keep this relationship flourishing for years to come.
Best Love Day: Thursday, October 24
Practice Caution On: Wednesday, October 9
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra takes you right out of your comfort zone and will involve travel or significant news on an opportunity for expansion. Make sure that you're involving your partner in this new phase of your life and sharing it with them as well.
Things will be changing dramatically for you over the next few months and into the next year, but remembering why you fell in love with your partner will also help you both be able to embrace each positive change as it comes. And if it's just about an exciting travel opportunity, though there's more involved, then make sure you enjoy the experience fully.
Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini, giving you time to reflect on the forward momentum this year as well as allow you the time and space to let your internal world catch up. If you've recently moved in with your partner or merged families, take this time and learn how to make the best of everything as well as become more comfortable in the new space. Everything takes time, even those aspects of life that are meant for you.
Best Love Day: Sunday, November 3
Practice Caution On: Tuesday, November 19
Saturn stations direct in Pisces, which will help you feel more confident and clearer about the next stage of your life. Although Jupiter is still retrograde, Saturn direct will enable you to make important decisions about your life and help you understand the process of growth that has been involved. It will be important to create time to talk things through with your partner, especially as Juno shifts into Scorpio, which will bring in new levels of commitment, too.
Use November to develop an understanding with your partner about your connection's purpose and remain open to continued improvements. While you may be reflecting on recent growth or changes, it doesn't mean you have to do it alone. When you are with someone who truly values you, it means you are worthy, even if you are feeling a little all over the place. Clarity is arriving, but for now, simply embracing the process and honoring your feelings will go a long way.
Best Love Day: Sunday, December 15
Practice Caution On: Friday, December 6
The Full Moon in Gemini will rise in December and help you have a moment of fruition in all that Jupiter in Gemini has been bringing up for you in your life. This is all about where you call home and who you live with, so you may finally feel settled into this new space and feel like you can genuinely relax into the love you have created. The message for this Full Moon is to receive all the love and connection surrounding you.
Toward the end of the month, Jupiter retrograde squares off with Saturn in Pisces, creating a catalyst moment for you between your inner and outer growth. This is an aspect that brings increased success, especially with Saturn in Pisces. Still, it's important to see anything that arises during this time as an opportunity, even if it feels more like a challenge.
You've been working to embrace life with increased patience as you know that you are meant for more, and as Jupiter and Saturn converge, you will finally understand more of the purpose and direction of your life. Allow yourself to fully surrender to what is revealed to you, and remember, this is only the beginning, and while the past is now behind you, the future is yet to be written.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.