Horoscope For January 26, 2024, Brings Instability

The Moon will speak harshly with zany Uranus, which can make us feel unlike ourselves.

Horoscope For January 26, 2024, Brings Instability

The January 26, 2024, horoscope is here for all zodiac signs after the Moon in Leo speaks to Uranus strongly and forcefully.


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Your zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Friday, January 26, 2024.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


You are a strong-willed personality, Aries, and no matter how well you get along with others, you can be a force of nature. Besides, friends can bump heads sometimes. During the Moon opposite Pluto transit, a relationship that once brought you much joy can be the same one to bring in sorrow.

You may find that you're working hard to understand each other's points of view. Be a good listener. When possible, try to build bridges. Aim to find the middle ground.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)


You want to call the shots, Taurus, but today you may feel as though your hands are tied in the area of decision-making. It's not easy for you to play a silent, less active role. However, allowing leadership to figure things out can play to your advantage.

If you try to push your own point of view or overstep the process, you could bump into the boat at work and have your actions reflect poorly on you as a team player.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)


Don't be a backseat driver, Gemini. During the Moon opposite Pluto traveling with a friend or other people in the car can lead to a few conflicts.

You might endure an argument in the car due to wrong directions or feel like someone should be more helpful with little things like changing songs on the radio. When a heated discussion erupts due to a Google map or Waze area, even if you fear you'll be late, remind yourself that it's people before things ... always.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)


Generosity is subjective. During the Moon opposite Pluto transit, you may find that giving isn't as easy as you once thought it would be if you're in a relationship or trying to use resources you share with others.

Before you sign off a check or send a Venmo to a fundraiser or crowdfund that sounds intriguing, consider checking in with your partner first. You may find that it's easier to negotiate what you will give and how before you hit send than to argue about it later when you can't take it back.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)


You want to be in a relationship and yet, you like having full autonomy. Why can't you have both, you may wonder, and that is the crux of today's Moon opposite Pluto transit.

The internal struggle you feel when needing to 'check in' can leave you questioning — your priorities and everything else that's relationship-related. You may find it hard to compromise but may learn to grow into it because unity is important to you.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)


It's time to make a few important changes, but the problem is knowing exactly what you need to do and how. During the Moon opposite Pluto transit, fear can kick up when trying to do new things; self-doubt can kick in and the unknown can seem undesirable.

Try to see things from a different point of view, though, Virgo. It can be even more frightful to remain the same. Regret can be a burden to bear when you allow the chance you have to pass by.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)


True love is hard to find, and it's even harder to manage when it's between good friends and both do not see their relationship in the same way. During the Moon opposite Pluto power struggles can come up when one person has decided to open up about how they feel.

You may hear that a person whom you see more as a big brother or sister feels like there's something more. It's not easy to let a person down, but honesty can be the most loving thing to do. Your relationship may never be the same, but clear communication is important.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


Clarify what you think you've heard. Miscommunications can happen during the Moon opposite Pluto transit, and it can happen at work between you and a higher-up. Consider this in light of a bigger picture.

We are still within the window of the Full Moon in Leo's energy, and egos can flare in the strangest ways. When or if people say things that they may or may not mean, ask why and try to maintain open communication. If a direct conversation doesn't work, you may get results speaking with a human resource director.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)


A friendship can be the best thing to happen to you because you gain wisdom from their personal experiences. Today, you may catch a glimpse of how one particular relationship can help you see things in a new light.

A friend with a different background may share their experiences with you, which can open your mind in a different light. During the Moon's opposition to Pluto, keep an open mind. You might be surprised by what you discover about yourself, others, and the world when you do.

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


You are a giver, but even you struggle with letting go at times. Emotional attachment to things can be hard to break, and you may struggle to let go of an item even if you know you don't need it, use it or want it anymore.

Beyond its usefulness, an item can have sentimental value. Perhaps you feel that this item provides you with some type of identity or recognition of status because you own it. Donating is a nice thing to do; try to reframe the experience in a way that gives you a sense of fulfillment instead of loss.

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


Change is good, but people can feel threatened whenever you try to change. You may feel disheartened that people would rather you (and they) remain the same at the expense of your happiness.

During the Moon opposite Pluto transit,your happiness can feel challenged during these times. But it's important to allow yourself to push through the discomfort and even the resistance you feel coming from others.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Fear of the unknown can kick up all sorts of anxious emotions. Change is not easy for many people, and even if you delight in trying new things, there's still always that undercurrent emotion of potential disappointment and failure

During the Moon opposite Pluto transit, feelings and hidden things face off pushing you to address your fears. You may not enjoy the process initially, but the freedom you can feel when it's all over will be powerfully healing.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
