Love Horoscope For Wednesday, October 18, 2023

When planets get to close to the Sun, as they do this week, it's harder to feel passion or hear what others are trying to say.

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Mercury and Mars will be close to the Sun, which means they will be 'burned by the rays'. For some zodiac signs, this impacts love in a negative way, so it's best to be a little more diligent on October 18, 2023. Here's your love horoscope for the day to give you some guidance on what this means based on your zodiac sign.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Wednesday, October 18, 2023:



Love can be hidden behind a wall of ego today as both Mercury and Mars etch closer to the Sun. During this time, you may be undergoing a transformation in your relationships. You may find it harder to see things with the clarity you need. It's best not to act hastily as pride can make it easier to do things you may regret.

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You are feeling more confident and happy lately as both Mars and Mercury begin to hide behind the beams of the Sun. This is a great time to do things that you have dreamed about doing. Pick positive adventures. Take opportunity to try new things that fill your heart with love.

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it's not easy to put yourself first, but during the Sun conjunct Mercury and Mars you'll want to take the lead in your family, home and your relationships. Asserting yourself as the leader may require a softer approach during the next few days. You will want to be careful not to isolate others in the process.

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Tough love is just as hard to give as it is to receive. Someone in your life may be urging you to see things that you don't really want to see right now. Taking responsibility for your choices is never easy, but it's a wonderful chance to growas a person, and together as a couple. There's a lot to be said about a person who is willing to love you in this way, and what's important is that you also love yourself.

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Saying less is so much more than pouring your heart out during the Sun conjunct Mercury and Mars. You can use this day to communicate in ways that extend beyond words. Choose action. Find time to be there for a person you love. Show them how you truly feel and what you believe they need to see about themselves. Being a compassionate person means listening and learning to hear what is said even when there's no text messages or verbal communication taking place.

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Not talking about money with a partner can be a a red flag, and this one may wave the most during the Sun conjunct Mercury and Mars this week. Secrets about finances can come up over the next few days prompting you to want to talk about them with your mate. Things to consider bringing up tonight can include expenses, needs or goals. Easing into the conversation is a good idea since it's a complex topic that often triggers worry or insecurity.

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You can do your least favorite activity in the early part of the day so that you have the energy you need to spend time doing the things you truly love. The Sun in your sign being so close to Mercury and Mars can feel slightly draining. You may lack the desire to push yourself later in the evening. Scheduling a specific activity you enjoy is a great way to motivate you to close the day with your sweetheart.

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'Love covers a multitude of sins' and you may find it hard to spot the flaws people mention to you about a person you love. Instead, you view these things as cute. Still, you'll want to exercise caution, Scorpio, as you may think you know better than others. Friends may see things that you don't see, and rather than ignore their comments, take them into consideration.

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Friendships go through hard times, Sagittarius, and you may not know why your relationship changed for no apparent reason. You may discover during the Sun conjunct Mercury and Mars that you're going through a transitional period. Sometimes two people have to grow apart to grow back together again stronger and better later.

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Respect is so important in a relationship. Jokes and playful acts can seem harmless during the Sun conjunct Mercury and Mars transit. However, even the most well-intended pranks can be harmful to your relationship. You may find it hard not to pick on a partner or friend you love. But a person may not find what you're doing funny, so be sure to read body language and the room.

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When two people don't see the world through the same lens it can be hard to find common ground. You may be more spiritual and your significant other more into materialistic things. During the Sun conjunct Mercury and Mars these two attitudes and perspectives can clash leading to misunderstandings. Opposites can attract and bring out the best in each other. It's possible with a little bit of hard work and effort to bridge the gap.

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When a person loves you they see into you in a way that others do not. They study you and want to know your heart so that they can love you better. During the Sun conjunct Mercury and Mars, you may be a little bit harder to read. There can be misunderstandings and miscommunication taking place on this day. See into your person's heart and try not to assume that mistakes are lack of love.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
