Love Horoscope For July 22, On The First Day Of Venus Retrograde

Venus retrograde is here to shake things up a bit.

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Here is your love horoscope for July 22, 2023, by zodiac sign during the first day of Venus retrograde.


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Saturday, July 22, 2023:



The past doesn't define you, even if someone broke your heart. During the start of Venus retrograde, Aries, you may feel a bit uncertain in matters of the heart. An ex could call and throw you into a tailspin of self-doubt. They may even ask you for a second chance to revisit unresolved issues and reconcile one day in the future.

Don't rush into things. Take it slow, Ram. Have you healed? If not, it's time to reflect on what truly matters to you in love. Rekindling old flames is possible, but be cautious and listen to your intuition. Focus on self-love and clarity, and let Venus retrograde guide you towards a deeper understanding of your heart's desires.

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You're got thick skin, Taurus, and today you may need it when it comes to love. As Venus begins its retrograde journey, you might experience some challenges in your relationships, and a few of the problems, you've talked about to the point of exhaustion. Misunderstandings and communication issues could arise, as they always do leading to increased frustration. Control those horns, Bull. You don't want to get petty or assert your ego when you're trying to work things out. Take a step back and be patient with your loved ones — it's appreciated!

This is a time for reassessment and healing, because truth be told, you cannot make a person change until they are ready to do so. Let go of what no longer serves your heart and make room for new love to blossom. Trust that Venus retrograde will lead you towards more profound connections and emotional growth.

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You're such a softie, Gemini. Venus retrograde may bring some romantic nostalgia for you, and you'll be sorting through old photos, text messages and lurking an ex's social media in no time. Past loves and memories may resurface and have you thinking things before were better than they are now. You might even feel you're still in love. It's awful when Venus rx evokes feelings you thought were buried. Don't try to win someone back, especially if you know they have already moved on. Use this time to gain insight into your heart's desires and explore any unresolved emotions instead.

Focus on open communication and honesty in your current relationships, and if you are dating be transparent about what's going on with you. It's normal to grieve things even years after a relationship is over. With Venus guiding you, you can navigate through this period of introspection and find a deeper connection with your partner, and most importantly, with yourself.

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Need a hug? 20 seconds can help you feel better. During the start of Venus retrograde, Cancer, you might experience a need for emotional security in your relationships, and feel as though it's impossible to fill your heart with the love you need. Past wounds could resurface, including any unhealed abandonment issues; when this happens, you know how it goes, it affects your present connections. You start to feel like things aren't that wonderful, and you miss out on what is truly amazing.

Be open to healing and understanding your own needs better, Cancer. Your feelings matter. Remember that vulnerability can lead to profound intimacy, and that takes courage and time to figure out. Embrace Venus's retrograde energy as an opportunity to nurture your heart and create more meaningful and loving bonds. You deserve this.

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What do you want from love? Venus retrograde may prompt you to reevaluate your approach to love, Leo. You might question your romantic priorities and the level of attention you seek from your partner. You may even wonder why you're giving more than they are or why you feel like you have nothing left to give at all.

Take this time to find balance between self-love and giving in your relationships. Remember that love is a dance of giving and receiving, and sometimes one person does more than the other. There are few rules; if something is working, why question it: Embrace Venus's retrograde energy to enhance your capacity for love and experience a deeper connection with your loved ones. And to be more open-minded as to what love looks like and how it grows with time.

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Don't be hard on yourself; some things take time to figure themselves out. Virgo, as Venus starts its retrograde journey, you may feel a bit reserved in matters of the heart. You put guards up, and when someone tries to tear them down, you put them back up even higher. Past relationships and unresolved issues might be to blame, but is it fair to suffer now for something that happened before? No.

Use this time to reflect on your emotional needs and boundaries, and assess if you're being too rigid out of fear of future failure. Allow Venus retrograde to guide you towards healing and understanding toward yourself, and not nitpick or erect difficult to reach standards because you think that will protect your heart. Trust your intuition and don't rush into new love connections; picking a love when you're still in progress sounds great at first, but later you will regret not giving yourself the time and space you needed. Embrace self-love and clarity, and Venus will lead you to more fulfilling relationships. It may even give you a sense that you're happy being single and by yourself.

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It's good to think about the past, but don't lose sight of the future. During Venus retrograde, Libra, you might feel a bit introspective about your love life. There's been quit a bit of activity in love, and much of it has involved healing, self-reflection and growing closer to friends who feel like family. Venus retrograde is famous for bringing an ex back into your life. For you, a past relationship could return, offering a chance for reconciliation or an attempt to become friends once again.

Should you? You might not know. You can be indecisive this time around. Use this time to reassess your romantic desires and make peace with past heartaches. Balance is essential, so focus on nurturing both yourself and your partner. Venus's retrograde energy will guide you — so listen to your heart.

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You need closeness; that's who you are, and you can't help but crave intimacy from someone you love. As Venus begins its retrograde motion, Scorpio, you might experience a desire for more meaningful and intimate relationships.

Do you expect to hear from someone in the past? You might bump into an ex at a coffee shop or at your favorite restaurant, and it stirs up old feelings. What is that you feel, Scorpio? Is that your achy-breaky heart? Might be. Use this time to let go of emotional baggage and embrace vulnerability. You can love someone you know is all wrong for you. You might need them in your life, but resist because it's safer to be without their drama. Venus retrograde is a revealer for you. Your heart's desires become clear; but you want more than just a body or someone's presence. You want the package deal: true emotional connection.

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You can figure this out if you understand what's going on in advance. So, here's your heads-up. You're going to go through what everyone else experiences during Venus retrograde, Sagittarius: misunderstandings and communication issues in relationships. Take a step back and be patient with your partner. You're a blurter who often shoots straight from the hip. Ouch! You might be hurting someone's feelings, all in the name of honesty!

Zip up for a moment before speaking harshly or dishing out the usual dose of honest honey. Use this time to reevaluate your words, actions, and yes, even your romantic priorities — which may mean taking an entire summer off from love and working on your life instead. Explore what truly matters to you. Embrace Venus's retrograde energy as an opportunity for personal growth. You don't need someone to help you learn how to live your life. You're good, but don't push others away thinking you'll be better without humans.

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You can learn and grow with or without your partner. You can be what you need to be, but you have to first decide what you want, need or desire in a relationship. Today, Venus starts its retrograde journey, and it puts you in introspective mode. You may find yourself reevaluating your romantic goals and values, and the 'd' word could come up if you're married and unhappy.

Past relationships might resurface, and it's so easy to think you can use an ex as a sounding board to your current relationship problems. They may offer you a glimpse of what you think is happiness, but remember, jumping into a relationship during Venus rx is not necessarily a good idea. This is a season to heal old wounds. Make a note: focus on self-love and emotional growth. Then, be patient and kind with yourself. Do you want to open your life to complications? Nope. Venus retrograde is a season for authentic and fulfilling connections. You don't need drama. Fold the red flag and put it away. Ain't nobody got time for that.

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You have to see what you want to make it happen. So envision your love life and your future. Really see it; as you can create what you dream with desire and hope. During Venus retrograde, Aquarius, you might feel a bit nostalgic about past loves, and this is par for the course, as people tend to show up again in your life when a planets retrograde. You know you've had wonderful experiences. Pull out the scrapbooks. Accept things as they are, and use this time to reflect on your romantic desires. Do you have to go back to an ex? Even if you both want to, it's entering a new relationship, not an old one that ended.

Embrace the power of vulnerability because today you're going to need to do so.To open communication in your relationships you have to peel back the bandaid to see what still hurts. Can Venus retrograde lead you towards deeper emotional connections and a better understanding of your heart's true desires? Yes, but only if you're willing to do the work. Ask yourself, "Are you?"

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You're human, so of course you need to feel safe and secure with your partner. Pisces, as Venus begins its retrograde motion, you might experience a need for emotional security in your relationships. Venus's energy is something you're most sensitive to because of her loving nature; it expresses your own personality in a way others don't always comprehend, until they know you well.

Past loves and unresolved feelings could resurface because people miss your goodness when they go back into the cold, cruel world and don't have you as a shoulder to lean on. Should you take someone back? You might! Or you can put the idea on hold until this retrograde season is over. Maybe take this time to heal and let go of emotional baggage, because a healed Pisces is a strong Pisces. Embrace self-love and clarity. This time can be confusing. Today, trust that Venus retrograde will guide you towards more profound and loving connections in love. And it might mean you bond with a friend or a pet instead of a lover who once left you hanging and now wants you to heal their heart — after they broke yours.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
