Love Horoscope For July 9, During The Last Quarter Moon In Aries

We feel a sense of urgency when it comes to love, thanks the Last Quarter Moon in Aries.

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Push love. Why do some zodiac signs push so hard for intimacy and others pull away from the person who loves them? Today's love horoscope for each zodiac sign may share insight into relationship dynamics on July 9, during the Last Quarter Moon in Aries. 


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Sunday, July 09, 2023:



Be honest about what you want when it comes to love. You've spent a lifetime being what you felt others would find attractive, but it hasn't led you to where you want to be in a loving relationship. Try being authentic. Be yourself and watch someone fall in love with what they see.

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You've been patient, Taurus. A part of you may be wondering what is it you're waiting for when it comes to your love life. There's a small voice inside of your head telling you it's time to move forward and let yourself become hopeful about the future, rather than one particular outcome.

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Why are you afraid to let go, Gemini? Sometimes we hold on to relationships that aren't good for us because of the amount of investment we think we have made in the one we are in now. This is not going to lead to lasting love or a sense of closeness and intimacy. The point of love is to grow close to someone, but if you're not aligned with your values and goals, it may not ever truly work out or make you happy.

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Is this person right for you? Lately. you've been dancing around the truth about the person you like. They haven't been treating you in the way you want to be treated, so you have been hoping things will change. You can bend over backwards and stand on your head, Cancer. If a person will love you, they are going to love you no matter what. If a person isn't going to love, they won't no matter what either.

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You have fallen into a relationship that's comfortable, but deep down you're not sure you'd ever agree to being together forever. Don't live a lie, Leo, even if this means letting go of the person you need to find the one you want. They will heal, and you deciding to let them go can be the push both of you need to find the right relationship.

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You like being single. Lately there's a certain lack of drama in your life and it feels good to wake up each day without any arguments or having someone tell you what to do with your life. Today, you embrace this new love story: the one you have with yourself, and find that singleness is possibly your happy ending.

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Things are about to change for you, Libra. You've been holding back in romance, and when you decided to put love on the back burner it was as though a part of you died a little bit inside. Today, you're ready to explore the wide world of dating again. Maybe you'll check out Tantra dating or a Meetup group that's local and based on a subject you love to meet someone in person.

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Make loving someone well a priority. When you change your mindset from thinking about breaking up to finding new ways to strengthen your relationship and stay together, an amazing shift in your interaction begins. You start to feel closer and more in love. In fact, this relationship may not be as bad as you previously thought.

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You want someone to give you the loyalty and commitment you are willing to give. When you decide to give your heart to a person you like, it's all or nothing. You're all in today, and you want to know that your significant other feels the same. Today, why not ask? Talk about expectations and what you want the future to bring.

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You are a loyal and trusted friend, and these traits are what make you an incredible lover to be in a relationship with. Cultivate friendship, Capricorn. You want the sparks to fly in your love life, but there's so much value to deep, abiding friendship. Friendship is what will help you and your significant other grow your love in a deep, refreshing way.

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Pride can hold you back from having the love of your dreams. It's so easy to become lazy in a romantic relationship. You have each other, and you start to take a person's presence for granted.

Without meaning to, you believe that they will always be there, because that's what they are supposed to do. They are your partner, and promised to love you for life, right? Thinking this way is a fast track to disconnection in your relationship. So, rather than ask what your significant other can do for you. go the extra mile in your love life, Aquarius.

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Be patient, Pisces. Love without holding back or taking inventory of someone's flaws. Your partner may fall short of perfection today, but their heart is in the right place.

Cherish the moments of growth and transformation that arise from your shared experiences. Remember, true harmony is not about perfection, but rather the willingness to navigate the highs and lows together, hand in hand. Open your heart and allow the magic of connection to unfold, Pisces.

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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
