9 Things That Happen At The 1-Year Mark That Mean A Relationship Is Going To Last
What happens at the 52-week milestone says a lot about who you'll be in the future.

Congratulations on crossing the one-year mark of your relationship! Now that you are celebrating your first relationship anniversary, it's a good time to stop and look for these signs that mean a relationship is going to last the test of time.
It is not easy to be with the same person for 52 weeks. If you have reached this point, it's a good sign that your feelings for each other are soul-to-soul.
Given this, you may wonder what will change once you've been together for over a year and why so many people break up within that time? According to researchers, a "loss of positives" in that first year can cause people to pay more attention to the negatives. Here are a few things to look out for that mean you've done a great job keeping the "positives" going.
Here are nine things that happen after one year that mean your relationship can truly last
1. You’re totally comfortable around each other
When you first start dating, every little thing is a big deal. From combing your hair to brushing your teeth in front of each other, it can make you crazy.
Fast forward to a year in the relationship, and now you're doing these things regularly! Sitting together on the couch watching Netflix and spending the day in t-shirts and slippers without any make-up are all comfortable.
Couples who have spent 365 days together don't mind farting, burping, and sleep-talking in front of each other.
2. Your gifts get more thoughtful.
Dean Drobot | Shutterstock
After one year of relationship and staying together as a couple, there's no more getting each other a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Flowers, bouquets, and chocolates are all sweet gestures, but they are no longer the most practical (or thoughtful) presents to get.
The gifts are more valuable now that you have been a couple for one year.
Although you're still in love and want to show it, you are also very aware of each other's likes and dislikes. You know enough about your partner's necessities. So, gifts like a key chain or the sunglasses you broke last month are more appreciative than flowers.
3. You share genuine interest in each other’s passions.
Being in love demands making your partner happy. Your boyfriend may not care about your favorite book, but he'll listen to you and imagine the fiction novel scenes with you.
Fast forward to one year, and you'll become interested to read your partner's favorite book. Your loving partner has already tried to get all the reviews of your favorite book!
Even if you don't understand each other's obsession, you are both happy to have shared it. You have done things for each other that you never thought you would and now willingly do for each other.
4. You develop a deeper understanding of each other.
Celebrating the first anniversary is a great thing! After being together for one year, you guys know why the other is acting a certain way without having to say anything.
Understanding and feelings are more than words. You understand each other's emotions just by looking at their eyes. And you know what they want just by reading between the lines.
You may not need to be with each other 24/7 or even see each other for weeks. Connectivity is now deeply rooted in your hearts and souls.
5. Date planning becomes effortless.
William Perugini | Shutterstock
When you were a new couple, date plans had to be perfect. But, with time, dates become simple, sometimes as simple as sleeping together on a couch! There's no need for a more exciting date than you planned.
Planning a dinner and movie date was once scary and funny for you. As the relationship lengthened, you felt less anxious about making plans. Now, you're both so comfortable with each other's company that making plans to hang out in expensive restaurants isn't necessary.
There are fewer considerations about where to go and what to do because you already know what the other one is into.
6. Your differences become strengths.
Now that you have lived together for a year, you very well notice how your partner differs from others. He told you he hates a big breakfast but gets cranky if he doesn't have breakfast.
Your partner doesn't like sports as much as you do but cheers for your favorite team from the couch. So, time in a relationship can bridge any differences between you two.
7. Your long-term goals start aligning.
The beginning of the relationship is very different from the first anniversary. After a year together, it becomes clear that it will be a long ride! You and your partner have plans that are becoming more specific.
When he said, "I want to live in Mumbai with you" or "I am planning a cruise together," it might have seemed vague — you didn't know how long your relationship would last. But after one year together, this talk becomes real. The two of you are dreaming with each other and making plans together.
8. Dating 'rules' fade away.
Dodokat | Shutterstock
When you first met, dating meant only one thing—boyfriend and girlfriend. Dating is no longer a severe concept one year into the same relationship.
Now that you have been together and have known each other for a year, dating seems too casual. No long calls or drives/flights to see each other; you're genuinely together now.
9. You can’t imagine life without them.
Yes, you can now see yourself growing old with your partner. This is a meaningful sign that you are in a relationship you want to last forever. When you learn to celebrate your small couple goals together, it is time to start something beautiful!
One year into the relationship, nothing matters to you more than your partner; you're thinking about the future. Life without your partner is impossible, and you both know it.
By celebrating your first anniversary, you and your partner have already ticked the "blooming phase." It's high time you get used to each other in every way. And this is what makes a relationship healthy. One year is a worthwhile milestone; celebrate it with your partner!
Sidhharrth Kumaar is an astro-numerologist and Founder of NumroVani. He couples his knowledge of modern sciences to solve real-world problems in the areas of mental well-being and relationship growth.