3 Ways You're Blocking Your Own Psychic Power & Intuition
Psychic ability and intuition can grow and evolve.

We all have psychic abilities that are connected to our intuition, but we often don't know that they're there and we prevent them from developing further.
What mistakes do we make that can block our psychic ability?
Often, clients ask me what blocks their psychic power or what can be done to improve it. Both are interesting and potentially enlightening questions.
I believe everyone is sensitive in some way and has innate intuitive awareness and knowledge.
We are human animals, after all, with instincts and limbic brains. But, we forget this sometimes and prefer to see ourselves as technological kings and queens of the planet.
Despite all of this, we are still learning how to be more instinctive and intuitive. We are all psychics, even though we still haven't figured out how to cure a common cold!
With that said, here are 3 things you do that block your psychic abilities and intuition.
1. You're not being in your body
Many people in spiritual practice love to meditate and have "out of body experiences". These can be valuable, useful and often informative, sometimes just not that accurate from an intuitive perspective.
If you are really interested in developing your intuitive abilities and psychic ability, stay in your body. This is also true if you are interested in simply growing your natural intuition. Stay in your body rather than floating off out of it!
Intuitively speaking, think of your body as a powerful instrument. You get a "gut feel" when you think somebody may not be telling the truth.
Something just doesn't "feel right" when you meet somebody you don't jive with. An idea just "pops into your head" at the oddest moment and it's a really useful idea!
You realize that you are finally going to hear from your long lost friend because somehow you just know the phone is going to ring. This happens just a few seconds before the phone actually does ring.
You act a few moments before your kid falls over/throws up/does something really stupid. You react ahead of time as if you knew it was actually going to happen.
That is embodied intuition and it is very practical. So stay in your body and stay present!
2. You give in to imposter syndrome
This can be tough because since we were young many of us have lived in a field of doubt and fear.
We perhaps opened our mouths as children and spoke truths others did not want to hear, so we were shushed for it. When we did get a great intuitive hit or opened to fuller psychic ability it possibly rocked somebody's world. That's when we got "the look" that shut us down.
When we do come out in public with that inspired idea or realize the truth of a tough situation this may threaten the status quo. Perhaps family members or other people around us may be invested in keeping the truth from coming out despite our sudden clarity.
Seeing others having a powerful intuitive insight can feel very threatening if you don't know how they did it.
So keep a journal of intuitive hits that can be validated. If you can vouch for these, then you are intuitive and possibly even psychic.
Naysayers can make you feel like this is "all in your head" or you are simply overly sensitive, overly imaginative, weird, or a nut-job. (I've been called worse.)
Journaling these events and validating them for yourself can make you believe that you really are receiving intuitive hits and that you really can do this, even when other people say you can't.
So, keep a validating journal and surround yourself with more people who also believe, who inspire you and who are positive about developing psychic ability and psychic gifts, rather than being threatened by them, and you.
3. You think too much
The left brain is great for validation and for making sense of our world, making ordered lists, number crunching, activities like that.
It's not as intuitive as the right brain, although science does now agree that in order to be inspired and get psychic or intuitive hits, both sides of the brain have to be active. And science also says that it's impossible to be "logical" without some aspects of the right or "emotional" brain working at the same time.
Initially, with any psychic or intuitive hit, it's best not to think too much, even though we are trained to do so.
Rather than, "Oh, I felt this, so it must be so and so", simply go "Oh, I felt this, let's write it down."
One of my first teachers always said to me, "Energy first, information second."
When you are receiving a psychic or intuitive hit it is because the energy of something is connecting with you, your energy field and your chakras or energy centers. Give it a moment. Notice what it is without defining it or trying to think it into something.
The best readings I have given are when the energy flows and I simply describe the energy to the client. The client can then usually tell me the significance of the information. Think less and feel more. In order to validate yourself stay in your body.
This will help you to avoid the mistakes that block your psychic ability.
Sarah Lawrence is a Spiritual Coach and has read the Akashic Records and has given Akashic and Psychic Readings online since 2010. Read more at her Mom On A Spiritual Journey blog and visit her private client portal to learn about available readings.