9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science

Tall Twitter users named Wayne, we're on to you!

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science getty

Let's face it — no one wants to date a cheater, but it happens quite often and, many times, we don't see the significant signs that our boyfriend or girlfriend is actually a shady little liar.

Unfortunately, cheating has become more and more common in relationships, regardless of gender or what the couple's relationship status may be. Yes, sadly, it does happen to men, women, married couples, couples who aren't married, and every type of relationship in between that you can thnk of.


And cheating has become such a widespread problem that science has devoted a lot of time and energy over the years into trying to figure out the why, what, where, how, and when of infidelity. 

RELATED: 5 Questions To Ask Your Partner If You Think They Might Be Cheating

Who knew that society would get to the point where science went from being used to determine the discovery of a new dinosaur species or electricity, to spending copious amounts of time hoping to get to the bottom of why people are unfaithful to one another? 

How the heck did we manage to get here? Well, the answer to that question is probably worth conducting a few studies of its own!


When it comes down to it, the subject of infidelity is actually a lot more complicated than we may realize it is. Are there really specific signs to look for? And how many are there? Do certain signs seem to be more common than others? Or, perhaps it comes down to gender differences? 

Could it be genetic? Or maybe it's some specific personality traits that commonly occur in people who cheat? Does it have anything to do with their hair color, their height, their name? And, most importantly, where is Charles Darwin when you need him? 

But, in all seriousness, perhaps science really does have the right idea by trying to dig in deeper to the mystery of infidelity. Finding out some of these answers couldn't hurt, after all. 

In fact, it may help us be able to weed out the cheaters quicker and before we get ourselves into a relationship with them. I mean, wouldn't it be a major relief if we were able to identify a cheater on the first date? 


We could excuse ourselves to the restroom and make a run for it before we have to pay for a dinner and waste our precious time on a date that's definitely going nowhere.

Is your girlfriend blonde? Is your date checking his phone every two seconds, possibly addicted to Twitter? And what's his name?

Through journal studies and surveys by users on cheating websites, science may be able to narrow it down to let you know exactly what makes someone more likely to be unfaithful.

But does someone's height or name really make them any more (or less) likely to stray — or are these things just strange coincidences?

Well, only those who have dated these 9 people may know the truth. Until you do the dating legwork, we'll give you the facts and let you make an educated decision for yourself.


1. Tall guys

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science fizkes / Shutterstock

We're telling you this not just because short guys make us swoon.

A 2017 study from extra-marital dating site, Ashley Madison, told us that dudes over 5'10" are twice as likely to cheat on their partner. We knew they were up to no good up there!


2. Rock n' roll fans

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

These two are the kind of sketchballs your mama warned you about.

A 2014 survey found that 41 percent of cheaters prefer rock music to all other genres. Your best bet for a loyal partner? Rap lovers.


3. French people

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science Song_about_summer / Shutterstock

What can you expect in a relationship with the best lovers in the world? Wine, cheese and an affair, says science.

According to a 2014 survey, which surveyed the globe about bedroom habits, 55 percent of French men and 33 percent of French women admit to cheating.


4. Blonde women

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science Joshua Resnick / Shutterstock

Do blondes have more fun? If you consider cheating a grand ole time, then you betcha.

A CheaterVille.com survey found that 42 percent of cheating women have blonde hair. Better girlfriend material, guys? Only 11 percent of women with black hair are cheaters.

RELATED: 10 Telltale Signs He's Cheating On You


5. Twitter users

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science nopporn / Shutterstock

Shocker: social media can be harmful your romantic relationship!

While this isn't too surprising, research from the University of Missouri shows those who tweet cheat. The more often a person uses Twitter, the more often they have relationship conflicts, like affairs. #TimeToCloseTheLaptop


6. Female teachers

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science Guayo Fuentes / Shutterstock

What professions are more likely to stray?

According to a AshleyMadison.com survey of its users, the typical cheating wife is likely to be a teacher. Someone's got to teach these ladies a lesson — just don't call tech support.


7. Shopaholics

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science Sergiu Birca / Shutterstock

Ashley Madison also revealed that their typical, adulterous female user is a serious shopper.

More than one-third of the women surveyed said they spend more on their appearance since they started cheating. And, 27 percent have a secret credit card to fund their purchases. The preferred brand of the unfaithful? Banana Republic.


8. Guys in IT

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock

Don't be fooled by their soft hoodies, hipster glasses and patience when it comes to restoring your iPhone (you really should start backing up!) — these guys are sneaky, cheating hubbies, according to the same AshleyMadison survey that revealed unfaithful wives are often teachers.


9. Men named Wayne

9 People Who Are Probably Going To Cheat On You, According To Science Kyle Besler / Shutterstock

An easy giveaway he's sleeping with someone else? His name.

A study of 2,000 women found that Wayne ranked as the least trustworthy name in love. As for Lil Wayne, his real name is Dwayne, so we're not sure where that stands on the adultery scale. Does the D negate anything?

For now, try not to date Lil Wayne. We'll update you when science gets back to us.

RELATED: Why People Cheat In Committed Relationships, According To Study

Michelle Toglia is the Deputy Lifestyle Editor at Bustle.

Editor's Note: This article was originally posted in July 2014 and was updated with the latest information.
