Does Lady Gaga's Creativity Scare Away Men?
The singer confesses that some boyfriends leave her because they're intimidated by her art.

In a new Vanity Fair interview, Lady Gaga opens up about her past relationships, why men tend to leave her (and then come back with marriage proposals), and how she's fully capable of buying herself a diamond if she wants one, thank you very much.
According to Gaga, 25, the trouble always starts when her partners get jealous of her artistic abilities. "I have this effect on people where it starts out good. Then, when I'm in these relationships with people who are also creative, or creative in their own way, what happens is the attraction is initially there and it's all unicorns and rainbows. And then they hate me," she says. "You And I" Is Right! Lady Gaga Romances Music Video Co-Star
But thankfully, Ms. Gaga isn't one to minimize her talents because it makes her partner insecure.
"If I go to the piano and write a quick song and play it back, they are angry with how fast and effortless it is. That's who I am, and I don't apologize for it," she explains. "I think what it really is, is that I date creative people. And I think that what intimidates them is not my purse; it's my mind." Lady Gaga Admits 'Judas' Is About An Ex
We think there are plenty of women who can relate to Gaga's problem: being more successful and fulfilled in your career than your partner. That's totally a source of tension! But how does someone as huge as Mother Monster handle it when a guy is freaked out by what she can do?
"I had a man say to me, 'You will die alone in a house bigger than you know, with all your money and hit records, and you will die alone.' Even though I know it sounds a bit Hallmark, whenever I was in that kind of stressful, worthless moment, I would think, I'll show you.'"
And show them she has! Gaga admits that after ending a few bad relationships, some of her exes have actually come crawling back—with marriage proposals!
"How f***in' romantic, you a**hole. Sure, pop a ring on my finger and make it all better. I can buy myself a f***in' ring," she scowls.
Who knows if Lady Gaga will have to buy her own ring, but we have a feeling she'll find a man who can handle her success and not shy away from it! 3 Factors That Stop A Man From Seeing A Woman As Marriage Material, According To Psychology
Have you ever had trouble in a relationship because you were more successful or talented than your partner?
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