If Someone You Like Does These 6 Things, They Probably Want To Get Married Someday

From their dating profile to their family relationships, early signs are everywhere.

Two people on dating app, smiling at phone Delmaine Donson, Peopleimages.com - YuriArcurs | Canva

As a dating and relationship coach for those who are looking for other marriage-minded people, I’m often asked how one recognizes a potential like-minded partner early on. Can you tell the difference on an app or when you first meet? Absolutely! There are several ways my clients are taught to recognize marriage-minded people.

The good news is, this advice isn't only for 20-somethings — though they find it helpful as well. No, this is true if you're 30 or if you’re 70! 


Six signs someone you like is interested in getting married someday

1. They are open to meet and open to marriage

She check his dating profile and smiles Gorodenkoff via Shutterstock

Marriage-minded people are very open about their desire to meet someone who also wants to be married. They will share with their friends and family when they are ready to meet the one. They are not shy about being set up on a date with someone a friend may know is also looking to get married.  


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2. They mention marriage in their profile

Marriage-minded people will write in their profile they have marriage as their reason for dating, as supported by a study of Internet dating that lead to marriage. They will select that option and even put a statement at the top of their profile.  

3. They invest in themselves

Marriage-minded people invest in themselves. They will hire a coach, or a matchmaker to help them meet the one. They don’t have time to waste and want to find the most direct path to finding their partner.  

4. They make an effort

Confident man smiles and is ready to get to know you Olga Kri via Shutterstock


Marriage-minded singles will put the time and energy into this endeavor. They tell me that they treat it like a second job. They know anything valuable in life takes focus and effort. They can’t count on just bumping into such a person.  

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5. They are clear about their intentions

Marriage-minded people will be honest and upfront about their intentions by the 3rd or 4th date. They don’t want to get their heart set on someone who doesn’t share their goal of marriage. They may have been down that path already and don’t want to spend years with someone, hoping it will lead to marriage, as supported by a paper on love and marriage facts.  

6. They have married friends

Marriage-minded people have mostly married friends. They feel like the odd person. They truly want to have someone special to participate in coupled social engagements. If you’re a marriage-minded single person, and you are at wits end about how to meet someone who also desires to be married to an incredible life partner, then we need to talk. 


Let’s get you off the dating merry-go-round and into the relationship you’ve been dreaming of. 

RELATED: 7 Reasons Online Dating Doesn't Work For Some & How To Turn It Around

Amy Schoen is a D.C.-based national expert in dating and relationship coaching who's helped countless couples find love.
