9 Signs A Man Will Make An Excellent Life Partner, According To Psychology

How can you be sure he's in it for the long haul? A few things you'll need to pay attention to.

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Do you feel confused about what your man wants and what his intentions are? Want to ask him where things are going but don’t know how without scaring him away? Getting mixed messages and want some clarity?

If you feel a strong connection with your guy and want to know if he could be a true life partner, here’s how to interpret the signs. If you’re truly looking for your soulmate and you want that deeper connection with a man that you can count on, then you shouldn’t be asking, “What are his intentions?” Instead, look for clearer signs that he could be your true life partner.

Here are nine signs a man will make an excellent life partner:

1. It's easy to be authentic with each other

authentic couple look back Vadym_Hunko | Shutterstock

One of the soulmate signs that show up right away is that the two of you are authentic with each other from the start. You don’t hold back or keep your heart closed. You speak how you feel and ask for what you want.

Your soulmate won’t be offended or put off. He’ll be glad to step up for you to make you happy. Authenticity has a high vibration and you will find it easy to connect with your soulmate authentically.

A 2013 study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that authenticity in a relationship, meaning genuine and openly expressing one's true self, is strongly associated with optimistic relationship outcomes like boosted trust, satisfaction, commitment, and overall well-being.

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2. You share the important things

couple shares important things PeopleImages.com – Yuri A | Shutterstock

You may not like the same kind of movies or music as your life partner. The two of you may have very different hobbies. But you both know that these are not what’s important.

Another soulmate sign is that the two of you are on the same page with what’s important. You both value the same things in life. You may have different strategies for achieving your goals, but you will share similar goals and support each other in achieving them.

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3. You can't say or do the 'wrong' thing

partners show acceptance of mistakes Bricolage | Shutterstock

Many people feel like they missed out on their life partner because they screwed things up. They said the wrong thing, or they made a mistake, and their partner couldn’t forgive them. By definition, this wasn’t a soulmate relationship.

A soulmate sign that you’ve found your person is that the two of you manage to figure it out when there are bumps in the road. You are both willing to work through conflict together. You both understand and practice leaning into your conflicts to open a doorway to a deeper connection.

The International Association for Relationship Research found that a willingness to work through conflict in a relationship is strongly connected with higher relationship satisfaction and stability, as effectively navigating disagreements can deepen understanding, nurture intimacy, and strengthen the bond between partners. Conversely, avoiding or poorly handling conflict can lead to relationship strain and unhappiness.

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4. You challenge each other to grow

partners challenge growth simona pilolla 2 | Shutterstock

A life partner relationship is one where the two of you see the potential in each other and challenge each other to be better people. Your soulmate sees you in your best light and wants you to be the best version of yourself. Your soulmate will inspire you to step into that vision.

You both have the intention to be the best version of yourself for each other as well. A soulmate sign that you’re both in it for the long haul? You both work to become better.

When done constructively, challenging your partner can be a positive force, promoting personal growth, deeper connection, and increased relationship fulfillment by encouraging open communication, critical thinking, and a willingness to explore new perspectives. However, a study by the International Journal of Listening found that it's vital to maintain healthy boundaries and focus on mutual respect and support. If not managed well, it can lead to conflict and strain within the partnership.

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5. The relationship helps heal your wounds

partners help heal wounds Jacob Lund | Shutterstock

No one travels through life without ever experiencing pain, heartbreak, or disappointment. You may even have developed some bad relationship habits along the way. Your soulmate will love you anyway.

Soulmate love is unconditional. You will be loved for all the parts of you — the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is a very healing experience and not for the faint of heart. Skill is required to keep the door of intimacy open despite making mistakes, getting triggered, and navigating conflict.

Healing wounds together and learning to love yourself more deeply are soulmate signs that you can look forward to with your beloved. Healing from trauma can be significantly supported by a safe and supportive relationship, where partners can openly share their experiences, allowing for mutual understanding and validation, which can contribute to a sense of connection and reduce feelings of isolation often connected with trauma. 

However, a 2019 study stresses that navigating pain within a relationship requires open communication, patience, and seeking professional help when necessary to address potential triggers and complicated dynamics.

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6. You respect and value each other's differences

partners respect differences PeopleImages.com – Yuri A | Shutterstock

A relationship with someone who is just like you would be boring and lack chemistry. It’s the differences that make two people come together and last as a couple. An introvert ends up with an extrovert. Someone quiet and reserved connects with an emotionally expressive partner. One of you is a saver, the other a spender. The magic of differences means that in a soulmate relationship, you defer to each other’s strengths.

A powerful soulmate sign is that you respect and value the differences between you instead of getting stuck in a power struggle. In a soulmate relationship, you can let your partner take care of the things that you aren’t good at, and you can be appreciated for your areas of expertise.

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7. You work to repair and make amends

partners make amends LightField Studios | Shutterstock

Just because you are with your life partner doesn’t mean that you won’t experience disappointment. Life is full of challenges and part of a happy balanced life is having someone to navigate those challenges with you.

This doesn’t mean that your soulmate won’t occasionally let you down or disappoint you. Your soulmate is a flawed human just like you are. The difference is your soulmate will do what is necessary to repair the relationship and make amends when they mess up.

Conflict resolution in relationships primarily focuses on how couples communicate during disagreements. Key findings from a 2018 study indicate that healthy conflict resolution involves open communication, active listening, expressing needs clearly, validating each other's feelings, and avoiding harmful patterns like criticism, defensiveness, and contempt. Couples who effectively resolve conflicts tend to have more robust, more satisfying relationships, while those who struggle with conflict often experience increased stress and relationship dissatisfaction.

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8. You connect on many levels

partners connect on many levels Inside Creative House | Shutterstock

Maybe you laugh with each other in bed every night before going to sleep. Or you both have a deep love of the outdoors. Whatever it is that connects the two of you will be more than just a superficial common interest.

If you want a soulmate sign that you can’t ignore, notice how many different ways you connect with your partner. Whether the two of you can talk for hours or just sit comfortably in a room without speaking, you are on the same page about life.

A deep and fulfilling partnership involves engaging with your partner on various physical, emotional, intellectual, and sometimes spiritual levels, with each layer contributing to a stronger bond and overall relationship fulfillment. A 2021 study emphasizes the importance of open communication, shared experiences, mutual understanding, and susceptibility to foster these connections across different dimensions.

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9. You both choose love

partners choose love PeopleImages.com – Yuri A | Shutterstock

Your life partner will want you to be happy and to feel loved. You’ll want your partner to know that you’re on his side, and that you have each other’s backs. Whether you’re taking into account that your partner is having a bad day or your partner is encouraging you to have that uncomfortable conversation with a friend, the two of you are consciously choosing to be loving with each other.

This is the most important soulmate sign. If your partner doesn’t want you to know how much you are loved or want to share in your happiness, then it’s probably not a good match. Loving someone means doing your best to reduce their stress level, not adding to it.

While initial attraction and feelings of love can be largely unconscious, the decision to actively nurture and maintain a loving bond, including choosing to love your partner, is a mindful choice that involves enthusiastically focusing on positive aspects, committing to the relationship, and making thoughtful efforts to preserve connection and intimacy, according to a Frontiers in Psychology study.

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Orna and Matthew Walters are dating coaches and founders of Creating Love On Purpose with a holistic approach to transforming hidden blocks to love, and the authors of Getting It Right This Time.
