13 Qualities Of Men Who Are Irresistible To Women, According To Psychology
Find out what she wants.

Fellas, no doubt trying to figure out what women want in dating can seem like a pretty daunting charge. But if you are honest, it isn't hard once you get to know the telltale signs. If you're serious about getting a first and second date, you may want to follow these surefire points.
Here are 13 qualities of men who are irresistible to women, according to psychology:
1. Presence
It doesn't matter what you look like. Stop being afraid of approaching women you're interested in. After all, what do you have to lose? If you think about it, you have everything to gain, so take a risk and just go for it!
2. Confidence
Women are attracted to men who are conscious of the dynamics of their personality. Confident men are irresistible! Seriously, being charismatic can take you far, as explored in research published by Frontiers in Psychology. You just have to remember to shake off your nerves and put your best foot forward.
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3. Good listening skills
This may sound mundane, but it's so, so true. You have to listen to women in a way that lets them know you heard them. Don't interrupt, and be an active listener. Instead of automatically jumping in, rephrase what you just heard.
4. Positivity
Guys, this may be one of the most important points. Give up whining and moaning about your life and past relationships, as it can indicate you carry implicit negative bias as supported by a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Instead, think about all of the positive things going on in your life. She will respond to the softer (and less negative) side of you.
5. Boldness
Go for what you want, and when you think you have tried it all, try something else. You have to learn to live outside your comfort zone long enough to produce results.
6. Style
Even though your looks aren't important, how you dress yourself is. Trust us when we say she'll be super impressed once she sees the amount of effort you put into your everyday look. Research published in the Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering shows the relevance of color and clothing in attraction, so don't forget to dress with style and original flair!
7. Good body language
Giving off signs you're super interested in your date is a major turn-on. Studies led by Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk demonstrate how body language is one of the easiest ways to up your dating game. So be sure to shower her with mysterious smirks, and we guarantee she'll come back for more.
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8. Good personal hygiene
We can't stress this enough. Making an effort to groom yourself can go a long way to getting a hot date. Grooming may be a tad more important than your outfit.
9. A nice smile
There's nothing sexier than a man with a killer smile. You can use a teeth whitener to help your pearly whites look their best. Also, remember to floss!
10. Clean nails
Despite popular belief, manicures aren't only for women. Having clean hands is a serious turn-on.
11. Ability to flirt
If you're not confident in your flirting skills, you can either hire a coach (yes, they exist!) or go out with a friend whose flirting skills are pretty impressive. The Communication Quarterly published research that encourages you to get your flirt on!
12. A sense of humor
It's a known fact: Make a woman laugh, and she will love you forever, as shown by extensive research in the Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. Develop a more active sense of humor if you tend to be too serious, quiet, or shy.
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13. Authenticity
At the end of the day, if someone is right for you, she's going to be attracted to the real you. And if not, you'll find someone who is. So just be yourself and worry about the rest later.
Deanna Frazier is an executive coach, seminar leader, author, dating and relationship coach, and media personality.