5 Places To Meet Great Guys On Halloween

All treats, no tricks.

Ghosts on halloween night Katerina Holmes | Canva

Halloween isn't just a holiday for kids, many adults have always loved the holiday for the variety of sweets available, both the sugar variety and the love-based ones. 

While it might not be acceptable for adults to go door to door asking for candy, you can bring something even better home: a great guy's number! All you need to do is get out there and meet him, so get your treats ready because there are no hidden tricks involved this Halloween.


Here are 5 places to meet great men on Halloween:

1. A costume party

Costume parties are a great place to meet eligible bachelors since people tend to be a bit more uninhibited when they are dressed up as someone else, as suggested by Professor of Anthropology John J. Honigmann. Embrace this newfound confidence and approach that hot guy dressed up as a six-pack or cute "Doctor" standing in the corner.

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2. Trick or treating

Couple in costume and face paint Roman Samborskyi via Shutterstock


Go get your kind of treat! If you don't have kids of your own, offer to tag along with a friend and their children when they go trick-or-treating. You just might bump into a cute uncle or single dad out with their little ones. He might need some adult interaction you can provide.

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3. The bookstore

If you're not feeling particularly festive this Halloween, hiding out in a bookstore or coffee shop is the best way to both avoid your ringing doorbell at home and meet an attractive stranger. You won't be the only one who wasn't in the mood to dress up, hit a party, or hand out candy.

4. The movies

Smiling man and happy woman sit together Olena Yakobchuk via Shutterstock


Going to a late-night showing of a classic horror film or scary movie is one of the best ways to celebrate Halloween that doesn't involve glitter or copious amounts of Snickers. Snag a seat next to a handsome guy and ask him if this is the first time he's seen Friday the 13th. Bonus points if you get scared and grab onto his arm, a study in Media Psychology Journal demonstrates how horror films can encourage people to react in highly gender-stereotypical ways.

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5. The dog park

It's not as random as it sounds, I promise! Many dogs get freaked out by a constantly ringing doorbell and kids dressed up in costumes, so some pooch owners prefer to get them away from the madness. Enter the dog park! Leash up your favorite puppy and hit the dog park or beach. There is a great chance that other solo dog owners will be doing the same. Research published in Anthrozoös should encourage you to strike up a conversation while the doggies play.

You can use the festivities of Halloween to meet a great guy if you are ready to put yourself out there. You can treat him with your presence and not worry about having to trick him into your life. Halloween is a time when many people will take a risk they normally wouldn't, and maybe it is the costumes that help them feel a little more confident behind the mask.


Whether you go to a costume party dressed as The Raven, hang out in the bookstore's horror/fantasy section flipping through Edgar Allen Poe, or just take a stroll through the dog park, Halloween could be your chance to finally hook up with a great guy.

RELATED: The 12 Best Celebrity Couple Halloween Costumes Ever

Lottie Williams is the Head of Content at We Love Dates. She has been featured in Patti Knows, the Independent, Askmen, and more.
