6 Halloween Aphrodisiacs To Attract Literally Anyone To You, According To Research

Use all your tricks to make your Halloween a night full of treats.

Last updated on Oct 04, 2024

Aphrodisiacs on halloween to attract anyone to you Roman Samborskyi | Shutterstock

Who says kids should have all the fun on Halloween? After handing out gobs of Snickers bars and Baby Ruths to kids in cute costumes, why not light some Jack O' Lanterns, summon the spirit of Aphrodite, and brew up some spooky, passionate fun of your own?

The love potions I'm recommending here are aphrodisiacs. Folklore tells us that eating certain foods can tickle our taste buds and make our bodies want to go bump in the night. The FDA says no way, but historical figures like Casanova and Cleopatra became legends for indulging in them!


The truth is, that certain foods, aromas, and even experiences can have magical powers when it comes to igniting passion. So, if you're looking to turn up the heat in your relationship this Halloween, try indulging in one of these treats.

Here are 6 Halloween aphrodisiacs to attract literally anyone to you, according to research:

1. Oysters and chocolate

Everyone's heard of the association between oysters and love. Casanova supposedly downed at least a dozen a day to boost his talents in the sack. While some may consider the aphrodisiac powers of oysters to be an old wives' tale, Research published in Frontiers in Marine Science Journal found these mollusks to be rich in rare amino acids that trigger increased levels of hormones. Oysters are also packed with zinc, which has been shown to boost male potency, as supported by a study in the Journal of Reproduction & Infertility.


Spicy foods like chili peppers are also believed to make things red-hot in the boudoir. They not only get the blood pumping but also trigger the release of endorphins, those potent "feel-good" chemicals that are responsible for runner's highs.

You can try tantalizing your taste buds with strawberries. These are packed with vitamin C, which a study from the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Journal has shown to help keep blood flowing to all regions of the body. I recommend hand-feeding this sweet fruit to one another.

Of course, the sweetest aphrodisiac of them all is chocolate. This so-called tonic offers a double shot of seductive chemicals. One, tryptophan, is a building block of serotonin, a brain chemical involved in arousal. The other, phenylethylamine, a stimulant related to amphetamine, is released in the brain when people fall in love. 

They share coffee and a kiss Antonio Diaz via Shutterstock


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2. Coffee and bananas

There's nothing like a good drink to pump up the passion! A study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry reports that caffeine promotes arousal, so even something as simple as a mug of coffee may be just the ticket to keep ecstasy going...and going...and going. 

Or, why not heat All Hallow's Eve by mixing up a tropical concoction like a Frozen Banana? The aphrodisiac capabilities of bananas go way beyond shaped-based jokes. It's what is inside that counts, Vitamin B, potassium, and an enzyme called bromelain, which, according to Andrologia Journal, causes increased testosterone production in mice. Stock the freezer with bananas dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with shaved coconut, and share one with your lover.

3. Pumpkin and rose oil

Certain aromas have the potential to create fireworks. Studies compared by Michael Castleman have found that a whiff of pumpkin pie or lavender can be a potent turn-on for men, whereas the smell of licorice can make women want "good and plenty." Vanilla is said to increase feelings of lust, perhaps by raising levels of adrenaline in the blood.


Aromatherapists encourage experimenting with scents to find ones that take each other’s breath away. For example, add rose oil to your bath, dab sandalwood on your bedroom light bulb, or put cardamom oil, which is considered magnetic, in your body lotion.

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4. Marvin Gaye and Barry White

Music can put you in the mood. Research published in Frontiers in Psychology examined the psychological functions of music listening and found that "people listen to music to regulate arousal and mood, to achieve self-awareness, and as an expression of social relatedness So dim the lights, grab your iPod, turn it up, and let it turn you on.

What should be on your passionate playlist? Classic love songs are the best aphrodisiacs, with artists Marvin Gaye, Barry White, and Serge Gainsbourg felt by many people to be the most enticing, and the soundtrack from the classic 1987 film Dirty Dancing captures top album honors.


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5. Eye candy and costumes

Remember, many people are visual, so a surefire way to spice up your intimate life on Halloween is to dress up for your partner. Don't hesitate to think "over the top" and be all-in when it comes to bringing your costume into the bedroom. Use all your tricks to make your Halloween a night full of treats. 

Couple hugging and laughing PeopleImages.com - Yuri A via Shutterstock


6. Fantasies and dreams

Yes, even conversation can be a super powerful aphrodisiac, and if you have your doubts, try cuddling up with your significant other and sharing fantasies. Research published by the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin reveals that couples who share fantasies are closer and more intimate. So, what are you waiting for? Start the dialogue!

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Coach Todd Reed, CPC, has expertise in communication and relationships. His book offers tips, tools, and techniques for couples to discover the joys of being in love.