7 Men Describe The Exact Moment They Fell In Love With Their Partner
And they're not holding anything back.

It's so hard to understand what it is that makes someone fall head over heels in love, so we asked men to describe the exact moments in their lives that made them realize the hunt was over and they had fallen deeply in love.
Sometimes it took some egging on, but other times, it was the little things: She farted and you didn't leave. She was there for you when you needed it (actually, that's not so little, ultimately). Or, she just got you.
Falling in love is more than liking the same music or food. It's really listening and being there, and feeling like you are in this crazy thing called life together.
These stories will give us something to aspire to... or at least fantasize about.
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7 men describe the exact moment they fell in love with their partners:
1. When I watched her sleep
"She actually told me she loved me the day before and I didn’t respond with an 'I love you' back. The next morning I got up at 3 AM to go to work. I saw her sleeping peacefully and I just watched her for a few minutes before waking her up to drive me there. It just hit me: I realized in that moment that I didn’t want to lose her. I wanted her in my life. I would be proud to call her my wife and to introduce her to my mother. I realized I loved her. I told her right after I woke her up." — Marcus Kusi
2. When she got me a rare audio recording for Christmas
"I fell in love with my girlfriend the Christmas she got me an audio recording of 'The Shadow.' I had told her about my love of the old radio drama ages ago and she surprised me with this gift. At that moment I knew, this is the one. She understands me." — Barrett
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3. When she had gas in front of me
"Probably the first time she did something kind of gross around me (farted!), I realized that I could completely be myself around her with no judgments." — Eddie, 32
4. When she used extremely clever wording in her dating profile
"She bought a classified ad in a literary magazine and it had the cleverest wording I'd ever read, so I answered. The ad had specified that photos weren't necessary, but I included one anyway, certain that if she took one look at this handsome face, she'd couldn't resist. On our second date, she admitted that she thought the guy in the photo (me) wasn't one bit good-looking; she only called me back because she loved the wording of my response to her ad." — Jason, 24
5. When she never left my side after my car accident
"I was in a car accident and was laid up for weeks. She was there for me, every moment. I never even had to ask. Before that, our relationship was easy and casual, but it showed me that when I wasn't fun and on my best behavior for her, she'd still be there." — Alexander, 30
6. When she surprised me with a grand gesture
"We'd been in it for four or five months together. I had just finished a fundraising event for a non-profit that I'd planned for months. I was exhausted but on such a high. She told me to keep Saturday free. That day, she took me to the beach with a cooler that was packed with champagne, mini-plastic champagne flutes, and a picnic lunch with a card that told me how proud she was of me. I just couldn't think of a better way for someone to tell me how they felt about me than what she had done there that day. I was already getting in deep, but that pushed me over." — Rob, 34
7. When she was one of the guys
"We were part of a group of friends and she was just one of the guys, going with us to ball games and playing video games. I didn't even really see her as a girl, but I knew I loved spending time with her. Then, one day, we were going to a friend's wedding and she got all gussied up and I saw she was very much a woman... and a woman who completely shared my interests." — TJ, 28
Aly Walansky is a NY-based lifestyle writer who focuses on health, wellness, and relationships. Her work appears in dozens of digital and print publications regularly.