50 Flirty Questions That Will Change How Men Romantically Connect With You

Quick questions to add a flirty twist to your date.

Woman asks flirty questions that help man romantically connect with her. RichVintage | Canva

I discovered a flirty little game quite accidentally while on a recent date. I mentioned the names of two music groups and asked him to choose. Rolling Stones or the Beatles. "The Stones for sure!!" He spoke. This led to a good conversation about the music we did and didn’t have in common.

During the date watch for an opportunity to start the game naturally. All he has to do is pick an option. He may just follow along. Or you can say, "I'm testing a theory on making first dates less awkward, want to be a test bunny?"  


Here are fifty flirty questions that will change how men romantically connect with you:

1. Hamburger or hot dog?

2. Pepsi or Coke?

Flirty Cues To Connect With Any Guy AS Photography / Pexels

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3. Desert or forest?

4. Atlantic or Pacific?

5. Starbucks or independent?

6. Mustard or ketchup?

7. Baked potato or mashed potatoes?

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8. Dill or sweet pickles?

9. Movies or theater?

10. Library or bookstore?

11. Wine or beer?

12. Google or Yahoo?

13. Cats or dogs?

Flirty Cues To Connect With Any Guy Snapwire / Pexels

Pet preference can be a deal-breaker. One YouGov poll shows that 50% of Americans would be more interested in someone if they had a dog.


14. Apple or banana?

15. Bottle or tap?

16. Ping pong or pool?

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17. Zoo or circus?

18. Slam or lob?

19. Beach or mountains?

20. Books or magazines?

21. Fine dining or dive bar?

Either way, grabbing food together is always a great way to know someone, no matter the dining atmosphere.

22. Hiking or biking?

23. Apple or Android?

24. Tablet or laptop?

25. Baseball or football?

26. Chinese or Italian?

27. Tennis or golf?

28. Home-cooked or take-out?

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, with one poll showing 3/4 of Americans believe this. Men love a woman who can cook, even if it's something as simple as spaghetti. Cooking for someone should be added as a love language, no?

29. Red wine or white?

30. Rain or snow?

Flirty Cues To Connect With Any Guy Alex simplifier / Pexels


31. Steak or salmon?

32. Turtle or frog?

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33. Swimming or sailing?

34. Horror movie or mystery?

35. Cruise or camping?

36. Silk or satin?

37. Ocean or jacuzzi?

38. Boxers or briefs?

39. Hug or kiss?

40. Snuggle or spoon?

41. Shower or bath?

42. Back Seat or deserted alley?

43. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?

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44. Undies or commando?

45. No clothes or fully clothed?

46. Stilettos or flip-flops?

47. Night in the woods or night on the town?

48. Nibbles or bites?

49. Text or phone?

50. Over or under?

51. Pajamas or birthday suit?

Oh, one last note. This list is only a launch pad. Pay attention to your guy and think of some word pairs that ring true to his life. 

If you are lucky, he will play with you and give you a couple of word pairs to pick from. Have a blast and on the first date, keep the conversation light, flirty, and fun.


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Catherine Behan is a highly educated dating coach, freelance writer, and editor. She currently works as a Law of Attraction and Success Coach, where she leverages her expertise in EFT to help people attract abundance into their lives. 
