I'm A Divorce Lawyer — Here Are 4 Subtle Red Flags I Learned To Look Out For In Relationships
What inevitably happens before a couple splits, according to a divorce laywer.

As a divorce lawyer, people often say to me, "It must be so depressing seeing people's marriages fall apart all around you every day. Does it affect your marriage?" As surprising as it may sound, I think that being a divorce lawyer has had a pretty positive effect on my marriage.
To begin with, it allows me to get behind the curtain and see people's real relationships and that not everyone is so "Facebook perfect," which I think sets unrealistic expectations in people and causes strain in many marriages.
Not to mention that when I hear constant tales of people having torrid affairs with tennis instructors or the nastiness that goes on at the dinner table, it makes the fact that my husband leaves the occasional dirty dish in the sink not seem so bad (although it is still incredibly annoying — I mean, the dishwasher is right there!)
The subtle red flags I learned to look out for in relationships, as a divorce lawyer:
1. Inability to compromise
As I negotiate for a living, I also try to use that skill set in my marriage. For example, when my husband and I moved into our first apartment together we had a small kitchen that did not have a dishwasher.
While I hate there being dirty dishes in the sink (see above), I also do not care much for doing dishes either. So the deal my husband and I made when we were first together was that I would do the laundry and he would do the dishes. That would have been fine, but my tolerance for a sink of dirty dishes is way shorter than my husband's tolerance.
So the second deal we made was that when I could not take it anymore, I would request for him to do the dishes, and he had 24 hours from the time of my request to do them, and I could not nag him once during that period.
Now, he may have waited 23 hours and 55 minutes to do it, but he would always clear the sink before the 24-hour expiration period. This exercise helped build trust in our relationship (as well as teaching me to work on my patience — also key in marriage and forever a work-in-progress for me.)
2. Heated arguments
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The bigger benefit that I think I have learned from being a divorce attorney is that it has taught me to be very careful and controlled when my husband and I get into arguments. When things do get heated, I will think twice before saying what is really on my mind.
I will consider the many times that a client will tell me a story of some fight she had with her husband when she told him that if he does not stop doing X, Y, Z "he will never see the kids again" or the good ol' "If you do not do X, Y, Z, I will take every last penny we have and fight you until you have nothing."
These types of comments are litigators' gold because they will be spun to tell the tale of a mother who is going to use her children in custody litigation as pawns to get what she wants or a husband who will use his larger income to financially try to bury his wife. Now, in both cases, I guess that neither client meant what was said but spoke out of anger. But I am very careful to not say things that would ever be thrown back against me in motion papers one day.
The result of this restraint is that when I do have disagreements with my husband, they generally stay civilized and productive (despite what either of us may really be thinking). The bottom line – keep the punches above the belt.
3. Threatening divorce during arguments
In the same vein as not fighting dirty, in all our years of marriage, I have also never used the "D" word during an argument. Not once have I threatened, hinted, or even used a word that rhymes with the word "divorce."
The reason is that I have a more true understanding of what the concept means than the average bear. To me, if I ever said it or heard it, it would not be a lighthearted comment that I would simply brush off.
I know firsthand (or as firsthand as a person who has not been divorced) the serious damage that a divorce can bring to a family. I had heard the heartbreaking stories of when my clients have to tell their children that Mommy and Daddy are not living together anymore. I have heard clients complain about losing their extended families and their friend circles in the divorce.
I have seen the financial sacrifices that families have to make to support two households rather than one. So, unless you are serious about wanting to divorce, don't say it.
4. Stopped spending time together
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While most spouses had something in common and liked each other enough at one point to walk down that aisle, often those commonalities fall to the wayside over time. The marriage becomes more of a business relationship involving the raising of the children and who is driving who to which practice and which tutoring lesson.
What ends up happening is that the spouses lose their identities as husband and wife and their identities are consumed by being Mommy and Daddy. Mommy and Daddy are not usually very attractive titles.
To try to maintain the Mr. and Mrs. status, my husband and I tried to institute a weekly date night. That worked for a few months, but many Saturday nights were tough because we spent the day running around from the soccer fields to birthday parties and every errand in between, so the last thing we felt like doing was getting dressed up for dinner and a movie.
I used to compare those weekly date nights to going to the gym — I always felt too tired to go and made excuses, but after I went, I was always glad I did. The date nights were great for our marriage but ultimately an unrealistic goal for us at this stage in life.
Now more practically, we try to do a date night at least once a month and try to go away for a weekend together at least twice a year. We do a nice hotel with a spa and keep our kid discussion to a minimum so we can focus more on adult talk and remember that we are interesting individual people.
No matter how you slice it, marriage is tough. Even the good ones are hard, and the difficult ones are even harder. There are going to be highs and lows and times when you think your spouse is great and other times when you are like "eh."
It is important to be realistic about marriage and not compare your relationship to the pictures your high school nemesis posts on Facebook of her smiling children and handsome husband (she has probably already consulted with me, and trust me, her life is not so perfect).
You need to pick your battles and then let the little things go. Learn to negotiate with your spouse and to fight fair (without saying things that can get you in trouble or using the "D" word.)
Hopefully, these tips will result in you liking your spouse enough to spend some quality time with him or her. If you can learn to grow together rather than apart, you increase the likelihood of staying out of my office!
Jacqueline Newman is a New York City-based divorce lawyer and experienced matrimonial law expert. She is the author of Soon-to-Be Ex: A Woman's Guide to Her Perfect Divorce and Relaunch, has appeared on tv and radio, and is featured in Fox’s Business, NBC News, ABC News, CBS News, and The Huffington Post.