The One Annoying Behavior That Proves A Woman Loves You Deeply, According To A Life Coach
She only wants to see you become the best version of yourself.

Many of us mistakenly believe that being in a loving relationship means always being gentle with our partner. In reality, it's quite the opposite. Don't mistake gentleness and kindness in this scenario. You should always be kind, but treating your partner with kid gloves to avoid having hard conversations is not how you build a healthy relationship.
According to life coach Luke Hawkins, the most genuinely loving women will not hesitate to get tough on you if it will help you achieve all of the aspirations that are most important to you — even when it gets annoying.
A life coach shared the one annoying behavior that proves a woman loves you deeply.
Hawkins recently took to TikTok to explain why this one annoying behavior is actually a sign of deep love. “A woman who makes you feel comfortable all the time does not love you as a man,” he boldly asserted. “You have to understand that a woman who truly loves you will also challenge you. A demanding woman is a committed woman. It means she actually cares about your masculine essence.”
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The life coach explained that constructive criticism from a partner is an important part of showing love.
Hawkins wanted to shatter the idea that women should be gentle and delicate around their male partners, explaining that if a man preferred a gentle partner, he had some inner work to do. “It is every man's inner masculine wound, the wound that pushes you to control your woman in order to feel secure. But that's insecurity,” he claimed.
In order to allow his female partner to love him authentically, he must be willing to accept constructive criticism from her. “A woman who truly loves you will call you out on your [expletive], not to tear you down, but to build you up,” Hawkins said.“She wants to see you rise above the standards that she knows you're capable of.”
Writing for, licensed social worker Jennifer Jacobsen Schulz explained, "Constructive criticism is in contrast to more hostile forms of criticism, in which a partner is inconsiderate or threatening when offering feedback. The intent of hostile criticism is to hurt someone’s feelings, whereas constructive criticism serves as a form of feedback that is intended to improve a relationship."
She added, "When people avoid any and all criticism, including constructive criticism, they miss out on opportunities to grow closer to each other." The benefits of this annoying but constructive criticism in terms of relationships is actually backed by science. A 2016 study concluded that couples that engage in healthy and constructive criticism actually report happier and more satisfying relationships than those who skirt around those tough conversations.
This annoying behavior is not about control but rather encouragement.
A loving partner is someone who will support all of your goals and aspirations without trying to force you into a mold they envision for you. They often see so much potential in you that you fail to recognize yourself. “The significant other that tells you they require you to be the best version of yourself is the one that truly loves you. They’re the one who sees potential inside of you and wants to make sure it always shines,” writer Eva Gutierrez shared on Medium.
She continued, “They’re the person who will refuse to entertain you if you decide that you want to be negative and angry for six months. They’re the person who will push you to find the light because they’re not going to put up with your darkness.”
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Think of it this way. If you have a goal to get into better shape but have trouble kickstarting the process yourself, a loving partner will set an alarm, wake you up early in the morning, and take you for a workout. Even if it may be annoying on those days where you’re heavy with sleep and have little motivation, they are not going to let you fail to become the best version of yourself.
A good partner is one who is always in your corner, cheering you on, even when you can't see the goalposts yourself. That means they won't coddle you when you need a push. That's real and true love.
Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.