Monthly Aquarius Tarot Card Reading

February 2025


February tarot card for Aquarius: Three of Pentacles, reversed

Tradition or innovation? You may be unsure which path is best to take if anyone at all. With Uranus only speaking twice in February, once with the Sun and with Mercury, it may feel like. you are at odds with people you know. 


Growth can start this way, where you begin to outgrow people and situations. That's why February is about letting go of the old to make room for new things. 

Declutter closets. Remove things from the garage or basement. Declutter your cell phone. Get rid of apps and unfriend or mute people on your social media feed. You're striving for a clean mind, which ultimately leads you to a peaceful soul.

If you planted good seeds in fertile soil in January, things start to shake up in your personal life in February. You may discover that friends you used to hang out with aren't as much fun as they used to be. A job you love may seem limited, and you start to get an itch to change roles or find a new company to work with.

When you change, everything else has to shift to meet you where you are, and change is indicated with the Three of Pentacles tarot card, especially in love. If you're in a relationship, your significant other may feel confused about why you're changing so dramatically. They may fear your change will make them less desirable to you, and you'll have to work things out.

This can be a wonderful season of renewal for your partnership if you work together as a team. However, it may also lead to a breakup if you go in different directions. February requires lots of communication, understanding, and effort to make things work in relationships.

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