March 2025
If you were lacking motivation, March is the time to get back on track.
Mercury in Aries on the third initiates creative ideas for beautifying your home. The Virgo Full Moon eclipse on the 14th may bring some drama, but nonetheless helps you to see how you’re going to plan ahead. Take pride in your work.
Mercury stations retrograde on the 15th and the Sun enters Aries on the 20th, together strengthening your business partnerships and further helping you visualize potential career paths. Venus retrograde re-enters the sign of Pisces on the 27th, allowing you to find your words and brainstorm new ideas.
The partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29 gets you back on track, making you feel more comfortable taking things slower for the next several weeks as you become more mindful of your energy levels.
The month closes with Neptune entering Aries on the 30th, a very powerful transit that helps you recalibrate and remember your dreams.