3 Subtle Signs A Man Is Financially Cheating On You, According To Psychology

It's to get real with each other.

Woman opening bill, finding out that man is financially cheating on you. nortonrsx | Canva

Relationships are complicated, even on the best days. So when you finally find a good man, you don't want to worry about him cheating. Smart women keep their eyes open for signs of cheating and dishonesty in their relationship. But the smell of another woman's perfume is not the only sign he's cheating. We're here to tell you that you need to keep an eye on your bank account, as well.

Financial infidelity is as messy and destructive as it sounds. And chances are, your man's doing it right under your nose. Today is the day to get real with each other and stop cheating.


Here are 3 subtle signs a man is financially cheating on you, according to psychology:

1. He won’t discuss debt

So many couples struggle with overspending and debt. Life is expensive. Blame his buddies, his expensive hobby, or those creepy 'follow me' Google ads, but there is a mountain of really awesome things swirling before our eyes each day, screaming at us to buy them! He figures he works hard, so why shouldn’t he have some nice things? But it only takes one killer vacation, one huge spending spree, or even something like a necessary move to suddenly accumulate sizable debt.

Maybe you agreed on a budget and to 'cut back.' But cutting back is harder for some personalities than others. So, he picks up the tab when he's out with his friends (even though he promised you he wouldn't) or loans his buddy money he doesn't have. That’s when the lying begins. He starts hiding receipts, telling half-truths, and borrowing money to cover his mistakes and lies, as explored in a study from the Journal of Consumer Research.


When massive debt is looming overhead — the heat is on — and he doesn’t want to look like the bad guy, he rationalizes, "What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her." Unfortunately, 90 percent honesty is still not true honesty. So, if he won’t talk about debt, he’s hiding something. Debt alone is not a relationship killer — dishonesty is.

She hold credit and phone and looks confused fizkes via Shutterstock

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2. He thinks planning and budgets are a buzz kill

The Journal of Financial Therapy published a study supporting how lack of financial planning doesn’t ever seem like an issue until couples face a big outlay of cash, like buying a house, paying for college, needing another car, or a medical emergency.

You hit a point in life where you suddenly need a sizable chunk of money, and you just don’t have it. You could have planned for it, but, like most folks, you didn’t. To make matters worse, you start fighting, blaming, and going to extremes to compensate for that lack of planning.

One couple we counseled clawed their way back from the brink of divorce over this very issue. They talked about saving for college for their daughter, but he thought it was pointless. "Every kid ends up with loans, right?” So, he never started the savings. She assumed he had. Years later, she discovered the truth.

When their daughter ordered her cap and gown, the wife channeled her anger towards her husband into a full-court press to sell all three cars and purchase much, much cheaper ones to help her daughter avoid college loan debt. She never consulted him on this move.


Both of them committed financial infidelity in this situation. He wasn’t honest about his lack of faith in savings, and she went behind his back to sell all the cars. Paying for college freaks a lot of parents out, but destroying your marriage over it won’t help.

3. He insists on having total control over every penny

The final danger zone in which financial infidelity often occurs is when one person has total control over every cent. Sound familiar?

We see countless situations where a spouse treats the other almost like a child with a weekly allowance. The financially dominant spouse insists on full control, no questions asked.

This is insane. This type of unnecessary control tends to ultimately drive the controlled spouse to commit financial infidelity to experience a sense of freedom with her money or even to solve necessary problems.


Say the "allowance" doesn’t cover the participation price of high school athletics, but basketball is where their daughter shines. That financially powerless spouse is all but driven to lie or work around the system to handle basic household matters to keep the peace.

Financial infidelity is any money-related behavior where one person in the relationship is less than honest with the other person. Maybe he’s fudging numbers to cover up overspending, or he's covertly hiding money, opening secret accounts, using cash to avoid a paper trail, or controlling the purse strings to control you. Either way, it’s financial infidelity, as described by a study in the Contemporary Family Therapy Journal.

His sneaky ways don't have to involve millions of dollars to matter (or ruin your life). Lies and dishonesty are at the heart of financial infidelity, and his sneaking around in ANY way is a giant red flag that something is off in your relationship.

Telling the truth is like jumping off a cliff — there's no halfway. He's either 100 percent honest about his (and your) money, or he's hiding something.


RELATED: 3 Reasons Why Married Couples Argue About Money (Even When They're Happy)

Couple has uncomfortable conversation Chainarong06 via Shutterstock

Financial infidelity is an icky mess because it wounds the center of every relationship trust. But your spouse committing financial infidelity doesn't have to be fatal to your relationship. First, press pause and regroup together to talk openly about the situation (seek help from a professional to work through the breakdown of trust). Second, commit to financial honesty. Third, create a plan together, share financial control, and avoid massive debt. Construct a simple plan for rainy day savings and the other future expenses you anticipate.


Those shared efforts can restore your faith in each other and revitalize the financial health of your marriage. Ultimately, though, don’t tolerate financial cheating. You wouldn’t look the other way if you thought he was messing around with another woman, so don’t tolerate financial infidelity, either.

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The Money Couple helps others achieve financial freedom while putting family first. They offer services and resources to bring couples closer together, not only in their marriages but in their finances as well.