10 Unexpected Realities Of Getting Divorced That Everyone's Afraid To Be Honest About

The drastically unexpected changes that come with divorce.

Last updated on Mar 16, 2025

Woman is afraid of divorce realities Esra Afsar | Unsplash

Now that I'm nearing the end of the divorce process (it's a marathon — not a sprint!), I'm starting to reflect on the things I wish I had done differently or, perhaps, the things I wish I had known before getting a divorce, period. I don't think there is any real book to prepare you for divorce, as each person's experience is so unique.

But as you're headed down the aisle — that's the court aisle — of divorce, there are a few unexpected realities of getting divorced it wouldn't hurt to know as you sever your formerly "forever" relationship.


Here are the unexpected realities of getting divorced that everyone's afraid to be honest about:

1. It will affect your child

My daughter was just turning 3 when her dad and I split, and no matter how often I googled toddlers and divorce, there wasn't a ton of information on how she might be affected by the experience. I ended up pushing for her to try play therapy, and when my ex agreed, we had her attend for a while.

It was the best choice to make, but it would have been great had I known the potential issues she might have had and the ways to help our child through it ahead of time. The reality is no one can predict how a divorce will impact your kids.


RELATED: I Got Divorced After 30 Years Of Marriage And Wish My Friends Understood These 9 Things

2. Don't use friends for legal advice

Unexpected Realities Of Getting Divorced That Everyone's Afraid To Be Honest About cunaplus / Shutterstock

Don't use friends for legal advice — meaning, don't hire a friend to handle the divorce even though your friend will cut you a break financially.


My ex and I started this way, and the friend was truly lovely and magnanimous at heart to want to help two broke people divorce, but we ended up switching counsel (to mediators) for various reasons, which derailed finalizing the divorce. It's been 20 months, and it's still not final. Lesson learned!

A 2020 study confirmed that relying on friends for legal advice during a divorce can be detrimental. Friends lack the expertise and objectivity needed to navigate complex legal matters, potentially leading to poor decisions and strained relationships. Friends are best suited to offer emotional support and a listening ear, not to provide legal guidance.

3. Make your divorce agreement as detailed as possible

Our mediator was shocked when he saw our divorce agreement. Everything was completely vague and open to interpretation. No, no, no! Don't do it! It doesn't matter if you and your ex are cozy now, because, down the line, you may not be.

Have everything written in detail, and leave no topics untouched, especially when there are children involved. Too much flimsy or vague language in your divorce agreement can kill you later on.


4. A new partner will be a new adjustment

Even though my ex and I decided to divorce, when he had a new girlfriend and wanted to introduce her to my child, it was hard for me simply knowing there would be a stranger around my kid. Even if you have zero feelings left for your partner, if you have kids, knowing a new person will be around them can be hard and...

A 2023 study explained that forming new romantic relationships after a divorce can positively impact life satisfaction and adjustment. Still, it is crucial to navigate the process with awareness of potential challenges and the importance of healthy emotional processing.

RELATED: I've Been Divorced Twice And Wish Everyone Understood These 3 Things

5. A new partner may change your ex

Even if your ex is nice or you are good friends now, a new partner could change things. Reality bites.


A new relationship can offer new experiences, perspectives, and challenges that might lead to temporary behavioral adjustments in an ex. However, research indicates that after some time, most people tend to revert to their established patterns and behaviors, regardless of the new relationship.

6. It takes time to adjust to all the changed

I thought a year later I would be fine after separating from my ex. In truth, I am happy and don't want him back. However, it has still taken time to adjust to all the changes a divorce can bring, like new partners, new homes, custody schedules, etc.

As much as I am ready to meet someone (even dating now!) and am happy with my life, from time to time, I get sad and still find sharing my child difficult. It takes time, and everyone grieves at his or her own pace.

7. Be aware of imputed income

I was aware of this upon consulting with a legal advisor, but before speaking to someone, I didn't realize that, even though I was a very part-time working mother, the court would assume I could make a particular amount of money even if the job market stunk. Thankfully, I found full-time work and built my freelance practice, but had I not, the court would have assumed I could make more money than I was.


RELATED: 5 Painfully Honest Truths About Marriage I Could Only Learn From Getting Divorced

8. Separation should be separation — period

Unexpected Realities Of Getting Divorced That Everyone's Afraid To Be Honest About simona pilolla 2 / Shutterstock

I didn't realize that being nice meant the door would be open for my ex to revisit and for us to question our choices constantly. When you separate, close the door unless the knock is so strong that you're willing to consider the changes that have been made and work to save the marriage.


Separation and divorce are associated with increased mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and social isolation, impacting both adults and children. A 2020 study explained that many individuals must redefine their lives and relationships after a divorce, which can be challenging but potentially positive.

9. It's more common to do 50/50 custody these days

I love that my child has an active and loving dad, although admittedly, I find our 50/50 custody situation to be a lot for a young child to manage. This scenario, however, is rather common. Your friends or family from the old days may find this rare, but if you're divorcing with kids, it's common today.

10. Spending time together might be awful

For our kid. When we separated, my ex and I didn't want to miss out on milestones, traditions, and activities, so we did stuff together now and then, thinking it would be great for our daughter. 


Our intentions were truly altruistic and wonderful, but it didn't help our child. It only confused our little one, who was too young to comprehend what divorce meant.

Make things clear in developmentally appropriate ways for your children so they understand that mommy and daddy's marriage is over — for good.

No one can truly prepare you for divorce, but before you decide to end your marriage, talk to divorced people and educate yourself. That way, if you do take this road, you will be prepared as best as possible, for better or for worse.

RELATED: The 7 Most Common Mistakes People Make When They Get Divorced

Laura Lifshitz is a former MTV personality and Columbia University graduate currently writing about divorce, intimacy, women’s issues, fitness, parenting, and marriage. Her work has been featured on YourTango, New York Times, DivorceForce, Women’s Health, Working Mother, Pop Sugar, and more.
