50 Deeply Raw Questions Every Child Should Ask Their Mom To Really Get To Know Her

The questions will strengthen your bond with your mom.

Child asks mom questions. Raphael Nast | Unsplash

You love your mom. She raised you. You grew up with her. She fed you, clothed you, and made sure that you didn’t die for a good 18 years of your life. Though your mom may be a significant part of your life, there’s a lot you don’t know about her.

Research from UC Berkeley's Greater Good Magazine explained the concept, which aligns with research on the importance of open communication, family dynamics, and intergenerational relationships. It suggests that asking thoughtful questions about a parent's life experiences, values, and beliefs can significantly strengthen the bond between child and mother, fostering more profound understanding and connection. 


Speaking as someone who only fairly recently started to bond with their parents, I can attest to this. You really should get to know your mom and the type of life she lived before she had you by asking these deeply raw questions.

Here are fifty deeply raw questions every child should ask their mom to really get to know her:

1. Have you ever smoked pot before?

2. When you were my age, what kind of things did you want to do with your life?

Deeply Raw Questions Every Child Should Ask Their Mom To Really Get To Know Her fizkes / Shutterstock


3. What’s your favorite food?

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4. Is there any particular food you absolutely love to eat, but never quite learned how to make? What is it?

5. Was there ever a serious mistake that you made that you regret to this day? How did you deal with it?

6. What would you do if you had $100 million?

7. What were your ex-boyfriends like? 

How did you know they weren’t "the One"?

RELATED: 9 Questions To Ask Yourself When You Feel Like The Worst Mom Or Dad Ever

8. What’s your favorite TV show? 


9. How did you and your friends have fun as kids? 

What about as teens?


10. What were your favorite bands as a teenager?

11. What era would you want to live in, if you could travel through time?

12. Do you believe in reincarnation? 

If so, what do you think you did in a past life?

13. Did you ever see something paranormal? 

What was it?

14. Where would you want to go, for a month-long trip?

15. What’s a beauty tip you swear by?

16. Did you ever work in retail? 

What was your worst retail story?

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17. What was your worst job?

18. What was the best birthday you’ve ever had?

19. Did you ever go to a psychic who predicted something that came true? 

What was the story?


20. Is there any advice you wish I would take to heart?

Deeply Raw Questions Every Child Should Ask Their Mom To Really Get To Know Her imtmphoto / Shutterstock

21. What was the funniest story you ever witnessed unfold in front of you?

22. Did you ever want to start a business? 

If you could, what business would you own?

23. What pets did you have when you were young?

24. What sports did you play in high school?

25. What was high school like for you?

26. What do you look for in a friend?

27. How did you meet your best friend?

28. What’s your favorite smell — perfume or otherwise?

29. Who was the strangest person you’ve ever met?

30. What do you like to read about in your spare time? 

Did you learn anything that changed your life from it?


31. What are your favorite bonding activities to do with me?

32. What was your relationship with your parents like?

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33. What was your hardest breakup like?

34. Who was your role model growing up? 

Did you feel like you chose a good role model?

35. Did you ever have an abortion?

36. What was the moment that frustrated you most?

37. What was the day I was born like?

38. When did you realize you wanted to have kids? 

Did you originally want more?

39. What was the worst fight you ever had with dad? 

What was it over, and how did you resolve it?

40. Is there anything that you want to know about me?

Deeply Raw Questions Every Child Should Ask Their Mom To Really Get To Know Her fizkes / Shutterstock


41. What was the ex I had that you really couldn’t stand?

42. When you were in high school, what was your biggest insecurity? 

How did you overcome it?

43. What was the most romantic thing Dad did with you?

44. If you could plan out your perfect day, what would it entail? 

Tell me what you’d want to be involved in it.

45. A genie just decided to give you three wishes, what would you wish for, and why?

46. What’s something that strikes you as unhealthy about the way that society is?

47. What was the best vacation you ever went on?

48. Did you have any crafts you enjoyed doing as a kid? 

Can you teach me how to do them?

49. If you could live forever, would you?

50. What was the wildest historic event you’ve lived through?

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Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, Newtheory Magazine, and others.